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Criminal Justice Essays

Myths and Reality of Crime

Introduction Different criminal activities are done in society by people in different social setups. Criminal justice systems in the world tend to focus on criminal cases while giving less attention to civil cases. In every social setup, there exist different types of crimes that a given group of people commit. The Justice system has the ... Read More
Pages: 4       Words: 1036

Review of Mental Health Management

INTRODUCTION Criminal justice work or management in relation to persons with mental illnesses who have committed crimes poses unique and acute challenges. It is significant to address this issue because the rate of mental health problems within the prison population continues to rise. Proper management and treatment for these individuals not only protect offenders’ rights ... Read More
Pages: 5       Words: 1373
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Victim Impact Statement

The victim impact statement holds immense significance within the criminal justice system. It is an essential platform that victims utilize to demonstrate the extent of the profound impact of the crimes perpetrated against them. Through victim impact statements, the victims can illustrate the physical, financial, and psychological issues they endure after the crimes. Victims write ... Read More
Pages: 5       Words: 1284

An Ethical Critique of Rehabilitation vs. Punishment in Addressing Criminality

Introduction Various philosophies have long debated the most appropriate method to address criminality. Some philosophers contend that punishment is the best way to address criminality since individuals should be held accountable for their actions. On the other hand, rehabilitation advocates believe that societies should endeavor to transform criminal individuals into productive members through deliberate effort ... Read More
Pages: 4       Words: 987

Exploring the Concepts of Criminal Justice

Summary The criminal justice system entails various forms of justice systems. One of the renowned systems is the indigenous system, which bases its foundation on the views of the world. The system is governed by the traditional and customary laws that remain unwritten. The practices attributed to this form of the justice system are passed ... Read More
Pages: 5       Words: 1216

Analysis of the Role of the Police

Introduction The role of police in maintaining law and order forms a critical part of the criminal justice system. Modern policing involves engagement in governance in regulating behavior in the community. The police officers have the power to respond to emergencies, arrest, govern, and protect other institutions of society. They work with the courts and ... Read More
Pages: 6       Words: 1648

Death Sentence and Criminal Justice

The death sentence first attracted ethical dissent, with those for it citing its retributive justice and deterrent power. On the other hand, opponents raise problems about its moral implications, fairness, and Fallibility. Kort-Butler & Ray (2019) point out that more than 60 % of Americans back the idea of the death penalty as a type ... Read More
Pages: 10       Words: 2619

The Mexican Mafia: Insights Into a Notorious Criminal Syndicate

Introduction: Brief Overview Mexican Mafia is a notorious street and prison gang in the United States. They are centrally located in Southern California, with a vast network of gangsters and leaders across 13 states of the US. Metych (2023) mentions that the Mexican Mafia infiltrates social and self-help groups to recruit more members and advance the ... Read More
Pages: 7       Words: 1665

Support for the Victims’ Rights Amendment

Introduction The Victims’ Rights Amendment is a clause that has been incorporated into the constitutions of certain states in the US. It has also been suggested for adoption in other states and for inclusion in the nation’s Constitution (, 2023). The provisions of the law differ from state to state, but they generally exhibit some ... Read More
Pages: 8       Words: 2063

Book Review on Illness or Deviance

In Illness or Deviance’s book, Drug Courts, Drug Treatment, and the Ambiguity of Addiction,” by Jennifer Murphy, the author explores the intricate connections between addiction, criminal justice, and healthcare while putting a focus on social norms and boundaries. Instead of summarizing the book, this review seeks to critically interact with the work by focusing on ... Read More
Pages: 3       Words: 825

Helter Skelter Prompt

Research Question: What impact did Vincent Bugliosi’s unique prosecuting style and thought-provoking framing have on creating mystery and views of Charles Manson and the killings in Helter Skelter? Explanation of the Essay Topic: This Helter Skelter prompt will look at how the narrative strategies used by lead prosecutor Vincent Bugliosi in his best-selling true crime novel ... Read More
Pages: 9       Words: 2337

“Punished: Policing the Lives of Black and Latino Boys” by Victor Rios: Book Report

Introduction “Punished: Policing the Lives of Black and Latino Boys” by Victor Rios is a thought-stimulating book that explores and uncovers the effects of retrogressive policies on the livelihood of young Latino and Black boys in urban setups. Having lived and experienced life, Rios exposes the systemic racism and social inequalities that push vulnerable and ... Read More
Pages: 9       Words: 2228

Sexually Violent Predators

Sexual violence is one of the most inhuman acts that most criminals commit. It entails non-consensual physical abuse in the form of rape and torture that often leaves victims scarred for the rest of their lives. The criminal justice system has tried and continues to try to address the punishment surrounding sexually violent predators in ... Read More
Pages: 7       Words: 1679

Federal Parole System

Introduction The federal parole system is a significant criminal justice component. It plays a vital function in the post-release supervision of an inmate from the federal prison. Furthermore, federal parole systems monitor and enforce sanctions for disobedience of parole orders imposed on offenders. While essential functions of parole systems remain, they do not exist without ... Read More
Pages: 6       Words: 1604

Informed Research Report

The Criminological department is relatively complex, entailing law enforcement agencies, legislation and the court system. The investigative department is especially critical in helping solve various crimes and bring about justice by providing evidence and a better understanding of crimes, the nature of the crimes, how they were committed and the magnitude of their impacts. The ... Read More
Pages: 4       Words: 1040
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Essays On Criminal Justice

There’s many naysayers on the system in the United States. But it still can be considered one of the most developed ones out there. Sometimes it can feel as if the setup is overburdened or justice isn’t always served. But for the most part the structure works for the masses.

There are high profile cases that sometimes make us feel that the rich and powerful may have slipped through the cracks. However those tend to be outliers and looking at how the system is designed is actually quite interesting.

The series of checks and balances and due process is what makes the system work so well. But it may be serving too much justice at the same time, leaving incarceration numbers a possible essay topic on its own.

How to construct an essay on criminal justice

Any topic can pretty much be broken down further into multiple essay topics. Therefore what’s best is finding something that you’re passionate about and sticking to it. No matter what is chosen there’s a lot of information on any of the criminal justice subjects. So you need to be prepared to be overwhelmed and even get lost a bit. It will all be a matter of weighing up what is ideal for you to cover.

You can even look at the checks and balances of the system or those that bring people to justice. They can be from the police officers on the street to the justice system of lawyers and judges. You might want to select to discuss what the future of the criminal justice system will be. Or maybe you’d feel more comfortable doing a comparison to other major superpowers and build out a pros and cons list against those. Either way you’re going to definitely find something interesting to write about here.

If you’re looking for some topic ideas feel free to consider the suggestions listed below:

• The Role of the Police in Society
• The Effectiveness of Sentencing Reform
• The Impact of Mass Incarceration
• The Future of the Criminal Justice System
• The Death Penalty: Pros and Cons
• Racial Profiling: Is It Still a Problem?

And if you are stuck and don’t know what to add to your paper, essay samples on this page may help you to solve this issue and complete your assignment receiving the desired result!

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