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Law Essays

The Basis of Hate Crime and Ways of Its Reduction

Criminal activities that are, motivated by hate crimes are different from other crimes. The crimes occur based on the perpetrator’s actual or perceived bias about an individual. Hence, a hate crime is criminal conduct and offense against an individual based on religion, sexual orientation, ethnicity, national origin, or disability. Often the word hate in hate ... Read More
Pages: 4       Words: 1030

Overrepresentation of Indigenous People in Canada’s Criminal Justice System

Introduction In recent years, the overrepresentation of indigenous Canadians in Canada’s criminal justice system has received much attention. Since the 1980s, various commissions in the country have been addressing indigenous justice issues. Irrespective of the policy recommendations and research emerging from the inquiries of such commissions, organizations, and individuals, the problem continues to worsen. This ... Read More
Pages: 6       Words: 1598
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Mental Disability/Illness Should Not Be Granted as a Defense

A defendant’s mental disability should not excuse their negligence. According to the corrective justice theory, if an individual injures another and their actions are attributed to mental illness, the action is thus immaterial. Scholars have argued that mentally disabled individuals should be excused from liability due to the lack of mental capacity to commit negligence ... Read More
Pages: 8       Words: 2019

Mass Incarceration in the US

There are around 6.7 million persons who are subject to some form of court-ordered supervision in the US. The inability to vote has long-term or even permanent ramifications for millions of felons who have been convicted of crimes. Even though the US criminal justice system covers many crimes, many citizens have a skewed perception of ... Read More
Pages: 12       Words: 3169

Legalization of Marijuana Will Reduce the Crime Rate

In the past few decades’ legalization of marijuana in various states in the United States has provoked heated debate concerning its efficiency in the reduction of crimes. Reports from states that have legalized the use of marijuana suggest that marijuana has been found to cure multiple health conditions and refreshment purposes. For example, marijuana has ... Read More
Pages: 6       Words: 1409

The Evolution of American Sentencing

The history and evolution of sentencing in America range back to the colonial period. It can be explained from several perspectives. It was a system that involved many players, the stakeholders including judges, lawyers, the congress, and the public. Sentencing can also be evaluated from the different sources of its standards and rules, which can ... Read More
Pages: 10       Words: 2726

Expert Witness Testimony

What qualifies a witness as an expert? A witness is qualified to be an expert by the knowledge, education, experience, skills and training they possess. The governance of expert witnesses comes from the hands of federal and state rules. This governance depends on two where the case is placed; whether in the state court or ... Read More
Pages: 4       Words: 948

Excessive Police Force and Misconduct and How To Reduce It

Abstract The Congress passed the law misconduct statute in the Violent Crime Control and Law Enforcement Act in 1994 as a response to countrywide debate concerning violation of use of police force after the brutal killing of Rodney King in 1991. The statute authorized the Justice Department to investigate and press charges against specific police ... Read More
Pages: 29       Words: 7952

The Theories of Juvenile Delinquency and Its Causes

The Meaning Of Theories and Why They are Important To Understanding Juvenile Delinquency The theories in juvenile delinquency are concepts that experts form to help explain why children or adolescents behave in a particular way. The theories also help people understand what might contribute to certain behaviors of young people in society (Siegel & Welsh, ... Read More
Pages: 7       Words: 1665

Case Study: Mrs. Smith

Three Areas of Victim Care The case involves a victim who suffered minimal physical harm, but the impact on her mental health is not easy to distinguish. The interviewing officer made efforts to inquire about the victim’s well-being all through the interview. The action shows that the officer is concerned for the well-being of the ... Read More
Pages: 5       Words: 1115

Should Capital Punishment Be Abolished in the USA?

For many years, social and political conversations focusing on capital punishment in the United States have been deeply emotive and divisive. American citizens have held opposing viewpoints on this controversial subject. A Gallup poll conducted in 2006 sought to establish whether American citizens preferred either capital punishment or life in prison without parole. Forty-eight percent ... Read More
Pages: 4       Words: 1100
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