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Learning Outcomes Essays

The Factors That Drive Assessment Literacy in Biomedical Science

ABSTRACT Assessment literacy should form a core part of the undergraduate biomedical science curriculum if they are to negotiate a range of evaluation methodologies adequately. The present study aimed to further understand the subject of undergraduate assessment literacy as part of the biomedical science degree and took into account the following: undergraduate students’ comfort during ... Read More
Pages: 24       Words: 6446

Abolishing Social Promotion Persuasive Essay

Social Promotion is the tendency to allow a learner to proceed to the next grade without understanding the set desired learning outcomes(Chen, 2023). This aspect means that the learner’s self-esteem is destroyed as learners continue losing more information in the buildup activities, thus lacking interest in learning and achieving the desired skills and attitudes. However, ... Read More
Pages: 3       Words: 690
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Curriculum Perspectives Aligned With Tyler’s Rationale

One of the most important elements of a successful educational system is curriculum planning. The curriculum perceptions advanced by various stakeholders provide vital information on what teaching and learning are perceived to be in an educational set-up. Analyzing these opinions makes it evident that there is an agreement with the previously established ideas on curriculum, ... Read More
Pages: 3       Words: 793

Analyzing E-Learning Frameworks, Learning Outcomes, and Instructional Strategies

Tracing its historical growth, this in-depth look at e-learning’s function and influence in modern Education highlights its transition into a potent force in the 21st century. The research dives into three main areas: E-learning Frameworks, Learning Outcomes, and the Integration of Instructional Strategies with Technologies. The many facets of e-learning are made apparent by the ... Read More
Pages: 17       Words: 4486

Assessment Mapping and Assessment Blueprints in Aligning Assessment and Learning Outcomes

Introduction Assessment mapping and blueprints are potent tools that teachers and administrators can use to ensure that the assessments they use align with the learning goals of the courses they teach. Stakeholders can ensure that the evaluations they use are accurately targeted to the content they are teaching and that they are assessing student learning ... Read More
Pages: 10       Words: 2562
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