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Human Resource Management Analysis

P1: Main Areas of HRM in Contribution to Sustainable Performance

Define HRM

Human Resource Management entails a strategic approach that ensures effective management of individuals in an organization or company to help it achieve its goals and objectives. Human resource management aims to effectively and systematically accomplish an organization’s most crucial quality: its individuals. HRM includes a variety of tasks intended to maximize human impending to meet corporate objectives, such as hiring, training, development, pay, and employee relations.

Importance of HRM

HRM’s role as an essential element of business success highlights its significance. Effective talent management, first and foremost, ensures that the organization attracts, selects, and retains individuals with the requisite skills, hence shaping the organizational performance. Second, encouraging employee participation improves morale, productivity, and loyalty while creating a great work environment (Budhwar et al., 2022). Furthermore, compliance with labor laws and regulations is essential to reduce legal risks and uphold ethical standards. Finally, strategic alignment ensures that HR procedures are tightly correlated with the overarching business plan of the company, which supports long-term viability by retaining top talents.

Three HRM Functions from the Case Study

Organizational Culture Redefinition: As an example, XYZ Bank redefined its corporate culture, strongly emphasizing principles like creativity and customer-centricity. Contribution to Sustainability: This role is critical in developing a cohesive and flexible organizational culture. HR managers at XYZ Bank established the groundwork for long-term success by promoting innovation and customer-centricity, which align with the fast-paced banking industry. A dynamic workplace culture fosters employee dedication, adaptability, and the capacity to handle changes in the business successfully (Budhwar et al., 2022).

Talent Development: Example: XYZ Bank encouraged internal mobility and implemented extensive training programs. Contribution to Sustainability: It becomes clear that one of the main ways that talent development supports organizational sustainability is through XYZ Bank’s strategic investment in employee training and internal mobility initiatives, ensuring a trained, flexible workforce. When working in an industry characterized by constant technical change and market volatility, having workers with adaptable abilities is advantageous. This role helps employees become more competent while also bringing the organization into line with the changing needs of the banking sector.

Employee Engagement and Well-being: For instance, XYZ Bank regularly polled staff members on their level of satisfaction.Sustainability’s Contribution: Sustained performance is based on the well-being and engagement of the workforce. HR managers at XYZ Bank were able to assess employee happiness via regular surveys, which resulted in initiatives that raised morale and resolved issues. Elevated levels of employee engagement are positively correlated with heightened productivity, reduced attrition, and an enhanced employer brand – all of which are important for sustaining the sustained prosperity of a business (Malik et al., 2023).

Comparison and Justification

In comparing these functions, talent development emerges as the linchpin in achieving sustainable organizational performance. While aligning corporate culture and employee engagement is undeniably important, investing in talent development ensures a workforce capable of adapting to the ever-changing demands of the banking sector. Continuous learning and internal mobility align with the industry’s dynamic nature, making adaptability, data analysis, and talent development a strategic imperative for sustained success.

Research by Becker, Huselid, and Beatty (2009) supports the assertion that organizational agility and responsiveness to change with robust talent development programs are more likely to achieve sustained success, emphasizing the critical role of human capital in competitive industries. In the case study, XYZ Bank’s emphasis on talent development aligns with these findings, highlighting the strategic importance of this HRM function.

P2: Effects of the Changing Nature of Organizations on Human Resources Skills and Knowledge

Evolution of Establishments: Organizations used to function in a strict, hierarchical structure with top-down decision-making and a clear definition of roles, and there were established avenues for communication. Nonetheless, there has been a notable development in organizational structures due to the quick speed at which technology is developing, globalization, and changes in consumer needs. More adaptable and agile frameworks that encourage creativity, teamwork, and change responsiveness have replaced traditional approaches (Cheng & Hacket, 2021).

Reasons behind the Changes: These alterations are the result of many causes. Markets have grown due to globalization, and businesses now need to do business internationally. Industries have been upended by technology, necessitating a workforce that is more tech-savvy and adaptable (Budhwar et al., 2022). Organizations must be flexible and customer-focused to meet the expectations of their customers for prompt, customized service. Organizations must constantly innovate to remain competitive, which calls for a change from inflexible to flexible organizational structures.

Role of HR during Modification and its Impression on Employee Abilities and Awareness: HR is critical in light of these developments. The HR experts are responsible for aligning the personnel with the company’s changing demands. They support efforts related to change management, ensuring staff members comprehend and accept new procedures and methods of operation (Budhwar et al., 2022). The job of HR extends to talent acquisition, where obtaining varied talents becomes imperative. Employees can now access digital literacy, flexibility, and cross-cultural communication skills thanks to redesigned training and development programs. HR also plays a crucial role in addressing employees’ salaries and encouraging staff to keep up to date with industry developments by establishing a culture of continuous learning.

HRM about the Changing Nature of Modern Business Organizations

Analyze HR Changes

HR has changed significantly as a result of the way that firms are evolving. The administrative-focused, traditional HR jobs have transformed into strategic, value-driven positions. HR increasingly participates in corporate decision-making as a partner, helping to develop and carry out company strategies. The emphasis now is on being proactive rather than reactive, projecting future skill requirements, and lining up talent plans with organizational objectives.

