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Ideology Essays

Politics and Religion in Ancient Maya Culture: The Role of Ideology in Power Dynamics

Introduction Ancient Maya civilization provides a captivating insight into a world where politics and religion were deeply entwined. Contrary to the United States, which has a basis for the separation of church and state, the Mayan rulers used religion to consolidate and maintain their power. This paper aims to analyze and evaluate the intersection between ... Read More
Pages: 4       Words: 1083

Comparative Study of Western and Eastern Philosophy on the Premises of Epistemological, Ontological and Ideological Differences and Similarities Between the Two Regions

Introduction Comparatively, the eastern and western philosophies on psychology have certain differences in how each apprehends the truth. On some occasions, the foundation of these differences and similarities are pegged on the aim and systemic philosophical foundations of understanding human life, nature, and metaphysics of the universes (Mark, 2016). In this apprehension of truth, each ... Read More
Pages: 9       Words: 2248
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