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Patient Advocacy Essays

Healthcare Education and Interview

Modern healthcare emphasizes the role of patient advocacy in improving healthcare delivery and meeting quality standards. Patient advocacy entails proper patient education on their rights and general expectations in a healthcare setting; it is essential to modern healthcare delivery(Harbishettar et al, 2019). Intricate patient education can take different forms, which could be implemented in the ... Read More
Pages: 3       Words: 793

Ms. Smith: Anorexia/Depression/Anxiety

Patient care should consider their needs and incorporate their families in the process. However, they must always ensure that patients’ interests are respected. For the discussion, the focus is on Ms. Smith. The patient is 85 years old and has a terminal illness. Even though the patient refuses to eat, the family prefers that she ... Read More
Pages: 3       Words: 590
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The Role of the Surgical First Assistant

Introduction A Surgical First Assistant (SFA) can be defined as a highly skilled and appropriately educated professional who plays a pivotal role in supporting surgical procedures in the hospital. The presence of a suitably educated SFA in the operating room is associated with several critical factors that positively impact surgical performance. According to Quick (2013), ... Read More
Pages: 6       Words: 1415
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