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Critical Analysis of Criminal Justice System Portrayals

In this study, I’ll look at how vital criminal justice system characters are portrayed in the films “Training Day” and “Bad Boys.” I shall give a synopsis of each movie’s plot in a brief plot summary. I will then go into how the films portray police officers, defence lawyers, prison guards, and prisoners in the presentation segment, making links to the more significant concerns of the criminal justice system. In my last section, I will examine how these depictions may affect public opinion and ensuing policy decisions, as well as the policy consequences they may have.

Plot Summary

“Training Day,” helmed by Antoine Fuqua, chronicles the first day of rookie police officer Jake Hoyt’s apprenticeship with seasoned drug officer Alonzo Harris. As Alonzo guides Jake through a succession of progressively riskier and ethically dubious scenarios throughout the day, he is exposed to the grim and corrupt underbelly of the Los Angeles Police Department.

The protagonists of Michael Bay’s film “Bad Boys” are Miami detectives Mike Lowrey and Marcus Burnett. In addition to shielding a witness, the two detectives discover that they are investigating the theft of heroin from their own police precinct. This sets off a high-stakes hunt to retrieve the stolen drugs and apprehend those responsible.


In “Training Day,” police officers are portrayed in a variety of ways. Although Alonzo first comes across to Jake as a mentor, his actual nature eventually comes to light as he uses violence, corruption, and deception. This portrayal calls into question the conventional heroic image of law enforcement personnel and draws attention to problems with misbehavior and power abuse by the police. In addition, the movie tells a story of moral ambiguity that makes it difficult to distinguish between good and wrong when it comes to the criminal justice system (TRAINING DAY (2001) | Behind the Scenes of Denzel Washington Crime Movie, 2001).

Similar to this, Mike Lowrey and Marcus Burnett’s characters in “Bad Boys” resist easy classification. Even if they are shown to be committed and capable investigators in the end, they frequently act carelessly and with contempt for protocol. This representation raises concerns about the moral limits of law enforcement by highlighting the conflict between following the law and bending it in the name of justice (Bad Boys: LA | FREE EPISODE | 1. Who’s BAD? Alternatively, Show Me a Bad Boy | ZEUS, n.d.

Policy Implications

The way that police personnel are portrayed in both movies is likely to challenge preconceived notions about law enforcement and affect public opinion. The videos could encourage people to think more critically about police behaviour and institutional procedures by presenting cops as imperfect and ethically dubious individuals. This may result in more people paying attention to how police behave and in requests for changes that would make law enforcement organisations more transparent and accountable.

In addition, the way that prisoners and correctional personnel are portrayed in “Training Day” highlights the problem of structural inequality in the criminal justice system. The movie shows a violent, corrupt, and exploitative jail atmosphere, which is a reflection of more significant problems with overcrowding, poor rehabilitation programs, and racial inequities in imprisonment rates. As such, the movie could start conversations on the need for jail reform as well as other methods of rehabilitation and reintegration.


“Bad Boys” and “Training Day” both present complex portraits of significant figures in the criminal justice system, posing questions to established theories and bringing attention to structural problems. We can better appreciate the intricacies of the criminal justice system and the need for deliberate reform by looking at these depictions through the prism of social construction and the implications for policy.


Bad Boys: LA | FREE EPISODE | 1. Who’s BAD? Or Show Me A Bad Boy | ZEUS. (n.d.). Retrieved February 7, 2024, from

TRAINING DAY (2001) | Behind the scenes of Denzel Washington Crime Movie. (2001).


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