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Criminal Justice System Essays

Case Study: Tommie Lee Andrews – a Historical Perspective

Introduction In the prominent case of Tommie Lee Andrews, science has proved crucial because this was the first-ever conviction established using DNA evidence in 1987. In 1999, the accused, Andrews, was identified to be a serial rapist through the DNA samples found at the crime scene, and this heralded a new era in criminal investigations ... Read More
Pages: 3       Words: 753

Should the Penalty for Possession of Prescription Opioids Be Lessened?

Opioids are pharmacological substances that mitigate pain by interacting with certain receptors in the brain or the central nervous system. However, Over the last two decades, several reports have expressed concern over the safety of these medications. The opioid epidemic has reached alarming proportions. The epidemic has materialized into a horrifying reality that has had ... Read More
Pages: 8       Words: 2017
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Overview of the Criminal Justice System in the United Kingdom

The UK criminal justice system promotes societal order, maintains lawfulness, protects citizens, and administers justice. These complex police, judicial, and jail systems protect rights and maintain order. Like any complex institution, the UK’s criminal justice system contains problems. Numerous criminal justice frameworks overlook psychological perspectives on crime. Criminal activity, victim emotions, and the judicial system ... Read More
Pages: 8       Words: 2133

Managing the Crisis of Legal Aid in the Criminal Justice System

Abstract The criminal justice system (CJS) plays a significant role in keeping society safe by investigating, arresting, charging, prosecuting, sentencing, and punishing people who break the law. Through the effectiveness of the criminal justice system, society has reclaimed sanity through respect for life and property. The United States government is among the many countries globally ... Read More
Pages: 9       Words: 2237

Report Discretion in the Criminal Justice System

The term discretion is understood as the authority or privilege to make official decisions based on reason and judgment. In the criminal justice system, police officers, prosecutors, and judges exercise their opportunity to choose between various courses of action on a daily basis. The discretion granted to these officials broadens their perspective to include consideration ... Read More
Pages: 6       Words: 1619

Significance of Jail Classification

Jail classification is an important element of the criminal justice system which facilitates preservation, order and integrity in correctional facilities. Prisoner classification is a process that takes into consideration various factors such as forms of offenses, criminal history, and behaviors, which determine the level of risk to their safety or threat to others. The primary ... Read More
Pages: 3       Words: 578

Dismantling Rape Myths: Transforming Justice for Sexual Offence Survivors

Introduction Sexual offences remain widespread in society and cause significant distress to victims and communities. The successful investigation and prosecution of these crimes is crucial to ensuring that survivors receive justice and those responsible are held accountable. Despite this, widespread false beliefs, which are sometimes referred to as “rape myths,” may seriously hinder these endeavours ... Read More
Pages: 9       Words: 2318

Challenges and Protections in Probation and Parole

The paper disclose information regarding challenges individuals face after entering this probationary term, due process rights for those going through the revocation procedure, and criminal and civil liabilities facing the probation/parole officers. When a scholar considers these themes, it becomes clear that the criminal justice system’s complicatedness does not start from just sentencing. People placed ... Read More
Pages: 3       Words: 686

Critical Analysis of Criminal Justice System Portrayals

In this study, I’ll look at how vital criminal justice system characters are portrayed in the films “Training Day” and “Bad Boys.” I shall give a synopsis of each movie’s plot in a brief plot summary. I will then go into how the films portray police officers, defence lawyers, prison guards, and prisoners in the ... Read More
Pages: 3       Words: 697

Conceptualizing the Criminal Justice System in Relation to Mental Health Issues

Mental illnesses have significantly contributed to high crime rates and recidivism. Specialty courts and jail programs try to help through counseling, group therapy, or medications (Farago et al., 2023). This paper dives into how courts and corrections assist those struggling with mental health issues. Expert studies on corrections approaches are analyzed to figure out how ... Read More
Pages: 5       Words: 1256

The Influence of Community and Problem-Oriented Policing on Future Criminal Justice Practices

Introduction Criminal justice is constantly evolving due to societal norms, technology, and the necessity for effective crime prevention and control. In response to traditional law enforcement’s shortcomings, community and problem-oriented policing has emerged recently. This shift is driven by a growing awareness of the need to address Crime’s root causes, eliminate law enforcement disparities, and ... Read More
Pages: 10       Words: 2612

The Impact of Privatizing Prisons on Democracy and the Criminal Justice System

Introduction The trend of privatizing prisons, which gained considerable traction in the second half of the 20th century, has sparked extensive and thought-provoking discussions about how it affects corporate responsibility, democracy, the rule of law, and the broader ramifications of the prison industrial complex. This paper undertakes a thorough investigation of the complex effects of ... Read More
Pages: 4       Words: 986

Guest Speaker Series on Social Justice and Reforms

Various speakers have been throughout the course, and different speakers touch on different issues and courses relevant to them and their communities. Even though most of the speakers and their speeches are from the past, most of the topics and issues touched on still feel very relevant and relatable in the modern world. Some of ... Read More
Pages: 14       Words: 3700

Preventing Recidivism Through Comprehensive Intervention Strategies

Introduction Recidivism entails offenders relapsing into criminal behavior. Recidivism is a fundamental concept in the criminal justice system. Recidivists are people who commit crimes repeatedly. It means that even after being punished, a person commits the crime again. In other words, a recidivist has been habituated to commit a crime. For instance, John commits murder ... Read More
Pages: 7       Words: 1716

How We Are Priming Some Kids for College – And Others for Prison

Social inequality and injustice remain urgent in our society, with certain companies facing extremely demanding situations in getting access to possibilities for schooling and navigating the crook justice gadget. In the TED talk with the aid of Alice Goffman on “How we are priming some children for college — and others for prison,” the speaker ... Read More
Pages: 3       Words: 586
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