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Recidivism in Texas

The reoffending of inmates has been the biggest problem that criminal justice has to deal with, which should be studied over time. The effects of recidivism are not just individual burdens but extend to society at large, affecting public safety and welfare. This literature review focuses on the multi-faced terrain of recidivism in Texas. We aim to summarize and critically evaluate the most influential scholarly research that represents different ideas about the factors that drive and possible solutions for high recidivism rates in the state. This review traces different perspectives to illuminate the intrinsic nature of recidivism in Texas, and pinpointing the gaps in the present body of knowledge will provide a stepping stone to further research.

Review of Literature

Recidivism in Texas has become one of the most severe and far-reaching problems for the criminal justice system as well as society. The topic of recidivism has been of interest to scholars in many aspects, including the evaluation of the effectiveness of correctional programs and how socio-economic factors affect reoffending rates. Among the remarkable research of Copperud (2019), practical prison changes are one of the highlighted points of the HELP program. Copperud argues that a pragmatic approach to incarceration can contribute significantly to reducing recidivism rates.

Corrective reforms are a significant element that treats recidivism as a problematic issue in Texas. As Copperud’s (2019) thorough assessment has it, implementing the HELP program is the right practical prison reform step. Copperud maintains that a logical and effective manner of dealing with a crime will involve paying more attention to the root causes of crime and allowing offenders to reintegrate into society with proper care and the provision of services to aid them. This also aligns with the general discourse on the restrictions of punitive measures and the significance of rehabilitation. Jerrick (2019) furthermore compares recidivism rates in Illinois with the reforms in Texas prisons and suggests that if another state adopts the same reforms, they will come up with new approaches and solutions to the national problem of recidivism.

The race-weight imbalance in sentencing and its relationship with the recidivism rate is a vital part of the recidivism issue in Texas. The case study data analysis by Eaton and Phan (2023) on the matter of biased sentencing in South Texas illuminates the connection between the issue of bias directed at minority groups and sentencing practices. This implies that racial disparities in sentencing would result in recidivism rates varying for different ethnicities.

Consider the factors that increase recidivism in different age groups to present differently targeted programs. Jhi and Joo (2009) expound on the influence of different factors on the net propensity of parolees in Texas to engage in criminal behavior across age groups. Education plays a vital role in the fight against high reoffending rates because this is one of the areas analyzed by Magee (2021). The research spotlights the influence of education on positive outcomes for those involved in the criminal justice process. Magee’s research reported that educational opportunities might help break the cycle of recidivism, as education gives people the tools to lead a productive life after release. This relates to the broader discussion on the rehabilitative function of education, which involves implementing a preventive method to avoid the re-emergence of criminal behavior.

Reentry programs have now become a key element in fighting recidivism, which aims to smooth the readjustment into society for inmates after they are released from prison. In Texas, the efficiency of the Bridges to Life Reentry Program, as the study by Steen (2023) shows, gives us an analysis of the correlation between the programs and the recidivism rate. The studies indicate that the probation programs designed to sustain ex-convicts during the critical period of reintegration can have a notable effect on cutting down the chances of their involvement in crime.

Gaps in Existing Knowledge

Though comprehensive research has shown how recidivism functions in Texas, a few critical, unknown aspects still need to be addressed in future research. The present literature identifies that extensive studies should be done to ascertain the strategies through which correctional reforms, as suggested by Copperud (2019), contribute to a significant reduction in recidivism rates. Additionally, there needs to be more understanding of how various predictors stated by Jhi and Joo (2009) crosscut different age groups, meaning that the study should explore the influence of the shown predictors on children, youth, and older people.


In short, the material relating to recidivism in Texas reveals that the problem is quite diversified, with correctional reforms, disparities based on race, predictors related to age groups, educational programs, and reentry amenities ranking among the facets of the issue. The collective findings show that the open use of a holistic approach to reduce recidivism can also lead to a series of targeted strategies at different levels of the criminal justice system. Dealing with the identified deficits in existing knowledge is a crucial step for enhancing policy and intervention responses based on scientific evidence and mitigating recidivism in Texas and other states. Along with future expenditures on the current literature, the partners should refine their comprehension and pave the way for new solutions for a fair and corrective criminal justice system.


Copperud, K. (2019). Reforming Recidivism: Making Prison Practical Through HELP. The Scholar: St. Mary’s Law Review on Race and Social Justice21(1), 147–165.

Eaton, D., & Phan, J. (2023). Examining Bias-Sentencing and Recidivism of Minorities in South Texas: A Case Study Data Analysis. RAIS Journal for Social Sciences7(1), 21–28.


Jhi, K., & Joo, H.-J. (2009). Predictors of recidivism across major age groups of parolees in Texas6(1).

Magee, G. (2021). Education Reduces Recidivism. Technium Social Sciences Journal16, 175–182.

Steen, S. (2023). The Recidivism Rate in Correlation to the Effectiveness of the Bridges To Life Reentry Program in Texas. Walden Dissertations and Doctoral Studies.


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