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Raising Engagement in Mathematics Class

Introduction to The Problem

Mathematics is a subject that students often find challenging. Mathematics class can be a discouraging environment for many students, and many find it boring, tedious, and difficult. According to Barwell (2011), most students often struggle with mathematics because they treat them too realistically. In addition, the stereotype that mathematics is hard also distorts how students engage with the subject. It has become widely accepted that to succeed in mathematics, one has to be really “smart .”As a result, many struggle to engage in the math classroom. Many fall behind in their studies and have lower grades in the subject. However, many authors have been on the rise to change the narrative by putting in place various strategies for raising engagement in a mathematics classes. They believe using these strategies will help the students stay focused and engaged in math class. Therefore, this paper will discuss the various strategies teachers can use to improve learners’ engagement in a math class. Improving engagement in the classroom implies improved student understanding and performance in mathematics.

Strategies to Raise Engagement in Mathematics Class

One way to increase engagement in the classroom is to make the study material more interesting for learners. Making learning materials more interesting is a greater way to allow students to explore and apply the material to their own lives. Learning materials can be made interesting by using images, charts and diagrams to illustrate the teacher’s points. Various online tools and applications can help students visualize mathematics concepts. For example, teachers can use virtual manipulatives to help students understand how to add, multiply, divide and subtract numbers. This can make mathematics more interesting since the students are more likely to understand the concepts better. In addition to that, the teachers can also use make the content relevant to make the students connect with the learning material. For instance, incorporating real-world examples into the lesson helps to make the material more relatable, interesting and relevant to the students. In addition, to make learning engaging, providing students with a range of resources can help to increase engagement. Rather than limiting learning to textbooks, teachers can incorporate websites, apps and tutorial videos that provide interactive and engaging learning experiences. Incorporating various learning approaches is a way to value and embrace the diversity of students’ thinking since the student’s in any classroom differ in many ways. These resources can also make the material more interesting and easier to understand. Therefore, making learning materials more interesting keeps students engaged and allows them to understand the material better.

Teachers can also raise the engagement in math class by creating a positive learning environment. A positive learning environment implies that students feel safe to ask for clarification whenever they do not understand. In addition, it also implies that the teachers are friendly to provide students with meaningful feedback and praise. For instance, when the student has written a wrong answer, the teacher may ask politely How did you subtract?”. When the students feel their ideas are valued and considered, they are more likely to be engaged in the class. By effective questioning and answering, the teacher can help students address various math problems. Raising engagement in mathematics Class can also be enhanced by making math lessons more interactive. For instance, teachers can incorporate active learning activities, such as simulations, problem-solving tasks, and group work. Engaging students in these activities, they tend to understand the material better and increase their engagement.

The advancement of technology has been diverse, even in educational institutions. Therefore, teachers can use technology to help students engage more in math class. According to Brady & Jung (2022), technology can significantly supplement lessons, provide additional practice, and give students access to advanced resources to help them better understand the material. One of the most embraced technological learning approaches is distance learning, where students can educate themselves without needing in-person interaction with teachers. Therefore, by incorporating technology into their lessons, teachers can make math classes more interesting and engaging for their students (Buentello-Montoya et al., 2021).

Additionally, teachers can set clear objectives for their students to achieve. Setting these objectives means informing students of the expectations for the class. For instance, one significant expectation may be scoring a particular mathematics grade. When students know what is expected of them, they are more likely to stay focused and engaged during the lesson.

Learning is a diverse process, and people can learn in various ways. However, according to Albert Bandura’s social learning theory, reinforcement can effectively introduce a desirable behaviour, in this case, engagement in a math class. Positive reinforcement is a behaviour-modification practice often used to promote desired behaviour. The approach involves adding something positive to increase the likelihood that a behaviour will be repeated. In this case, the teachers can reinforce the engagement in a math class by praising the student for answering questions or offering a reward for passing tests (Mazana et al., 2019). The teacher can also assign students incentives, such as an opportunity to lead the class discussion. When students know they will be rewarded for doing their best, they are more likely to develop the need to engage in class activities and do well in their tests.

The learning process in the classroom should not be individual-based; rather, it should be group based. Students learn better with their peers because it gives them a sense of belonging. Therefore, to enhance engagement, the teacher can also utilize group work. Utilizing group work helps to foster collaboration and engagement among students (Yeh et al., 2019). For instance, having students work together to solve problems and discuss their ideas can help them understand the ideas better and develop their problem-solving skills collaboratively. Peer teaching can help raise student engagement in math class. Assigning students tasks to work together helps them to teach each other math concepts and create a sense of ownership and responsibility for their learning (Engelbrecht et al., 2020).

Additionally, providing feedback to students helps them be motivated and engaged. In most instances, the feedback should be based on the individual student and should focus on the development they have made and the goals they are working towards. Lastly, allowing for reflection encourages students to reflect on their understanding of math concepts and the strategies they use to solve problems. It also gives the students time to think about what they understood, what did not go well, what they could have done differently, and how they want the learning to be executed.


In conclusion, as much as mathematics classes are quite challenging for the student to stay engaged, there are many strategies that teachers can use to enhance engagement. These strategies include providing real-world applications of mathematics and creating an atmosphere of active student participation and collaboration. Additionally, teachers need to incorporate technology to engage students, use positive reinforcement and encourage students to think critically and ask questions about the concepts and ideas being discussed; in doing so, the students tend to feel confident and comfortable participating in class discussion. Therefore, by implementing these strategies, it is evident that teachers can create an engaging and enjoyable learning experience for their students. As a result, students will be motivated to learn mathematics.


Brady, C., & Jung, H. (2022). Modelling presentations: toward an assessment of emerging classroom cultures of modelling. Educational Studies in Mathematics109(2), 237-261.

Buentello-Montoya, D. A., Lomelí-Plascencia, M. G., & Medina-Herrera, L. M. (2021). The role of reality-enhancing technologies in teaching and learning of mathematics. Computers & Electrical Engineering94, 107287.

Engelbrecht, J., Llinares, S., & Borba, M. C. (2020). Transformation of the mathematics classroom with the internet. Zdm52(5), 825-841.

Mazana, Y. M., Suero Montero, C., & Olifage, C. R. (2019). Investigating students’ attitude towards learning mathematics.

Yeh, C. Y., Cheng, H. N., Chen, Z. H., Liao, C. C., & Chan, T. W. (2019). Enhancing achievement and interest in mathematics learning through Math-Island. Research and Practice in Technology Enhanced Learning14(1), 1-19.


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