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Leadership and Organizational Development Principles and Applications


Leadership and Organizational Development (OD) are integral components driving organizational success. This essay scrutinizes three prominent models within the OD domain, meticulously examining their strengths and weaknesses and subsequently narrowing down to a comparison of two selected models. Moreover, it delves into a comprehensive exploration of the benefits and drawbacks intrinsic to these chosen models, investigating their potential influence on the trajectory of OD’s future, their applicability within online platforms, and the consequential effects on OD practitioners.

Model 1: Organization Development (OD) Model

The Organization Development (OD) model constitutes a strategic approach to heighten organizational effectiveness using deliberate interventions that induce behavioral modifications (Anderson, 2017). This model places a significant emphasis on fostering collaboration, facilitating a continuous feedback loop, and nurturing an environment of perpetual improvement. Noteworthy strengths inherent to this model encompass its holistic and systemic perspective, enabling the engagement of various organizational facets in tandem, and its inherent flexibility and adaptability to diverse contextual requirements. However, it encounters certain challenges, notably in result quantification, due to the inherent complexity of behavioral changes. Additionally, addressing resistance to change can impede its seamless implementation.

Model 2: Doctor-Patient Model

The Doctor-Patient model draws a metaphorical parallel between organizational challenges and medical diagnoses, where external consultants assume the role of doctors prescribing remedial solutions. Within this framework, the expertise of these consultants is leveraged to diagnose and propose interventions for organizational issues. This model’s strengths lie in the specialized knowledge and skills these consultants bring, which can lead to precise and informed solutions. However, a potential drawback of this approach is its tendency to sideline employee involvement and engagement in the solution-seeking process. By relying heavily on external experts, the Doctor-Patient model may inadvertently overlook employees’ valuable insights and ownership regarding the intricacies of their work environment. This could result in a lack of commitment to and sustained implementation of the prescribed solutions. As such, while the Doctor-Patient model offers the advantage of expert-driven problem-solving, it should be navigated cautiously to ensure a balanced approach that includes employee participation and buy-in (Shutzberg, 2021).

Model 3: Leadership as Practice Development model

The Leadership as Practice Development model redefines leadership as a dynamic and adaptable practice, moving away from fixed traits. Central to this paradigm is contextual awareness, which underscores the importance of understanding the specific organizational, cultural, and environmental contexts shaping leadership. This sensitivity enables leaders to make decisions tailored to unique challenges and opportunities, transcending generic approaches. Interactional expertise is another key facet, acknowledging that successful leadership hinges on adeptly navigating intricate interpersonal dynamics. Leaders are envisioned as collaboration facilitators, fostering dialogue, nurturing relationships, and harnessing collective insights. However, embracing this model necessitates departing from traditional hierarchical leadership. The shift toward participatory engagement requires relinquishing top-down control and embracing a more inclusive, bottom-up approach that fosters shared responsibility across all levels. In essence, the model offers a comprehensive understanding of leadership’s multifaceted dimensions, urging leaders to embark on a transformative journey redefining perspectives and practices to navigate the complexities of modern organizations (Salicru, 2020).

Comparison of Models:

In assessing the merits and limitations of these models, the Organization Development model stands out for its emphasis on fostering collaboration and leveraging collective insights to drive organizational change and adaptability. On the other hand, the Leadership as Practice Development model highlights the significance of contextual awareness and interactional expertise, recognizing the dynamic interplay between leadership and the intricate nuances of specific environments. While the Organization Development model capitalizes on synergy among team members, the Leadership as Practice Development model underscores leaders’ need to be finely attuned to their surroundings, allowing for nuanced decision-making that resonates with unique challenges. In contrast, while offering specialized knowledge, the Doctor-Patient model encounters a potential pitfall in failing to engage employees in solution crafting effectively. It might need to pay more attention to the importance of cultivating employee ownership and commitment, potentially limiting the sustainability of proposed solutions. Hence, these models represent distinctive approaches where collaboration, contextual acumen, and employee involvement are central to fostering effective organizational development.

Chosen Models: Organization Development and Leadership as Practice Development Model

Based on the analysis, the Organization Development and Mechanic models are chosen for further exploration.

