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Our giant database of free essay examples will be useful to all those who write essays and are looking for examples for inspiration.

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Democratic Economy Essay

A democratic economy is an economic philosophy in which people share ownership over a resource and are actively involved in resource management. The socio-economic decisions are made by the managers and shareholders, and stakeholders such as customers, workers, suppliers, neighbors, and the general public. Neoliberalism is unrestrained-market capitalism through deregulation of capital markets and less ... Read More
Pages: 7       Words: 1790

Deca Program for Dreamers

Millions of people are living in The United States illegally. The flow of these people comes into the country through different means, and at long last, they find themselves among the citizens. Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DECA) is a migration plan in The United States that gives some persons who got to the country ... Read More
Pages: 11       Words: 2814

De-Escalating Juvenile Aggression Program

Law enforcement, corrections, or probation officers serves a crucial role in the safety and well-being of the communities. Often named as gatekeepers to the criminal justice systems, they are usually the first ones on any crime scene and wear many hats for juvenile delinquency. However, law execution training programs infrequently reports how youth developing variations ... Read More
Pages: 7       Words: 1674

Essay on Database Management System

Introduction Database Management System is a type of software used in building and managing databases. The DBMS makes it easier for users to create, protect, read, update, and delete crucial information in the database (Pavlo et al., 2017). In addition, the Database Management System software helps users define, create, maintain, and control any access to ... Read More
Pages: 6       Words: 1439

Daqing River Treatment

The Daqing groundwater has been polluted by the effects of petrol drilling industries that have populated the Daqing oilfields. The effects of the pollution are observable as the water has changed in appearance and is now smellier from the pollutants. The refineries that populate the city are responsible for the increased rate of pollution. In ... Read More
Pages: 6       Words: 1610

Curtailing Impediments to Critical Thinking

One of the critical barriers to critical thinking is egocentric thinking. This is a common tendency, and it is a puzzle to overcome. This barrier makes an individual think about him and leads to sympathizing with others to comprehend their issues. This barrier can be overcome by perspective-taking. An approach of imagining someone who is ... Read More
Pages: 3       Words: 653

Cultural Happiness and Material Possession

I do not think that happiness in culture is associated with material possessions. The ability to obtain control of your state of mind, to be in charge of your emotions, and to be satisfied with what you have are the things that offer me happiness more than material possessions. This is in stark contrast to ... Read More
Pages: 5       Words: 1260

Cross-Functional Teams in a Business

A cross-functional team is a group of people with different expertise working together in a business towards a attaining a specific objective. It comprises employees from various departments within the organization such as finance, operations, human resource and marketing, sales, customer success, etc. in some cases, the team contains some customers and other stakeholders who do ... Read More
Pages: 3       Words: 721

Essay on Cross-Cultural Communication

Respectful communication has been highlighted as a vital component of cross-cultural communication capacity. Communicating in a culturally appropriate way includes adopting a technique of interaction that is both effective and respectful of and tolerant of cultural variations. Cultural influences significantly impact respect, and it is transferred in various ways between communities. Often, it is not ... Read More
Pages: 5       Words: 1227

Critical Review: Giulio Cesare Opera

At the time of its debut in 1724, it was notable for being based on a factual story (rather than the more frequent legendary basis) (compared to commonly used mythology plot). First opera at the Royal Academy of Music – Baroque Era (1719). It is played by oboes, bassoon, harpsichord, and a small string group. ... Read More
Pages: 5       Words: 1146

Critical Analytic Essay – Hamlet

In the life of humans, the course of action is directed by the nature of motivation they receive. When the motivation is deep within the surface, people are not aware of its existence. In Hamlet, by William Shakespeare as the text creator, all the characters’ actions are naturally motivated by either the situation that has ... Read More
Pages: 4       Words: 885

Crime Against Children

Crime or violence against a child takes different forms, and it is an offense committed to a person bellows the age of 18 or a minor. Mostly it takes place in the family, churches, home, schools, public places, and even on the streets (Cannon et al., 2017). This may be done by either doing or ... Read More
Pages: 8       Words: 2200

COVID-19 and Businesses

The effects of the COVID-19 pandemic have been felt around the world. It had a significant effect on businesses and has brought a lot of changes with it. The pandemic took a toll on markets, businesses, and global supply lines, causing huge financial disruptions. COVID 19 caused significant retail and business shutdowns (Alekseev et al). ... Read More
Pages: 4       Words: 829

Course Project: Dark Days’ Research

Dark days is an American documentary film produced and directed by Marc Singer in 2000. by Fraiman, it is based on a group of people who lived in the freedom tunnel section of New York City. When the marc singer arrived in Manhattan, he was surprised by seeing some people living in the street. He ... Read More
Pages: 4       Words: 860

Corporate Finance: Sustainability in Raising Finance

Introduction Environmental, social and governance (ESG) concerns are taken into account by financial sector investors in order to make greater long-term investments into environmentally friendly economic activities and projects. For example, the preservation of biodiversity, pollution avoidance, and the circular economy are all examples of environmental factors that may be included in a comprehensive environmental ... Read More
Pages: 21       Words: 5562
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