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Israel Essays

The British Mandate Regarding Palestine and the Creation of Israel as a Nation-State

Introduction The occurrence of the First World War led to the British mandate over Palestine and, later, the state of Israel. Nonetheless, Britain’s policies also contributed to long-term antagonism that persists among Jews and Arabs (Angrist, 2010). The land that Palestinian Arabs and Jewish settlers now occupy had earlier been under the rule of Britain ... Read More
Pages: 10       Words: 2693

Injustices in Israel

From the article Israel’s ‘Far-Right Government Backs Down’ in The Daily, there have been massive protests in Israel recently. The cause of these protests has been the government’s decision, led by Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, to forcefully make changes in the Supreme Court. The stakeholders in this issue are the Israeli government, the citizens, and ... Read More
Pages: 4       Words: 926
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Is Israel a Colonial State?

Introduction Lebanon, Syria, Jordan, and Egypt are the countries that border the tiny Middle Eastern nation of Israel. Since its establishment in 1948, it has generated controversy since it is the only country in the world with a majority of Jews. Its participation in numerous violent conflicts, its possession of Palestinian Territory, and the continuous ... Read More
Pages: 14       Words: 3639

The Israel-Palestine War

Abstract This paper discusses the psychological impacts of the Israel-Palestine War. It focuses on factors that reduce its impact and descriptions of the psychological concepts involved. The human cost of the war is also examined, as well as a psychological analysis of the human impact of the conflict. The Israel-Palestine War is one of modern ... Read More
Pages: 11       Words: 2818

Project: Diplomatic Assessment: U.S. Ambassador to Israel

The United States shares a common vision with Israel through the lens of economic prosperity, commitment to democracy, and regional security. The shared values mean that their partnership and relationship have been growing strong over the years. As the designated Ambassador, there is a need to submit a current assessment of Israel to offer noble ... Read More
Pages: 11       Words: 2965

Cities and Identities: Philistines and Israelites

The identity of the people of Israel and the people of Philistine is embedded in their identities and their cities. There is a lot of semblance between the two communities in respect of their living spaces which is reflected in their way of life and culture. Adherence to the traditions and allegiance customs, groupings of ... Read More
Pages: 3       Words: 605

Taphonomic Study of the Faunal Remains From Nahal Hadera V.

Introduction The Epipaleolithic period in the Levant is estimated from 22.500-12,500 calibrated years before the present. It is deliberated as a connection between the hunter-gatherer of the superior Paleolithic three recently agricultural Neolithic. The Epipaleolithic contains three main subdivisions; Geometric Kebaran, Kebaran, and Natufian. Garrod named the Kebaran complex after the excavation of layers by ... Read More
Pages: 15       Words: 4061
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