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Foundations of Nursing Philosophy and Practice


In this paper, I will explore the nursing metaparadigm concept and its four domains: embodying, treating, environments, wellness, and customers. I will illustrate the components of these domains in terms of the main theses by renowned nursing theorists and describe how they are applied to my nursing philosophy. On the one hand, I will study the nursing philosophies of Miami Dade College Benjamin Leon School of Nursing and a hospital as I bring up similarities and differences. Finally, a summary of the article’s concepts and how the nursing philosophy has converged with other institutions will be discussed.

Definitions of Four Domains

The nursing meta-paradigm comprises four interconnected domains: nursing, environment, health, and person. Nursing theorist Martha Rogers sees the art and science of nursing as a humanistic and humanitarian orientation in which nurses help individuals, families, and communities to maximize health using appropriate interventions (Alligood, 2017). According to Florence Nightingale, Environment is a class of extrinsic factors related to an individual’s health, and the factors involved are physical, social, and cultural. Nightingale’s environmental theory attaches significance to an unaffiliated, supportive situation that provokes good health and hinders pathology.

Personalized Definitions of Domains

My nursing philosophy is a guiding philosophy that believes in connection, holistic care, and support offered by nurses to persons of all ages. This, in turn, would ensure the promotion of trusting relationships, defend the principles of patients’ rights, and render consoling care customized just to their particular needs and preferences. The environment includes the physical, for instance, the climate and pollution. It embraces the social and emotional dimensions that can cause many health problems—being optimistic as the healing atmosphere I would establish would be safe, culturally sensitive, and recovery-inducing. For me, health is all about a holistic blend–that is, physical, psychological, and social health. It is much more than a mere absence of illness. In addition, it encompasses optimal functioning and a good quality of life, which should be focused on. Lastly, the essay posits that the individual, family, or group is the target of nursing assistance (Wills, 2007). Everyone is a factor of uniqueness, and their opinion and values will help them to make a particular health experience decision that is determinant.

Analysis of Two Institutions

The nursing philosophy of Miami Dade College León School of Nursing is well rooted in the consideration of care, which is based on evidence and extends to the heterogeneity of the population. The school aims to focus on innovation, collaboration, and excellence, address challenges that nursing education faces nowadays, and deal with the changing needs of communities that require a nurse’s attention. Contrastingly, the nursing philosophy at Central Avenue Hospital has been founded on patient-centeredness, teamwork, and continuous quality improvement. These entities emphasize where a student’s learning and development brings the whole person mighty while their professionalism, clinical practice models, and organization are culturally diverse.


The nursing meta paradigm presents a model for understanding the various aspects of nursing practice, environment, health, and person. My nursing philosophy stands along with the concepts of holism, patient advocacy, and cultural competency as the main guidelines and principles. Using comparison and contrast, I learned the nursing philosophies of Miami Dade College, Benjamin Leon School of Nursing, and Central Avenue Hospital. I got examples from nursing education and practice. I will use the lessons I have gained in my service delivery to give patients care that addresses their needs and promotes health and well-being.


This first-hand experience helped me recognize several “aha” moments as I got to the root of nursing philosophy concepts. My nursing philosophy manifests my values, experiences, and the goals I set for nursing. Nurturing a beautiful and eminent philosophy, as I go ahead, I will incorporate it as a compass through which I will make decisions and act ethically. What makes me fit into the nursing philosophy of MDC’s Benjamin Leon School of Nursing and Central Avenue Hospital is that they focus on holistic care, patient advocacy, and self-directed learning. Apart from being aligned with these aspects, I am attracted most to their emphasis on these factors.


Alligood, M. R. (2017). Nursing Theorists and Their Work-E-Book: Nursing Theorists and Their Work-E-Book. Elsevier Health Sciences.

Wills, E. M. (2007). Theoretical basis for nursing. Lippincott Williams & Wilkins.


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