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The Impact of Mergers and Acquisitions on Firm’s Performance in ASEAN Countries


1.1 Background of the Study

Mergers and Acquisitions (M&A) are significant to the performance of various organizations within ASEAN nations. Ten different Southeast Asian countries comprise this region, which has seen a considerable increase in M&A activity in multiple sectors (Bee, 2019). Because of their expanding economies and advantageous positions, ASEAN countries have drawn significant foreign investment in recent years. M&A transactions have been crucial in encouraging domestic and international expansion for businesses in the area (Nguyen, 2023). According to data from recent studies, M&A activity in ASEAN nations needs to be more consistent. At the same time, some businesses have had significant post-acquisition revenue growth and market share gain, while others have struggled with integration, resulting in diminishing performance. Such data research suggests that almost 60% of M&A transactions in the area have positively impacted firm performance, resulting in increased profitability and competitiveness. On the other hand, about 40% of deals either failed to produce the expected benefits or had unfavorable results (Hossain, 2021).

These figures highlight the significance of thoroughly examining the elements that affect the success or failure of M&A deals in ASEAN nations. This study, therefore, adds more insights into the role of mergers and acquisitions and their impact on the performance in ASEAN countries.

1.2 Problem Statement

The issue is the intricate relationships between mergers and acquisitions (M&A) in the context of ASEAN nations. Although M&A activity in this region has increased, consistently achieving expected results remains a persistent problem. Existing data reveals a sizable knowledge gap regarding the elements that affect how successfully and unsuccessfully M&A deals are completed within ASEAN (Cheng, 2022). This issue has significant ramifications for businesses, investors, and governments, given that about 40% of such partnerships fall short of expectations (Kilambo, 2023). There is a need to properly understand the various factors that influence the success of M&A in ASEAN nations, enabling more informed strategies and policies in economically important regions. The study intends to examine the significance of mergers and acquisitions on the productivity and performance of organizations within ASEAN countries.

1.3 Research Objective

  1. To examine the role of mergers and acquisitions activities on the firm performance in ASEAN countries.
  2. To determine the effect of mergers and acquisitions strategy on the performance of firms in ASEAN countries.
  3. To assess the impact of mergers and acquisitions motivation on the firm performance in ASEAN countries.

1.4 Research Questions

  1. What role do mergers and acquisitions activities have on the firm performance in ASEAN countries?
  2. How does the mergers and acquisitions strategy affect the performance of firms in ASEAN countries?
  3. How does mergers and acquisitions motivation impact firm performance in ASEAN countries?

1.5 Significance of the Study

This study helps enhance improved knowledge and insights regarding mergers and acquisitions (M&A) and their role across companies within ASEAN nations. Understanding the elements that influence success or failure is crucial as these countries continue to draw substantial investments and participation in M&A deals. Businesses, investors, and politicians can make wise decisions thanks to the research’s thorough grasp of M&A dynamics. It will offer data-driven recommendations with clear, actionable implications by assessing the influence on financial performance, operational effectiveness, and profitability. Ultimately, our research will help the ASEAN area develop sustainable economic growth and competitiveness, benefiting domestic and foreign stakeholders.

1.6 Definition of Terms

Mergers and Acquisition: Integrating two or more businesses into one, typically through takeovers, mergers, and acquisitions (Partacz, 2022).

Firm Performance: The evaluation of a company’s operational, financial, and strategic success using indicators including profitability, market share, and efficiency (Pham, 2020).


2.1 Previous Studies

This section examines earlier research and studies on the effect of mergers and acquisitions (M&A) on corporate performance, particularly in the ASEAN region. A thorough comprehension of current literature is necessary to pinpoint research gaps and advance prior discoveries.

2.1.1 M&A Activities in ASEAN

The economic environment of its ten member countries has transformed due to the significant rise in merger and acquisition (M&A) operations in recent years. The M&A landscape in ASEAN is dynamic and diversified due to the region’s diverse economies and industries. The region’s economic growth and stability, which make it a desirable location for domestic and foreign investors, are some factors causing this surge (Zhu & Tang, 2023). ASEAN nations, including Singapore, Malaysia, Thailand, Indonesia, and Vietnam, have become hotspots for M&A transactions in manufacturing, banking, technology, and healthcare (Wang, 2019).

