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Humanities Essays

Bread Givers: Challenges that Sara Faces as a Woman

Bread Givers is a novel written by Anzia Yezierska in 1925 that chronicles the life of an immigrant Jewish girl living with the family in Lower East New York. The novel depicts various several themes among them the various challenges that women face in their traditional families. One of the characters, Sara Smolinsky is particularly used by the author to portray t... Read More
Pages: 4       Words: 1012

The New Deal

During The Great Depression, the American nation was in need of recovery from economic collapse, relief, and reform to prevent further depressions. An effort to create these new reforms came in the form of The New Deal. The New Deal comprised of domestic economic programs that were passed by the government in the 1930s as a response to the Great D... Read More
Pages: 3       Words: 722
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Literary Analysis of the Poem “America” by Allen Ginsberg

“America” is a poem written by Allen Ginsberg in the 1958. The poem revolves around the life of the speaker, who feels overwhelmed by the life in the U.S. Specifically, the speaker is dissatisfied with the level of capitalism in the country, which makes him admire his communist upbringing. He also conveys his admiration for Marxism (Gi... Read More
Pages: 6       Words: 1623
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