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Epistemology Essays

An Essay on Epistemology of Aristotle and Plato

Introduction Notably, the old Greek terms episteme, which signifies “knowledge,” and logos, which represents “account,” are the wellspring of “epistemology.” The area of reasoning known as epistemology is centered around grasping information. Aristotle was a devotee of Plato; at this point, he saw the world another way. To exhibit the suitability of one of the ... Read More
Pages: 5       Words: 1240

Descartes on Why God Matters to Epistemology

Introduction Descartes’s Meditations are intellectual endeavors with several purposes. First, Descartes sought a new scientific foundation during great scientific change. He sought unquestionable knowledge to shield scientific progress from revolutions. Descartes used important theories like substance dualism, monotheism, and mathematical physics to achieve this. The Meditations are written in a unique format that encourages reader ... Read More
Pages: 6       Words: 1475
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Research Skills for Human Resource Management

Introduction The design of any scientific research is dependent on the selected philosophy. The primary idea of any research is to develop knowledge based on set assumptions and beliefs. Therefore, a research philosophy relates to the beliefs or assumptions on how knowledge should be gained and utilized. In simple terms, philosophy guides the researcher on ... Read More
Pages: 9       Words: 2201

Finding Purpose Through Philosophy

Introduction This paper proves humans have a purpose through Rationalism, Metaphysics, Epistemology, and Philosophy of Religion. Descartes’ Epistemology posits that humans seek truth and utilize science to learn. Berkeley’s Immaterialism metaphysics advocated using one’s thinking to improve one’s life. Anselm’s Ontological Argument says humans exist to worship God. Finally, David Hume’s philosophy of Religion held ... Read More
Pages: 5       Words: 1315

Branches of Philosophy

Many people have found themselves questioning the reason for their existence, how they relate to the environment, whether they have free will and whether there are standards for right or wrong. While these philosophical imaginations have not always brought answers, they have allowed thinkers to come up with critical stances that have shaped the behavior ... Read More
Pages: 9       Words: 2389

Comparative Study of Western and Eastern Philosophy on the Premises of Epistemological, Ontological and Ideological Differences and Similarities Between the Two Regions

Introduction Comparatively, the eastern and western philosophies on psychology have certain differences in how each apprehends the truth. On some occasions, the foundation of these differences and similarities are pegged on the aim and systemic philosophical foundations of understanding human life, nature, and metaphysics of the universes (Mark, 2016). In this apprehension of truth, each ... Read More
Pages: 9       Words: 2248
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