Cross-border M&A transactions have also been made more accessible by ASEAN’s advantageous geographic location and the formation of regional trade agreements. The 2015 inauguration of the ASEAN Economic Community (AEC) plan has further promoted economic integration and trade among member states, increasing M&A activity (Hsu & Cao, 2021). Additionally, the liberalization of investment regulations and the abolition of trade restrictions within ASEAN have favored mergers and acquisitions.

Within ASEAN, there have been major M&A activities in several industries. Startups and creative businesses have drawn much investor attention in the technology industry, resulting in many acquisitions and mergers to obtain a competitive edge and increase market share (Mason, 2020). The financial services sector, which includes banking and insurance, has also experienced a wave of mergers as businesses look to expand their geographical reach and fortify their portfolios (Agarwal, 2023).

Understanding the patterns and trends of M&A activity within the varied ASEAN countries has been a focus for academics and researchers over the years. Hossain (2021) made a significant contribution to this field of study by thoroughly investigating M&A transactions in Southeast Asian countries. The results of this study demonstrated a noteworthy upsurge in M&A activity in the area, highlighting the ASEAN nations’ appeal to international investors. Their consistently expanding economies and good positioning in the global market are the reasons for this.

Ward (2022) conducted an insightful investigation of the profound effects of mergers and acquisitions (M&A) on companies that operate in the ASEAN region. This study examined the critical role of mergers and acquisitions (M&A) in encouraging regional businesses to pursue domestic and foreign expansion strategies. M&A activity has enabled businesses in ASEAN to react better to the changing dynamics of the global business environment by opening up new markets and expanding their worldwide presence.

All of these studies highlight how M&A activity is becoming more and more important in ASEAN countries. Understanding the subtleties of M&A in this area is crucial to appreciating the wider consequences for the economies, companies, investors, and legislators involved in this dynamic and fiercely competitive ASEAN market.

2.1.2 Factors Influencing M&A Success

Studies have endeavored to ascertain and scrutinize the diverse elements that impact the triumph of mergers and acquisitions in ASEAN nations. Paschina (2023) investigated to ascertain these variables, providing insight into the intricate dynamics at work. Successful outcomes can be attributed to certain characteristics, such as cultural fit and efficient post-acquisition integration, while other elements.

Motivation for M&A

M&A has played a significant role in deciding whether such deals are successful in various organizations in the ASEAN area. Numerous studies and statistics suggest that various incentives underpin M&A activity. For instance, some businesses use M&A to forge synergies that could result in cost savings and increased operational effectiveness (Tong, 2021). Others use M&A to broaden their market reach or expand into new geographical areas. The various results of M&A deals reflect this variance in incentives. According to Čirjevskis (2021), M&A deals motivated by synergy creation have a greater success rate, enhancing the participating companies’ financial performance and profitability. Contrarily, M&A transactions primarily driven by market expansion may encounter difficulties merging various corporate cultures and operational procedures, impacting post-transaction performance. It is essential to comprehend these motives and how they affect M&A success in ASEAN nations (Rose, 2023).

M&A Strategies

The results of such deals in the ASEAN region are significantly influenced by merger and acquisition (M&A) strategies. Firms use various techniques, such as horizontal, vertical, and conglomerate mergers, to accomplish specific goals (Sergeevic, 2021). According to Hongal & Kinange (2020), the M&A strategy used significantly impacts how well these deals turn out. Horizontal mergers, which bring together businesses from the same sector, frequently pursue market dominance and cost reduction. When properly implemented, they can result in increased competitive advantages and more significant business performance. Contrarily, conglomerate mergers, which bring together companies from different industries, may need more integration problems to produce the desired results (Arminen, 2020). To evaluate the success of M&A in ASEAN nations, it is essential to comprehend these tactics and their ramifications.

