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American Politics Essays

“Exploring Key Topics in American Politics and Proposing Solutions to Contemporary Challenges”

Introduction Three topics in POLS 2301 have stuck out to me as exciting and educational this semester, and they have significantly impacted how I see American politics and governance. First and foremost, studying federalism gave me new perspectives on the complex relationship between the federal government and the states, revealing the dynamic interactions that influence ... Read More
Pages: 6       Words: 1390

The Influence of Social Media on American Politics

Technological Determinism The idea of technological determinism reveals how much social media has influenced American politics. These platforms have affected and completely transformed the political communication and engagement landscape. Technological determinism argues that technological progress can cause changes in societies; in this case, it is true. Social media has become an indispensable tool for politicians, ... Read More
Pages: 4       Words: 854
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The Vietnam War Affected American Politics, Social Life, and Economics

Introduction In Southeast Asia, Vietnam was one of the significant countries, which made the United States focus more on it in the 1950s. Thus there was a war in Vietnam, and the French and United States troops fought as allies against the Vietnamese National Army with a plan to minimize or stop communism from spreading ... Read More
Pages: 31       Words: 8269

Social Media and Politics

Social media has transformed political news consumption. Social media networks are often praised for allowing users to obtain unedited and impartial information. Hence, they have become significant instruments for political involvement, allowing regular individuals to voice their ideas, ask questions, and join in conversations long reserved for political elites. Social media provides rapid access to ... Read More
Pages: 7       Words: 1796

The Impact of Political Polarization on Gay Marriages in the United States: Annotated Bibliography

Bishin, B. G., Freebourn, J., & Teten, P. (2020). The Power of Equality? Polarization and Collective Mis-representation on Gay Rights in Congress, 1989–2019 – Benjamin G. Bishin, Justin Freebourn, Paul Teten, 2021. Political Research Quarterly. The article examines the reasons behind the lack of policy produced by the U.S. Congress regarding gay rights despite increased ... Read More
Pages: 5       Words: 1356

Judicial Review and Federalism Constitution of Us

It is only fitting that we consider this topic, given that the judicial review system in the United States has served as an example for other countries. It is also necessary to investigate the body of constitutional law that has developed as a direct consequence of judicial review. Even though it is of the utmost ... Read More
Pages: 6       Words: 1449

Reshaping the American Politics

Introduction Over the years, American politics have been revolving and re-shaped. The re-shapes can be attributed to contributions of different occurrences, the influence of certain individuals, and the impact of particular movements. Some of the factors have had negative influences on the current political outlook in the country while others have positively contributed to better ... Read More
Pages: 7       Words: 1789

American Politics and Black American Women

Summary The traditional exposition of American voting rights and American women’s history presented in educational institutions for many generations emphasizes the ratifications of the 19th Amendment in the 1920s as the pinnacle of suffragists’ achievement. Nevertheless, few scholars have objectively focused on the critical role actively played by Black American Women in breaking the barriers beyond ... Read More
Pages: 6       Words: 1542

Crime, Deviance, and Contemporary American Politics

Safety is a primary need for every human being. This is why crime and deviance have are critical issues in society that different political parties attempt to tackle. Because crime and deviance are addressed through a criminal justice system that is designed by political policy, crime and deviance have developed an important relationship with American ... Read More
Pages: 5       Words: 1179
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