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Judicial Review and Federalism Constitution of Us

It is only fitting that we consider this topic, given that the judicial review system in the United States has served as an example for other countries. It is also necessary to investigate the body of constitutional law that has developed as a direct consequence of judicial review. Even though it is of the utmost significance, judicial review is not expressly mentioned anywhere in the Constitution of the United States; instead, it is something that the courts have constructed. Since the Constitution makes it abundantly clear that it is the supreme law of the land, and since it was determined that it is the responsibility of the judicial branch to uphold the law in the case of Marbury v. Madison, courts are obligated to declare state laws and even acts of Congress null and void when they are inconsistent with a provision of the Constitution. This is because the Constitution makes it abundantly clear that it is the supreme law of the land (1803). Because the Constitution states that it is the nation’s supreme law, this is the conclusion that we came to. When discussing infringements of the Constitution committed by the executive branch, the same principle holds valid. The decisions that the Supreme Court makes on questions of constitutionality are binding on all lower courts and government bodies, regardless of whether they are federal or state.

During the American Revolution, the Mohawk leader Tayadenaga, also known as Joseph Brant (1742–1807), worked in conjunction with American loyalists and British rangers to cause widespread destruction in the border regions of New York and Pennsylvania. The complete name of Brant was Tayadenaga. Eleazar Wheelock’s Indian School was where Tayadenaga spent his childhood in Connecticut and earned his formal education. Brant’s full name was Tayadenaga, and he was a Tayadenaga. The fact that the violence had taken place on land belonging to Indian villages was the thing that infuriated him the most. In November 1778, the colony located in Cherry Valley, New York, was the target of an attack led by Brant’s native warriors and loyalist rangers. This attack took place. The attack was directly responsible for the deaths of forty-seven people, most of whom were females and children. In 1779, in response to attacks on the frontier that Brant carried out, the most notable of which was the Cherry Valley Massacre, General Sullivan led a punitive expedition organized as a part of an overall strategy. Sullivan’s expedition was organized as a part of the overall strategy because Brant’s actions were a part of the overall strategy. Because Brant was responsible for the assaults, this trip was planned and executed as a component of the more comprehensive strategy.

Natural Rights

The Declaration of Independence exemplifies the importance that political leaders in the United States place on the idea that people are born with certain rights. Thomas Jefferson was the primary author of the Declaration of Independence during the Second Continental Congress. He wrote that all men are created equal and have the right to “life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.” The document owes much to Jefferson’s efforts. If you were wondering who wrote the Declaration of Independence, the answer is Thomas Jefferson. A part of the Declaration then attacks King George III and Parliament for violating people’s rights. Because of this violation of rights, Jefferson can explain the uprising of the colonists.

The First Amendment was the first amendment addressing individual rights to be adopted by the states, despite its original placement as the third item on the list of original provisions in the Bill of Rights that Congress gave to the states for ratification. Even though the First Amendment was supposed to be the third clause, this happened. This amendment was the first to protect personal liberties. Almost all of the rights guaranteed by the First Amendment are considered fundamental since they pertain to matters of conscience, thought, and expression.

According to James Madison’s “Memorial and Remonstrance” and the Virginia Statute for Religious Freedom, the two religion clauses empower individuals to follow their conscience in questions of faith and worship, which some believe may determine eternal destinies. Others contend that the two religious sections do not protect people’s right to worship as they see fit. The two “religious articles” in the constitution protect people’s freedom to believe and worship as they see fit.

The First Amendment protects the freedom of speech, of the press, of association for political purposes, and of petitioning the government for a redress of grievances in order to foster conditions favorable to a republican, or representative, the form of government and, one might argue, to foster the development of each citizen’s distinctive personality. The ability to file a formal complaint with the government was also guaranteed. That is probably why it took so long for the law to protect employees’ right to free speech on the job.

George Mason and the other framers of the First Amendment probably would not have laid claim to the rights guaranteed by the document, instead crediting state statutes and declarations of rights from the period. The creators of the First Amendment provisions, including George Mason, will not likely have laid claim to the liberties guaranteed by the document. The belief that individual rights were preexisting, God-given rights that did not call for the need to express was a significant factor in the Federalists’ initial rejection of the Bill of Rights. By contrast, the Fifth Amendment’s protection against double jeopardy and the Sixth Amendment’s insistence on a trial by jury is not fundamental rights but rather legal measures meant to promote the principles of fairness and justice.

Landmark Supreme Court Decision

Plessy v. Ferguson (1896), in which the Supreme Court upheld the “separate but equal” concept, was the case that gave legitimacy to the practice of racial segregation. The National Association for the Advancement of Colored People maintained that the practice of segregation in the public school system of Topeka, Kansas, violated the Constitution and was therefore illegal. The Supreme Court overturned the Plessy judgment in 1954, with the reasoning being that “separate schools are essentially unequal.”

Historical Roots of Interest Groups

A coalition of individuals or groups that share the objective of influencing public policy is what we mean when we talk about an “interest group.” This coalition may be formal or informal. This kind of organization can be referred to as an “advocacy group” or a “pressure group,” all of which are acceptable synonyms. The ultimate goal of every interest group is to persuade the government to change its policy in a way that is advantageous to the group members or to the causes that the group champions. They may be advocating for a policy that primarily benefits members of their group or a specific section of society (like tax cuts for farmers), or they may be advocating for a policy that benefits society as a whole. For example, tax cuts for farmers are an example of a policy that would benefit a specific segment of society (e.g., improving air quality). Lobbying may be defined as making one’s argument to policymakers to influence policy outcomes in one’s favor. In order to achieve their objectives, they participate in lobbying, which can be defined as making their case to officials.

The preexisting communities of interest in any given society will inevitably give birth to the formation of interest groups. The Japan Eraser Manufacturers Association is a very narrowly focused organization, in contrast to the American Federation of Labor and the Congress of Industrial Organizations (AFL-CIO), which are both somewhat large in their scope, and the military, which is even more all-encompassing than that. Politics and economics are intricately interwoven, and one cannot be thought of in isolation from the other. Individualism, which may be the pursuit of one’s interests, is an essential component of every political system, including democracies, authoritarian regimes, and totalitarian states. In addition, interest groups are present at all levels of government, from the federal to the state and local levels, and they have played a more significant role in international affairs over the past several years. This is particularly true in the context of the global economy.


  • A History of Interest Groups and Political Parties in American Politics. (2018, March 10). Brewminate: A Bold Blend of News and Ideas.
  • Constitutional law – Judicial review in the United States | Britannica. (2019). In Encyclopædia Britannica.
  • Vile, J. R. (2009). Natural Rights.


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