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Mathematics Essays

Strategies for Teaching Inverse Relationships in Mathematics to a Diverse Classroom

In the dynamic context of education, classrooms are increasingly diverse, necessitating tailored approaches to meet individual learning needs. This paper focuses on research-based strategies for teaching a diverse mathematics class, centering on the Virginia Standard of Learning, Number and Number Sense 3.2. This standard introduces fundamental concepts of inverse relationships between addition/subtraction and multiplication/division. The ... Read More
Pages: 7       Words: 1830

Mathematical Games and Strategies: An Analysis of Chess, Othello, and Poker

Abstract This research paper analyses three strategy games—Chess, Othello, and Poker—from the perspective of game theory. Mathematical modeling techniques are used to develop optimal strategies for each game to provide insights into their underlying principles and dynamics. The analysis reveals many similarities between the two-player abstract board game Chess and its modern variant Othello. It ... Read More
Pages: 13       Words: 3543
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How Intrinsic and Extrinsic Motivation Relate to Life Goals

Introduction The psychological theory of intrinsic and extrinsic motivations influences behavior and the pursuit of personal objectives. Extrinsic motivation refers to pursuing a goal primarily driven by things outside of oneself, including rewards or recognition (Legault, 2016). It implies relying heavily on external rewards or approval as the main driving force behind doing tasks or ... Read More
Pages: 5       Words: 1303

Simple and Compound Interest and the Ethical Issues

Introduction Generally, interest is the cost of borrowing money, for instance, the interest charged on a loan balance by the bank or the lenders, depending on the loan circumstances. In contrast, interest can be defined as the rate charged for the deposited money. However, the mathematics of interest is correct; the custom of charging, computing, ... Read More
Pages: 5       Words: 1243

RSA Cryptosystems: Mathematics, Technology, and Future Trends in Secure Communication and Data Protection

Abstract RSA cryptosystems are broadly utilized in secure communication and digital signature schemes. The technology associated with RSA cryptosystems depends on the computational complexity of factoring large integers. This paper defines the area of RSA cryptosystems, including the underlying mathematics, the technology in question, future trends, example companies included, regulatory issues, and global implications. The ... Read More
Pages: 13       Words: 3377

Mathematical Understanding in Counting Principles

Children have different levels of mathematical understanding in counting principles that depend on their comprehension and the ability to analyze various mathematical concepts critically. Age, experience, and exposure to mathematical concepts contribute to the child’s level of understanding of the counting principles. As the child grow and develop their number sense and mathematical skills, their ... Read More
Pages: 3       Words: 819

Raising Engagement in Mathematics Class

Introduction to The Problem Mathematics is a subject that students often find challenging. Mathematics class can be a discouraging environment for many students, and many find it boring, tedious, and difficult. According to Barwell (2011), most students often struggle with mathematics because they treat them too realistically. In addition, the stereotype that mathematics is hard ... Read More
Pages: 5       Words: 1354

Polynomials and Functions & Inequalities

Polynomials A polynomial is an algebraic expression with all variables as whole numbers (Cuemath, 2013). The whole numbers should be positive integers. It is also a mathematical statement that does not have the equal sign (=). An example of a polynomial is 5×2+6. Through this example, we can get the components of a polynomial. The ... Read More
Pages: 7       Words: 1852

Curriculum Organization: Mathematics

Introduction Mathematics is a field of philosophy focused on the principles of pattern, quantity, and structure (Hom and Gordon, 2021). Mathematics is classified into several topics that describe distinct parts of the discipline, such as arithmetic, which deals with numbers, and geometry, which deals with magnitudes. Mathematics has evolved to include more subjects such as ... Read More
Pages: 10       Words: 2731

Applying Concept Mapping in Algebra 1 (Polynomials)

Comprehending mathematical concepts is demonstrated by how they relate to other things. Most students see the concepts as separate ideas rather than as parts of a whole. This may cause major mathematical problems. I will concentrate on the concept of polynomials in this presentation. Algebra 1 covers the concepts of polynomials, equations, inequalities, solutions, exponents, ... Read More
Pages: 12       Words: 3254
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