Cultural and Institutional Factors

Cultural and institutional factors significantly influence the ASEAN area’s mergers and acquisitions (M&A). Different institutional and cultural settings among ASEAN nations might present possibilities and difficulties for merger and acquisition (M&A) activity (Zhang et al., 2023). According to research and data, the integration and success of M&A acquisitions can be strongly impacted by leadership styles, corporate governance practices, and legal frameworks. Effective leadership and governance can facilitate A smoother post-merger transition, increasing business performance. On the other hand, adequate company culture alignment or regulatory barriers can impede integration efforts and positively impact M&A transactions (Rose, 2023). Making wise judgments and guaranteeing the success of M&A deals in ASEAN requires understanding these cultural and institutional elements.

 Financial Performance Metrics

Assessing the effects of mergers and acquisitions (M&A) on businesses in the ASEAN area requires financial performance metrics. Profitability, market share, and operational efficiency are metrics that operate as quantitative measures of an M&A deal’s success or failure (Teti & Spiga, 2023). According to data research, changes in these measures provide essential insights into the post-transaction profitability of businesses. For instance, rising profitability after a merger and acquisition may indicate that synergy and cost-cutting goals have been achieved, which would favor financial performance. In contrast, a drop in market share or a decline in operational effectiveness may indicate integration issues or a mismatch in M&A strategy (Gupta, 2022). For assessing the success of M&A in ASEAN nations, careful monitoring and analysis of critical financial criteria are essential.

2.1.3 The Role of M&A Strategies

The literature on mergers and acquisitions (M&A) in the context of ASEAN countries has made the function of M&A strategy a major issue. The focus of research in this field has been understanding how the choice of M&A strategy affects post-acquisition results and business performance.

A study by Zhang & Tong (2021) examines Different M&A strategies like horizontal and vertical integration and various characteristics. Vertical integration is acquiring businesses, either forward or backward, in the supply chain. In contrast, horizontal integration is the merger or acquisition of businesses operating in the same sector or industry. The strategy might greatly impact the performance following the purchase and the integration process. When a firm chooses vertical integration, it can have more control over the supply chain, save costs, and increase operational efficiencies. On the other hand, a company that chooses horizontal integration may want to increase its market share.

Research conducted by Ray (2022) examined whether businesses with clear M&A strategies typically perform better after the transaction is closed. Whether the goal is market expansion, diversification, or the creation of synergies, having a defined strategy can help post-acquisition operations become more targeted. Businesses that match their M&A strategy to their overarching business goals will better handle the intricacies and difficulties of integration. Improved synergies, a more seamless transition, and better performance are all possible outcomes of this alignment.

Additionally, studies by Wang & Schweizer (2023) looked into how crucial coordination and communication are when putting M&A strategies into practice. Especially in cross-border ASEAN acquisitions, efficient communication between the acquiring and target organizations is essential. Disparities in language, culture, and regulations can make integration more difficult, highlighting the need for a carefully thought-out and implemented M&A strategy.

The literature acknowledges the possibility of M&A strategy evolution over time. A synergy-driven strategy may evolve from a market entry strategy as businesses look to optimize cost savings and operational efficiency after acquisitions. Scholarly interest is focused on comprehending these shifts and how they affect company performance.

2.2 Overall Significance of Previous Studies

The amount of material already written about M&A in ASEAN nations emphasizes the importance of conducting more research in this field. A more thorough and current body of research is required, even though certain studies have shed light on the techniques and motivations that play a part in M&A success and other elements. By offering a greater understanding of how M&A affects firm performance across ASEAN countries, the study’s findings will advance and add to current knowledge, eventually helping firms, investors, and governments in this crucial economic area.


3.1 Introduction

This section provides for methodologies and strategies used in the study to enhance data collection from the respondents. It describes the research approach used to examine how mergers and acquisitions (M&A) affect corporate performance in ASEAN nations. A solid technique is essential to guarantee the outcomes’ validity and dependability. The research strategy, data collection methods, data sources, and analytical tools covered in this section are all covered in detail. This section provides for the research design, data collection techniques, and data analysis techniques that will be used to enhance effective study objectives.

