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Nurse Retention: Exploring Factors and Recommendations for Sustainable Healthcare Workforce

The initial part of this study is there to help us grasp why nurses are significant in healthcare and address the issue of nurse retention. As (Jennifer et al., 2021) posit, nurses play a crucial role in delivering quality patient care, as they are often at the forefront of healthcare services. Nurses give medications to patients. Although there are many important things about being a nurse, a troublesome matter is that numerous nurses are departing from their workplaces. This does not just impact one nurse; it also affects hospitals and how well patients are cared for. This study explores the factors that make nurses leave their workplace early. By understanding these factors, healthcare leaders and policymakers can develop effective strategies to address nurse retention issues, enhance job satisfaction, and create a supportive work environment that encourages nurses to stay longer. This study wants to help nursing by giving essential ideas and suggestions to make nurses stay longer and, as a result, improve healthcare quality.

Problem Statement

The problem statement in this study wants to explain the central issue of nurses quitting their jobs and highlight why it is crucial to solve this problem. According to (Diriba Mulisa et al., 2022), nurses leaving their jobs often makes it difficult for hospitals and clinics to operate smoothly. If nurses constantly leave their jobs, it interrupts how patients are cared for and makes things harder for the other nurses on duty. This can result in increased workloads, burnout, and decreased job satisfaction among nurses who stay, ultimately affecting their ability to provide optimal care to patients. Additionally, organizations face substantial financial consequences due to nurse turnover. They must spend money on finding replacements and getting them up to speed. In addition, when many employees come and go frequently, it can harm how well patients are looked after. This happens because there might be missing information being shared and less understanding about what patients require. For example, frequent turnover may hinder effective care coordination and lead to medication errors or other adverse events. Dealing with the issue of nurses leaving their jobs is significant. It means that patients will receive proper care and that healthcare organizations can continue to work effectively.

Theoretical Framework

The part of the study called ‘theoretical framework’ tells us why they chose a particular way of thinking to understand why nurses stay in their jobs. They also mention other studies and ideas connected to this subject. A theoretical framework helps researchers understand why nurses decide to stay or leave their workplaces when examining nurse retention. Theoretical frameworks like the Job Embeddedness theory are frequently used. This theory posits that an individual’s decision to remain in a job is influenced by three dimensions: links, fit, and sacrifice. Links are about the connections someone has with their job, colleagues, and organization. Fit is about how well someone’s values match with the organizational culture. Sacrifice means giving up a job and losing things like being important or getting good perks. Earlier studies that applied the Job Embeddedness theory have revealed that nurses who establish strong social networks at their workplace, experience a sense of harmony with the organization’s purpose and ideals, and view leaving as a considerable drawback are more apt to stay. Nurse retention has also been examined from other theoretical perspectives, including Herzberg’s Two-Factor Theory and the Job Demands-Resources Model(Joo Myung Lee & Lee, 2022). Learning about these theories and reviewing previous research provides a structure for exploring the many factors that impact how long nurses stay in their jobs. Using this framework, we can develop strategies that will improve job satisfaction for nurses and help them stay committed.

Study Question

The section in this research called study question aims to give a clear and straightforward research question that connects directly to the problem statement and examines the things that influence nurse retention. The research question for this study could be formulated as follows: What are the fundamental reasons that make nurses choose to leave where they work, and how do these reasons differ in various healthcare settings? By examining various aspects like the workplace atmosphere, overall job contentment rates of nurses during daily practice sessions; possibilities of professional advancement; aid from management representatives; as well as sustaining equilibrium among professional commitments alongside one’s existence – researchers aim to comprehend why some nursing professionals opt either way – i.e., sticking around versus quitting. Furthermore, the research question recognizes that these factors can vary in different healthcare settings, considering various organizational contexts like hospitals, clinics, or long-term care facilities. When we investigate these factors more closely, we can discover the reasons behind nurse turnover and find ways to improve their working conditions.

Methodology Design

The methodology design section explains which study design they chose and why. Based on the provided video on epidemiological studies, a cross-sectional study design is suitable for investigating the reasons behind nurses’ short tenure in their workplaces. As (Thomas, 2020) posits, a cross-sectional study design lets us collect information at a particular moment, giving us a picture of what affects nurse retention. You can gather data if you ask questions or talk to a selection of nurses in various healthcare settings. Using this design allows researchers to examine many factors altogether. This includes things like the work environment quality, satisfaction level with one’s job, and opportunities for growth in one’s career. In addition, using a cross-sectional design helps us see how these factors and nurse retention are connected, but it does not show that one thing directly causes the other. This study design is justified as it provides a cost-effective and efficient means to capture a broad range of factors and their potential relationship to nurse retention, laying the foundation for further research and targeted interventions.