Advantages and Disadvantages of Chosen Models

Organization Development Model


Holistic Approach:

The Organization Development (OD) model’s distinct advantage lies in its holistic approach, wherein the entire organizational ecosystem is considered a dynamic and interconnected entity. By embracing this comprehensive perspective, the model facilitates a deeper understanding of the intricate interdependencies between various organizational components. This systemic view identifies often intricate cause-and-effect relationships that remain hidden in more segmented approaches. Consequently, the model’s holistic orientation empowers leaders and practitioners to envision and execute changes that resonate throughout the organization, fostering a more synchronized and harmonious organizational system (Burke, 2021).

Employee Engagement

At the heart of the Organization Development model is its emphasis on fostering active employee engagement throughout the change process. This emphasis on engagement recognizes employees’ invaluable role in driving organizational success. By involving employees in the formulation and execution of transformational strategies, the model taps into their diverse skill sets, insights, and experiences. This collaborative approach enriches the quality of proposed solutions and cultivates a profound sense of ownership and commitment among employees. Empowered by the opportunity to contribute to shaping their work environment, employees become champions of change rather than passive observers. As a result, the model’s focus on employee engagement creates a positive ripple effect, enhancing morale, cooperation, and overall organizational performance (Burke, 2021).


The adaptability inherent in the Organization Development model is a testament to its relevance across various organizational contexts. This versatility is a pivotal advantage, enabling the model to be tailored to suit the unique intricacies and challenges different organizations face. Whether applied to large corporations, startups, governmental bodies, or nonprofit organizations, the model’s fundamental principles remain steadfast while being skillfully molded to match each entity’s specific needs, cultures, and goals. This adaptability empowers OD practitioners to craft interventions that align with the organization’s distinct attributes, ensuring that proposed changes resonate with stakeholders and can be seamlessly integrated into existing workflows (Burke, 2021). As a result, the model’s capacity to flex and adjust represents a foundational strength, making it a powerful tool for effecting meaningful change across diverse organizational landscapes.



The Organization Development (OD) model’s strength lies in its emphasis on collaboration and engagement, which, while advantageous, also introduces a significant drawback related to time consumption. The inherent process of soliciting collective input, fostering deliberations, and seeking consensus can lead to prolonged decision-making and execution timelines. Engaging diverse stakeholders, each contributing unique perspectives necessitates extensive discussions, negotiations, and alignment efforts. However, this deliberate approach can clash with the demands of rapidly evolving business landscapes that require swift and agile decision-making to remain competitive. The potential for extended time frames in implementing the OD model could impede organizations from promptly addressing emergent challenges. Navigating this challenge requires a delicate balance between leveraging collaboration’s benefits and accommodating the necessity for prompt responses in dynamic environments (Burke, 2022).

Measurement Challenges:

Measuring the impact of behavioral changes instigated by the Organization Development (OD) model presents an inherent challenge. While the model’s emphasis on driving behavioral shifts is vital for sustainable organizational transformation, quantifying these intangible outcomes poses difficulties. Unlike more concrete metrics like financial performance or operational efficiency, behavioral changes are intricate, subtle, and open to diverse interpretations. This measurement challenge is accentuated within the OD model’s framework due to its focus on human dynamics. Pinpointing precise shifts in employee behavior, attitudes, or collaboration patterns can be elusive. Consequently, accurately assessing intervention success and efficacy becomes intricate. However, innovative methods such as qualitative assessments, longitudinal studies, and well-structured surveys offer avenues to mitigate this challenge and offer valuable insights into the impacts of OD model interventions (Wiggins & Smallwood, 2018).

Leadership as Practice Development Model:


Contextual Awareness

The Leadership as Practice Development model’s foremost advantage lies in its steadfast emphasis on cultivating contextual awareness in leadership. By prioritizing a deep understanding of the contexts in which leadership unfolds, this model equips leaders with the capacity to navigate the intricacies of diverse organizational environments. This awareness allows leaders to recognize how culture, industry trends, and internal dynamics shape the leadership landscape. Armed with this insight, leaders can tailor their approaches and decisions to align with each context’s unique challenges and opportunities, fostering more effective and resonant leadership outcomes. Moreover, contextual awareness empowers leaders to anticipate changes, respond adeptly to shifting circumstances, and make informed choices that propel the organization forward in an ever-evolving landscape (Salicru, 2020).

