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Humanities Essays

Euthanasia and Assisted Suicide

Introduction Euthanasia is the ending of life intentionally through deliberate approaches. The action is undertaken to refrain a victim from what can be termed as intractable suffering (Calati et al., 2021). The issue is associated with various morality and ethics such as having a consent or no consent from a victim. On the other hand, ... Read More
Pages: 5       Words: 1329

Ethnographic Project: Summary

Introduction In the book “Finding Mecca in America,” Mucahit Bilici describes Islam as becoming an American religion from the perspective of immigrants and converts to Islam. The novel touches on cultural settlement, explaining how American Muslims embrace and find harmony between the host culture and Islamic values. This is seen through reflection of five key ... Read More
Pages: 5       Words: 1171
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Ethical Practice in Social Work and Social Service

Introduction Ethical responsibilities that are useful for the social worker to test scopes include moral boundaries, capabilities, and integrity. An essay about ethical dilemmas is about four situations that involve a student from different settings, thus producing unique challenges. Through the application of the OCSWSSW Code of Ethics, Bell Hooks’ Love Ethic, and the Teaching ... Read More
Pages: 5       Words: 1288

Effect of the California Mission System

The California Mission system was established from 1769 to 1833 under the Spanish Colonial regime, which focused on converting local peoples into Christians. Stretching from San Diego to San Francisco, these Missions came across as triggers of cultural and religious upheavals among the Native American tribes. However, the Mission degradation in the local Native American ... Read More
Pages: 10       Words: 2536

Convergence Culture in Journalism

The advent of digital technology in the past decade has altered the analog practices media firms operating in the fields such as journalism, public relations, and advertising. According to academic scholarship, digital technology transformed media production, distribution, and reception. Among the most significant consequences of digital technology is the media convergence and audience participation (Wurfel, ... Read More
Pages: 12       Words: 3290

Argument About British Romanticism

The Unwarped British Romanticism that came in towards the concluding part of the 18th century as a revolt against the glorification of reason and order that the Enlightenment accompanied marked a massive shift in literature, art, and thought. With a focus on religious and spiritual depth, the magnificent beauty found in the natural world is ... Read More
Pages: 6       Words: 1473

Is Race and/or Gender a Factor When Determining Ethical Leadership?

Introduction Good morning/afternoon. Today, I want to discuss an important issue related to leadership – whether race and gender play a role in determining the ethical standards of leaders. To examine this topic, we’ll review two case studies involving superstar soccer players: Lionel Messy, Diego Maradona, Alex Morgan, and Megan Rapinoe. These examples show how ... Read More
Pages: 3       Words: 687

Interrogating Neo-Imperialism: A Postcolonial Examination of “Blood Diamond (2006)”

Introduction In the past decade, cinema has evolved as a mirror reflecting contemporary sociopolitical landscapes. This paper explores the film “Blood Diamond (2006)” through the postcolonial lens, delving into the intricacies of power, identity, and neo-imperialism. By navigating the existing critical discourse surrounding the film, the analysis aims to contribute novel insights, illuminating the subtle ... Read More
Pages: 4       Words: 851

Ethical Considerations of AI Adoption in the Family Care Sector

Chapter 5 “Proposed AI Ethics Framework for Family Care” 5.1 Introduction As AI applications become more sophisticated and personalized, issues around data privacy, algorithmic bias, explainability, and unintended consequences become ever more critical to address proactively, as users frequently do not know how their data is used, processed, or even sold. As such, a multidimensional ... Read More
Pages: 7       Words: 1684

A Journey Through Literature and Faith

People have been talking about what it means to be a good neighbour for a long time. Literature shows many different ways of thinking and feeling. It reflects our shared experiences and is made up of ideas and customs from different times. This essay explores the ideas of four different writers: Machiavelli, Shakespeare, St. Augustine, ... Read More
Pages: 5       Words: 1143

Understanding Merleau-Ponty’s Concept of “Structure” and “Form” in the Structure of Behavior

Introduction Maurice Merleau-Ponty, in his seminal work The Structure of Behavior, delves into the intricate relationship between mind and body, exploring the concept of “structure” and “form” as fundamental to understanding human behaviour. This essay explains Merleau-Ponty’s interpretation of these terms, focusing on their implications for avoiding mechanistic naturalism. By analyzing relevant passages from the ... Read More
Pages: 7       Words: 1840

Social Media Dilemma

The social networking giants, of which Facebook and X (ex-Twitter) are the epitome, were placed in the middle of the sensitive discussion on filtering out lies and unsubstantiated information on their platforms. This debate was blown out of proportion with the incidences such as the actions taken against the accounts of former President Donald Trump ... Read More
Pages: 5       Words: 1182

The Importance of Professional Ethics in Business

The ethical situation is that of Nike. Originally, Nike manufactured most of its apparel and shoes in South Korean and Taiwan factories due to low wages. Nike did not think about the minimum wage or labor standard regulations in these countries. Nevertheless, labor organizations and unions began to form and spread in these countries, forcing ... Read More
Pages: 3       Words: 638

Michael R Marrus Nuremberg Trials

Introduction The Nuremberg Trials are seen as a milestone in the development of the jurisdiction after the Second World War. Therefore, it completely changed the face of international politics and sculptured the mental image of humanity. Based on their descent from the evilness of crimes of which the Holocaust is a glaring example, the criminal ... Read More
Pages: 10       Words: 2736

Media Perspective on the Israel-Palestinian War

For many decades, the Israeli-Arab conflict has remained unresolved despite numerous attempts. Being one of the most prolonged international relations issues in the world, the repercussions of the conflict extend beyond the boundaries of the Middle East region, posing effects on international security. Accordingly, the conflict involves historical and political matters, and Israel and Palestine ... Read More
Pages: 5       Words: 1286
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