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Navigating Communication Concepts in the Digital Age

Concept 1-Communication Technology/Channel (Medium)

Communication technology covers a variety of channels and instruments, including print media, radio, television, the internet, social media, and more. This concept has its roots in the evolution of communication stretching back to ancient times when early humans relied on cave paintings and oral storytelling as their primary methods of sharing information. The printing press, developed by Johannes Gutenberg in the 15th century, is also acknowledged as one of the essential communication technologies. Throughout history, the printing press played a role in disseminating knowledge and ideas during the Renaissance era and beyond (Lehmann Haupt, 2018). From the printing press to today’s digital advancements like the internet and social media, we have witnessed significant changes in how we connect and interact. The development of communication technology has wholly transformed our capacity to interact with large audiences in real time.

The development of the World Web by Tim Berners Lee in 1989 is considered a pivotal moment in communication technology. It completely transformed the way information is shared and how people communicate with each other (World Wide Web Foundation, 2018). Communication technologies have been intensively investigated in disciplines like communication studies and media studies. By publishing his book “Understanding Media; The Extensions of Man” in 1964, Canadian media theorist Marshall McLuhan made a significant contribution to this field. The expression “the medium is the message,” which he famously coined, emphasizes how communication impacts our views and actions. McLuhan (1964) argued that the communication medium has more influence than the message itself.

Concept 2 Strategic Message Design (Advertising, Marketing, and Branding)

In advertising, marketing, and branding, strategic message design includes developing and using successful communication techniques to sway audience attitudes, behavior, and beliefs. This concept originated from the marketing and advertising field, where it was crucial to craft messages that would resonate with target audiences and encourage them to take desired actions like purchasing a product or service. Interestingly the earliest known written advertisement was discovered in the ruins of Thebes in Egypt. It was a Papyrus document created around 3000 BC by a slaveholder seeking to find an enslaved person while promoting their weaving shop (Joshi, 2022). The message design process is continuously developing to keep up with changes in consumer behavior, communication channels, and technical breakthroughs. It has been influenced by historical pioneers, foundational models, ongoing research in consumer psychology, media effects, and technological innovations.

The development of the internet is one critical foundational instance in strategic message design. It introduced many new digital marketing channels, including websites, email marketing, social media platforms, search engines, and mobile applications. In order to direct clients to internet landing pages, advertisers developed the first online banner ad in 1994 (Mehta, 2020). Now, brands can reach their target consumer in several ways, each needing a unique communication strategy. David Ogilvy’s investigation of the emotional components of customer behavior and the impact of brand personality are among the foundational research in this field. In the book “Confessions of an Advertising Man,” David Ogilvy (1963) emphasized the value of creativity and storytelling through strategic message design in advertising and how emotions might be used to build relationships between brands and consumers.

Intersection Between the Above Concepts

The ability to create powerful messages meets the possibilities and opportunities offered by diverse digital platforms and communication channels at this intersection. This intersection is vital because it empowers marketers to deliver precise, relevant, and impactful messages. A message’s delivery method may significantly impact how people understand it; for instance, a message provided through the internet may be seen differently from one printed in a conventional print advertisement. Communication technology enables businesses to follow social media discussions and learn from consumer input. Strategic message design assesses audience emotions through these technologies and adjusts messaging accordingly by listening to what people say on social media.

Strategic message design can successfully engage target audiences by leveraging the power of communication technologies to build brand awareness, encourage participation, and influence desired consumer behaviors. Additionally, the utilization of captivating content forms like videos, live streaming, quizzes, and polls is made possible by communication technology. These formats are used strategically in message production to engage audiences and promote involvement. Furthermore, strategic message development may now include timely and responsive communications owing to messaging and real-time communication capabilities. This enables businesses to quickly establish a connection with their audience and respond to any questions or issues they might have.

On the other hand, marketers and communicators drive the development and evolution of communication technology to fit their strategic goals when they concentrate on creating successful messages to reach their desired audience. One facet is the relevance placed on message design to appeal to different target segments. As a result, communication technology advances in ways that facilitate targeted personalization, including effective content, user segmentation, and AI-driven algorithms that send customized messages to specific users. Furthermore, strategic message design considers the audience’s need for trust. This entails protecting user information and upholding confidentiality. Enhanced security measures and adherence to data protection laws are thus included in communication technology improvements to address privacy concerns. Lastly, strategic message design emphasizes the significance of preserving a brand presence across several platforms. Communication technology, therefore, develops in response to this demand to facilitate integration across many platforms. This allows marketers to maintain messages and branding across websites, social media platforms, email correspondences, and other channels.

From the above evidence, it is undeniable that message design and communication technology are intertwined. The method through which a message is conveyed frequently determines its effectiveness. Likewise, carefully constructed communications may improve communication technologies. To effectively communicate in the current world, it is crucial to understand these concepts simultaneously. If we solely concentrate on creating messages without considering the medium, we could produce ineffective messages for that particular channel. If we only concentrate on the communication channel or technology without considering message design, we may not fully realize its potential.


In order to maximize our communication efforts in the current digital era, it is crucial to understand how message design and communication technology, as key communication concepts interact. Both concepts have a rich history explaining their application in human lives in various contexts that require communication. For this reason, various foundational instances and studies can be highlighted to discuss the relationship between these two concepts. It is important to note that while none is an extension of the other, these concepts are extensively interdependent in that the application of one influences the other in different ways.


Joshi, S. (2022). History of advertising 101: What you need to know – G2History of Advertising 101: What You Need to Know. Available at: (Accessed: 23 July 2023).

Lehmann-Haupt, H. E. (2018). Johannes Gutenberg | Printing Press, Facts, & Biography. In Encyclopædia Britannica.

Mehta, N. (2020, March 20). Evolution of Digital Advertising Celebrating 25 Years Of Digital Advertising. Passion for Innovation.

Ogilvy, D., & Horgan, P. (1963). Confessions of an advertising man (p. 192). New York: Atheneum.

World Wide Web Foundation. (2018). History of the Web. World Wide Web Foundation; World Wide Web Foundation.


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