Data Collection

This study’s data collection section encompasses identifying data sources, describing data collection methods, and considerations for sampling techniques and sample size. A mixed-methods method can be used to collect complete information about things that affect whether nurses stay. Primary data sources can be surveys, interviews, and observations. To gather information about how nurses feel at work and any opportunities for growth in their jobs, you can ask many of them by giving them questionnaires to complete. Talking with nurses through interviews helps us understand why they decide to stay or leave by getting a deeper look into their thoughts and experiences.

Moreover, observations in healthcare settings can offer valuable contextual details. As (Elfil & Negida, 2017) suggests, sampling techniques such as stratified random sampling help us get a fair representation from various healthcare settings, geographic regions, and experience levels. Sample size considerations should balance the need for sufficient data with practical constraints, aiming for an adequate representation of the nurse population while considering time and resource limitations.

Data Analysis

This study’s data analysis section explains the chosen approaches to analyzing data, showcasing statistical techniques utilized during analysis, and interpreting results to address each topic. A mixed-methods approach can be employed to analyze the collected data for this study. Key survey findings that include quantitative data can be summarized and presented using descriptive statistics, including frequencies, means, and correlations. One way to examine connections between variables and discover meaningful predictors of nurse retention is by employing statistical techniques like regression analysis. To analyze qualitative interview data, researchers often employ thematic analysis. This method helps identify recurring themes and patterns to understand how nurses perceive and experience retention comprehensively. Linking the findings to the research question, recognizing the key factors influencing nurse retention, and examining their implications for healthcare organizations and methods to enhance nurse retention are all part of data interpretation. Possible outcomes involve identifying a nurturing work setting and possibilities for occupational advancement as factors tied to improved nurse retention rates.


In the result section of this study, researchers will share the findings they discovered when analyzing the data. (Chiao et al., 2021) the data analysis will reveal key findings regarding the factors influencing nurse retention. The things we learn might tell us about how some numbers and words are connected and what helps nurses want to keep working. Tables, figures, and descriptive text will communicate the findings effectively. In summary, the results will highlight the fundamental discoveries, emphasizing what contributes to nurse retention and what challenges nurse retention.

Furthermore, we will check how similar or different the results are from what other researchers have found. This will help us learn more about nurse retention and better discuss the results. If the study reveals that job satisfaction is closely tied to nurse retention, it will support what previous studies have highlighted: how crucial job satisfaction is in keeping nursing staff.


The conclusions part of this research gives a brief overview of the significant discoveries, talks about how they affect nurses staying in their jobs and healthcare organizations, and admits that the study has some restrictions while proposing topics for more investigation. The study’s main findings will be succinctly summarized, emphasizing the factors that significantly impact nurse retention, such as work environment, job satisfaction, and career development opportunities. These findings have important implications for nurse retention, suggesting that healthcare organizations should prioritize creating a supportive work environment, enhancing job satisfaction, and offering opportunities for professional growth to improve nurse retention rates. However, we have to understand that the study has some problems, like using information that people told about themselves and the possibility of choosing only certain types of people. To fix these problems, researchers could do studies over a long time to see how nurse retention changes over time.


In the recommendations section of this study, concrete suggestions are given for healthcare organizations, approaches to bolster nurse retention, and things that policymakers and nursing leaders should bear in mind. According to the study’s findings, healthcare organizations are encouraged to give importance to establishing a positive work environment. This can be done by nurturing supportive relationships among employees, promoting an atmosphere that appreciates and acknowledges contributions, and ensuring sufficient staffing levels to lessen workload pressures. Offering chances for professional growth and career progression, such as mentorship initiatives or specialized training, can result in improved job satisfaction and the retention of nurses over an extended period. Additionally, organizations ought to enforce policies that endorse the concept of work-life balance, provide competitive remuneration and benefits packages, and establish platforms for transparent communication and feedback. According to (Rose Clarke Nanyonga et al., 2020), policymakers and nursing leaders are essential in championing nurse retention. They can act against systemic challenges like staffing shortages, advocate for evidence-based staffing ratios, and back initiatives emphasizing nurse well-being and job satisfaction. By implementing these suggestions, healthcare institutions can establish a setting that draws in and retains proficient nursing experts, resulting in enhanced patient results and a more viable healthcare system.


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Diriba Mulisa, Tadesse Tolossa, Adugna Oluma Ayana, Misganu Teshoma Regasa, Lami Bayisa, Abera, T., Mosisa, A. T., Bizuneh Wakuma, Werku Etafa, Tsegaye, R., Getahun Fetensa, Turi, E., Dereje Chala Diriba, Merga Besho, & Getu Mosisa. (2022). Nurses are leaving the nursing profession: A finding from the willingness of the nurses to stay in the nursing profession among nurses working in selected public hospitals of Wollega Zones, Oromia, Ethiopia10, 205031212210817-205031212210817.

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Joo Myung Lee, & Lee, M.-H. (2022). Structural Model of Retention Intention of Nurses in Small- and Medium-Sized Hospitals: Based on Herzberg’s Motivation-Hygiene Theory10(3), 502–502.

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