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Organized Crime Essays

The Intelligence Report on France

Crime France faces mounting challenges in early 2024, ranging from rising organized crime to terrorist threats, extreme weather, cyber vulnerabilities, economic risks, and conflict. Crime rates have climbed steadily amid growing economic uncertainty. With legitimate jobs scarcer, there are concerns that more individuals may turn to illicit activities for income (Colin, 2024). Organized crime often ... Read More
Pages: 3       Words: 665
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Gender and Ethnicity in Organized Crime: Insights From Mob Ladies

Gender and Ethnicity play an essential role in analyzing organized crime, as shown in the video ” Mob Ladies ” and our readings on criminology. This article deals with gender and Ethnicity in organized crime as their role in affected parties, including perpetrators, victims, family members, and romantic partners, as shown in the video. Through ... Read More
Pages: 3       Words: 649

Examining the Intersection of Organized Crime and Terrorism

Differences between Organized Crime and Terrorism Although some operational affinities exist between organized crime and terrorism, they differ in several aspects. To begin with, the major objective of most organized crime is profit. Drug trafficking, extortion, and money laundering are some of the harmful activities these groups carry out to ensure the accrual of wealth ... Read More
Pages: 4       Words: 928

The Guns of Gotham.

The historical book” The Guns of Gotham “ by Timothy Gilfoyle discusses violence and crime in New York City (Gilfoyle). To the book, the second half of the 19th century was an era of “gun” whereby it was the time when strangers had deeply invaded New York City. As such, the author uncovers firearms domination during ... Read More
Pages: 2       Words: 525

Impacts of Organized Crime in Mexico on Political and Social life

Abstract Organized Crime prevalence in Mexico has caused a significant impact the political and social life. According to Beittel, organized crime has taken center stage in political activities and cycles and threatens the democracy of the nation Beittel, 2015, pg. 1). Conversely, criminal groups’ actions impact the populace’s social life. Drug lords sponsor violence to ... Read More
Pages: 22       Words: 5788

Organized Crime and Gangs

Definition of Organized Crime Organized crime is a group of individual criminals who come together to form a larger criminal organization. These organizations use sophisticated methods to commit illegal activities for profit, including extortion, fraud, money laundering, and drug trafficking. Organized crime groups usually have a hierarchical structure and are often involved in activities that ... Read More
Pages: 6       Words: 1447
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