3.2 Research Design

A research design is a technique that improves the efficient use of empirical data to answer the research questions (Asenahabi, 2019). The core research methodology, sample strategies, and study population will all be decided upon using a research design. The research design provides the estimation, social occasion, and data assessment, a crucial study component. The research design will enable the researcher to plan the resources needed for the framework selection (Mohajan, 2020). A structured questionnaire is used in this research’s quantitative analysis to collect data on merger and acquisition (M&A) activity among ASEAN nations. The purposive sample will select professionals specifically engaged in M&A to ensure that their knowledge and experience are helpful to the study. The questionnaire will cover essential elements like goals, tactics, and financial performance measures. The gathered data will be analyzed using statistical tools like descriptive statistics, correlation analysis, and regression analysis. The quantitative approach makes the systematic study of trends and patterns possible, which provides empirical data to support the research findings and insightful information about the connection between M&A activity and business performance in the ASEAN region.

3.3 Population and Samples

The study aims to collect opinions from experts involved in merger and acquisition (M&A) activities in the ASEAN area. In this study, a non-probability selection technique called purposive sampling is used to choose participants who have been specifically picked based on their knowledge of and engagement in mergers and acquisitions (M&A) operations within the ASEAN region. This approach assures that the research gets in-depth insights from educated experts by explicitly targeting executives, financial analysts, and investment bankers directly involved in M&A (Morrow, 2023). This deliberate choice improves the study’s validity because the participants have the necessary skills for comprehending the complex dynamics of M&A in the target setting. Purposive sampling will be used to choose 100 respondents, guaranteeing that the participants have substantial knowledge and experience in the topic. The research intends to gather various opinions and insights regarding M&A motivations, methods, and outcomes by surveying this particular group. This sample size is adequate for relevant statistical analysis, allowing a thorough investigation of the variables affecting M&A performance in ASEAN nations. Based on the study’s goals, the information gathered from these 100 respondents will be crucial in helping formulate thorough conclusions and sound recommendations.

3.4 Data Collection Technique

In this study, structured questionnaires are the primary method of data collection. A predetermined set of questions about merger and acquisition (M&A) activities within ASEAN countries is built into these questionnaires. The standardized approach guarantees consistency in data gathering, allowing participants to respond methodically. Essential topics are included in the questionnaire, such as motives, plans, and financial performance indicators. To collect data, is given to professionals who are directly involved in M&A, such as CEOs, financial analysts, and investment bankers. The efficiency and dependability of data collecting are increased thanks to this systematic technique, which makes it simpler to do statistical analyses and extract valuable insights for the study goals.

A and B are the two primary components of the questionnaire. The characteristics of the participants are provided in Section A. Section B, on the other hand, presents assertions on the study’s variables. The respondents’ age, gender, race, and degree of education are listed among their characteristics. The second component of the questionnaire includes answers that are presented as rating agreements on a Likert scale, with the options being strongly disagreed (1), disagree (2), disagree (3), agree (4), and strongly agree (5). Because it allows for a more agreement-based expression, the Likert scale is crucial for improving future practical analysis (Metruk, 2021). A reflection of the respondents’ backgrounds and experiences is possible using the Likert scale. The questionnaire was created to facilitate accessible data collection from respondents without much input from the researchers.

3.5 Ethical Considerations

Ethics are of utmost importance when doing this study. All participants’ informed consent will be meticulously sought, ensuring that they are fully aware of their participation and that the confidentiality of their identities will be maintained. The confidentiality of respondents will be protected by data privacy and security measures. All data will be used solely for research while maintaining anonymity and confidentiality, strictly by ethical research practices. The research will also adhere to the moral standards and laws of the pertinent institutional review boards. For the sake of the well-being of the study participants as well as the trust and integrity of the research, ethical standards must be respected.

3.6 Data Analysis

Inspection, modification, sorting, and presenting data in a way the audience can understand are all parts of data analysis (Shufutinsky, 2020). After all the data have been gathered, they are processed, sorted, and coded to provide more suitable forms of analysis before data analysis begins. The SPSS software analyzes and improves the data’s valuable interpretation. Prior to applying any test, a reliability test is undertaken. The results are presented as tables, figures, and percentages since descriptive statistics provide information about the participant characteristics. In order to improve the internal consistency and dependability of data, Cronbach’s alpha test is also employed. Therefore, the study assesses several questionnaire questions to produce data that are analyzed and explained in light of the study’s aims. The analysis is conducted more properly and dependably to complete the research successfully.


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