Interactional Expertise

The Leadership as Practice Development model’s advantage of interactional expertise highlights the pivotal role of interpersonal dynamics in effective leadership. By centering on the dynamic interactions between leaders and their environments, this model recognizes that leadership is not confined to solitary decision-making but is an intricate web of relationships, exchanges, and collaborations. Leaders with interactional expertise can navigate these complexities with finesse, promoting open communication, fostering trust, and facilitating effective teamwork. This advantage allows leaders to influence outcomes not only directly but also indirectly through the cultivation of positive relationships that underpin organizational harmony. Furthermore, interactional expertise equips leaders to identify opportunities for synergy, mediate conflicts, and build a culture of mutual respect, ultimately bolstering the organization’s overall effectiveness and resilience in an interconnected world (Salicru, 2020).


Perspective Shift

A key disadvantage inherent in the Leadership as Practice Development model is the substantial shift in leadership perspectives and practices it demands. Embracing this model necessitates departing from conventional notions of leadership as a static set of traits or top-down authority. Instead, leaders are challenged to reorient their outlook towards leadership as an evolving and contextually sensitive practice. This shift can be met with resistance, especially in organizations entrenched in traditional hierarchical structures. Leaders accustomed to wielding authority might find the shift towards shared leadership and participatory engagement needs to be more comfortable and comfortable. Moreover, altering ingrained leadership paradigms requires time, effort, and a willingness to unlearn established approaches. This transition might encounter skepticism or hesitation from both leaders and followers, posing potential obstacles to its effective implementation. However, while the perspective shift presents challenges, it also allows growth and adaptability, enabling leaders to navigate the complexities of contemporary organizational landscapes more effectively (Salicru, 2020).

Impact on the Future of OD and Online Platforms:

The future landscape of Organizational Development (OD) is intricately intertwined with the evolution of virtual workspaces, and within this context, the Organization Development model emerges as a natural fit. Its core emphasis on collaboration, continuous improvement, and engagement finds resonance in the dynamics of virtual environments. As online platforms become the bedrock of modern work, the Organization Development model gains relevance by facilitating global teamwork and seamless knowledge dissemination across geographical boundaries. This symbiotic relationship amplifies its efficacy, as the model’s collaborative ethos thrives in these digital arenas, nurturing effective communication and cohesive team dynamics. Simultaneously, the Leadership as Practice Development model’s focus on contextual awareness and interactional expertise resonates profoundly in the digital landscape. In an era of diverse online interactions, the model’s acknowledgment of the importance of understanding unique contexts and adeptly navigating interpersonal intricacies assumes paramount significance, enabling leaders to cultivate adaptable and impactful approaches that transcend the virtual realm.

Future Implications for OD Practitioners:

The implications of the future of Organizational Development (OD) for professionals are substantial. Those who subscribe to the Organization Development framework should prioritize developing their virtual teamwork capacity (Cheung-Judge, 2017). OD professionals must be fluent in using digital platforms to help employees communicate effectively, solve problems together, and operate cohesively over virtual distances. On the other hand, practitioners who subscribe to the Leadership as Practice Development approach must develop more competence in context and interaction. A crucial part of their success will be their ability to navigate the shifting settings of digital domains, both inside organizations and between individuals. Both models stress the importance of finding a middle ground between traditional OD principles and the digital age requirements, wherein practitioners can benefit from the former while nimbly adjusting to the latter.


In conclusion, the OD and the LPD models contribute unique perspectives to Leadership and Organizational Development. In the former, skills like working together and being flexible are valued, whereas awareness of one’s surroundings and proficiency in social interactions are emphasized in the latter. The digital revolution of workplaces has an impact on both approaches. Future OD professionals must be skilled in virtual teamwork and situational leadership to successfully navigate complex organizations. The selected models provide thorough frameworks for dealing with the complicated issues that arise throughout organizational growth.


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Burke, W. W. (2022). Organization development. In Oxford Research Encyclopedia of Psychology.

Cheung-Judge, M. (2017). Future of organizations and implications for OD practitioners, Summary. OD Pract49, 7-13.

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Salicru, S. (2020). A new model of leadership-as-practice development for consulting psychologists. Consulting Psychology Journal: Practice and Research72(2), 79.

Shutzberg, M. (2021). The Doctor as Parent, Partner, Provider… or Comrade? Distribution of Power in Past and Present Doctor–Patient Relationship Models. Health Care Analysis.

Wiggins, L., & Smallwood, J. (2018). An OD approach to leadership development: Questions and consequences. Journal of Management Development37(8), 613–623.


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