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Metaverse Essays

Fashion in Metaverse

Many goods, including those from Nike, Dolce, and Gabbana, and fashion digital natives’ businesses, are paving the way for the met averse (Sayem, 2022). Digital clothing design allows consumers to gather and style products while allowing firms and designers to monitor their production. The process of making actual clothes serves as inspiration for fashion design, ... Read More
Pages: 3       Words: 631

AI and Metaverse Revolution in Architecture, Construction and Related Disputes Resolution

1. Introduction 1.1 Background and Context The construction business could undergo many revolutions due to AI and the Metaverse. By utilizing image recognition, machine learning, on-site sensors, building information modeling (BIM), and blockchain-based “smart contracts,” AI can increase construction processes’ efficiency, accuracy, and safety. Architects, engineers, and contractors can use the Metaverse to collaborate and ... Read More
Pages: 17       Words: 4498
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Potential Implications of the Metaverse

1. Introduction Metaverse is a concept that has existed for a long time and was made popular by science fiction novels and movies. It is a virtual reality environment known as the “metaverse” that enables people to engage in completely immersive interactions with one another. (Sparkes, 2021). Rapid technological advancements have made it possible to ... Read More
Pages: 9       Words: 2391

The Virtual Reality; Metaverse

In October 2021, the founder and CEO of Facebook announced a new strategy introduced by the company, a new technological tool known as Metaverse, which have been defined as a persistent online world, economically developed to enhance the Virtual Reality (VR) experience by an unlimited number of users. Some media coverage provided its understanding of ... Read More
Pages: 9       Words: 2210

Metaverse in Healthcare Industry

The Metaverse is a virtual world in which individuals can communicate, do business, and shop from the convenience of their homes. Through the use of technology like virtual reality (VR), augmented reality (AR), artificial intelligence (AI), social networks, and digital currencies, users can navigate a virtual space that mirrors parts of the actual world in ... Read More
Pages: 7       Words: 1744

Metaverse and Privacy Concerns

Executive summary Brief Overview of the Issue: Metaverse is a digital computing experience that can be enabled spatially as an alternative to real-world circumstances. This computing platform is based on the blockchain. It incorporates elements of major civilizations, including social interaction, the trading of goods and services, the use of money, and the ownership of ... Read More
Pages: 15       Words: 3859

Facebook Rebranding to Metaverse

Introduction The change in Facebook’s name to Meta is meant to help the company go forward with building the Metaverse and the ensuing electronic boondocks. In addition, the board believes it will help Facebook withstand the onslaught of criticism directed at its private messaging networks. Facebook joins Instagram, WhatsApp, and other services under the Meta ... Read More
Pages: 12       Words: 3213
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