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Immigration Essays

Open Borders Are Better Than Closed Borders

Borders have taken on substantial significance in the modern world because of the complicated geopolitical environment and escalating national safety challenges. In addition to acting as physical restrictions, borders function as economic, political, and social lines of segmentation that influence how countries collaborate. Although boundaries have existed for centuries, they now play a more significant ... Read More
Pages: 9       Words: 2434

Language Barriers Experienced by Family Immigrants in the USA

Communication plays a significant role in all setups of society, from families to society, at workplaces, and nationally. Communication helps disseminate information to facilitate proper coordination of activities between individuals or between individuals and groups and between groups. Nonetheless, various factors act as barriers that hinder effective communication, including health factors and language indifferences where ... Read More
Pages: 6       Words: 1580
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Canada’s Immigration Policies and Economic Utility

For this analysis, topic 6 of Harald Bauder’s book, “Economic Utility”, was chosen as the foundation. In this chapter, Bauder (2011) explores the relationship between Canadian immigration policies and economic development. The author contends that economic factors are the primary material interest and driving force behind Canada’s immigration laws and that public and media discussions ... Read More
Pages: 4       Words: 932

Triangle Fire: Immigration, Poverty, Wealth, and Reform

The thinking of supporters of the Sumner, Carnegie, and Eugenics movement clashed sharply with that of many working people in the early 20th century, particularly the immigrants, industrial workers, and farmers of the day (Leonard). It was a conflict over the future course of American society between more traditional conservative proponents of limited government and ... Read More
Pages: 6       Words: 1580

Immigration Laws Should Be Stricter

Opening Illegal immigration is a problem that has existed for a very long time in many nations, including the US. Because so many immigrants often enter the country illegally via the Pacific Ocean, the Mexican border, and other ways, this scenario is not brand-new. More people could have entered the country on a visit visa ... Read More
Pages: 5       Words: 1236

Inclusive Community Well-Being: Weel 6A

Introduction America has always been a country of “immigrants,” Consequently, the country has been more challenging (Harris et al., 2021). Most immigrants and refugees come to the United States looking for individual liberty, a better quality of life, or a way out of their native countries’ poverty. Some immigrants attempt to avoid accusations or persecution ... Read More
Pages: 8       Words: 2017

Effects of Title 42 on Afro-Cubans

Introduction The humanitarian principle refers to providing relief to anyone in need without consideration of distinction. People fall in need for several reasons, including political, economic, war, or natural calamities. The people in need are primarily vulnerable and usually need a shoulder to lean on to process their current hardship and find the strength and ... Read More
Pages: 13       Words: 3427

The Challenge of Canadian Immigrants

Thesis Statement  In search of better employment, many people immigrate to Canada. Still, there are many problems for immigrants who move to Canada because they need financial and emotional support, and sometimes they feel discriminated against. Introduction Canada is believed to be the top country receiving the highest number of immigrants annually. It is perceived ... Read More
Pages: 6       Words: 1627

Race and Identity

The writings of Binebine, Mabanckou, and Khouma, “The Swimmers” and “Do You Hear Me Calling” all address themes of crossing and lifestyle as an illegal immigrant, furtive migrant, or refugee. These writings explore the theme of crossing and lifestyle through the perception of race and identity. Many African immigrants attempt to establish themselves in a ... Read More
Pages: 4       Words: 1077

Reform Movements Committed to Addressing Social, Economic, and Political Problems

Reform movements in the U.S. have been active since the 19th century and have addressed various social, economic, and political problems. Examples of these movements include the Abolitionist Movement, which sought to end slavery; the Temperance Movement, which sought to reduce alcohol consumption; the Labor Movement, which fought for workers’ rights; the Civil Rights Movement, ... Read More
Pages: 7       Words: 1881

Comparative Politics of Immigration by Antje Ellermann Book Review

Antje Ellermann’s “The Comparative Politics of Immigration” is an insightful and informative book that provides a comprehensive and illuminating analysis of the policy choices made by four countries—Germany, Canada, Switzerland, and the United States—in response to immigration. Through a detailed comparison of the countries’ approaches, Ellermann demonstrates that there is no one-size-fits-all solution to immigration ... Read More
Pages: 7       Words: 1683

Negative Effects of Immigration

Introduction The economy may gain substantially from immigration due to several factors, including a more adaptable labour market, a larger pool of qualified workers, higher consumer demand, and diverse ideas and approaches. The issue of immigration, however, is highly divisive(Paparusso). There are many divergent points of view on immigration, with some seeing it as a ... Read More
Pages: 3       Words: 707

Challenges That Sub- Saharan Africans Face in the United States

Sub-Saharan African immigrants have historically faced distinct hurdles in the United States. From the effort to establish their footing in a new nation to the ongoing fight against ethnic and cultural prejudices, these people have had to overcome many challenges to succeed. Chimamanda Adichie and Beverly Tatum’s accounts of their experiences as African immigrants demonstrate ... Read More
Pages: 5       Words: 1317

Should the U.S. Offer a Path to Citizenship/Legal Residency for Illegal Immigrants?

Introduction Today, most of the U.S. population consists of illegal or undocumented immigrants. Similarly, there have been unending debates from far and wide on the impacts of illegal migration on the country’s socioeconomic status. Over the years, the U.S. has witnessed a surge in the population of illegal immigrants, with the majority coming from Mexico, ... Read More
Pages: 5       Words: 1365
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