New Role of HR in Modern Business – Focus on New HR Trends

This change is reflected in many HR trends. Planning the workforce is now essential to have the proper people on hand when required to influence employee experience on engagement and productivity (Budhwar et al., 2022). It is given priority. Technology, especially AI and HR analytics, improves hiring, expedites procedures, and provides data-driven insights. With the recognition of the importance of diverse viewpoints in fostering creativity, diversity and inclusion have gained prominence. In general, the changing nature of organizations necessitates a dynamic HR function. HR manages administrative tasks and actively shapes the workforce to meet the demands of the modern business landscape. HR will be pivotal in driving and sustaining positive change as organizations evolve.

P3 HRM Practices in Recruitment and Retention for Business Objectives

The Function of Recruiting in Reaching Business Goals: Hiring is an essential HRM activity to reach company goals. It entails drawing in and selecting applicants who portion the organization’s morals, objectives, and skill needs. Ensuring the firm has the proper people to boost innovation and productivity, besides success, is assured via effective recruiting (Cheng & Hacket, 2021).

Distinct Recruitment Approaches: Internal recruiting encourages career growth and loyalty among current workers while filling job vacancies. By drawing from outside talent pools, external recruiting brings new ideas and expertise. Organizations may balance external diversity and internal development by combining the two techniques, which improves worker competence overall (Cheng & Hacket, 2021).

The Function of Retention in Reaching Corporate Goals: Equality of importance is retention for company success. Its key goals include keeping talented staff members, cutting turnover, and preserving institutional expertise. Long-term strategy alignment, cohesiveness within the team, and continuity are all facilitated by a steady workforce (Budhwar et al., 2022).

Evaluation of 4 Retention Strategies

Competitive Compensation and Benefits: Impact on Business Objectives: Attracting and retaining top talent. Long-term Effectiveness: Effective in the short term; other factors like work culture also influence retention.

Career Development Opportunities: Impact on Business Objectives: Enhancing employee skills and increasing internal promotions.Long-term Effectiveness: Fosters loyalty and motivates employees to invest in their careers within the organization (Budhwar et al., 2022).

Flexible Work Arrangements: Impact on Business Objectives: Boosting work-life balance and employee satisfaction.Long-term Effectiveness: Attracts diverse talent and enhances overall employee well-being.

Recognition and Rewards Programs: Impact on Business Objectives: Boosting morale and fostering a positive work environment.Long-term Effectiveness: Creates a culture of appreciation, contributing to sustained employee engagement.

HRM Practices and the Omani Labour Market

Impact of Recruitment and Retention Strategies on the Omani Labour Market

Oman’s focus on training and development as a retention strategy is crucial for building a skilled local workforce. By investing in continuous learning and development, organizations contribute to enhancing the talent pool in the Omani labor market. Training programs can be designed to align with the specific skills needed for leadership roles, ensuring a pipeline of skilled Omani professionals who can take on key positions in the future(Cheng & Hacket, 2021).

For example, a company implementing leadership development programs retains talent and prepares Omani employees for leadership roles, addressing the growing need for skilled leaders in the Omani labor market. This approach benefits the organization internally and contributes to the broader goal of fostering a capable and empowered workforce within Oman, aligning with national workforce development objectives (Budhwar et al., 2022).

In general, HRM practices such as training and development play a crucial role in enhancing the skills of Omani workers, leading to the development of skilled labor in the Omani labor market. The strategic alignment of HR practices with national workforce goals is essential for the sustainable growth of both organizations and the broader economy.

P4. Internal and External Factors Affecting HRM Decision-Making

Internal and external features significantly influence organizational dynamics. Internal factors include corporate culture, structure, and workplace dynamics, while external factors encompass economic conditions, organizational culture, and legal and regulatory frameworks. These factors collectively shape the environment in which organizations operate and impact their decision-making processes. Therefore, there is a need to balance internal needs and external pressures to facilitate compliance and effective decision-making in the organization.

Impact of Internal Factors on HR Decision-Making

Administrative Culture Impact: Shapes HR practices, such as recruitment methods aligned with cultural fit. For example, XYZ Bank’s emphasis on innovation influenced HR decisions, fostering a culture of continuous learning (Cheng & Hacket, 2021).

Organizational Structure Impact: Affects HR functions like reporting lines and communication channels.mExample: A flat organizational structure may lead to a more collaborative and adaptable HR approach.

Available Resources: Impact Influences HR decisions related to compensation, benefits, and training budgets.Example: Limited resources may necessitate strategic prioritization in HR initiatives.

Impact of External Factors on HR Decision-Making

Economic Conditions: Impact Affects recruitment, layoffs, and compensation decisions. Example: Economic downturns may lead to cost-cutting measures, impacting workforce size and benefits HR decisions.

Technological Advancements: Impact Shapes HR recruitment, training, and performance management strategies. For example, Adopting digital platforms for remote work during the COVID-19 pandemic impacted HR decisions on flexible work arrangements (Cheng & Hacket, 2021).

Legal and Regulatory Frameworks: Impact Influences HR policies related to labor laws, diversity, and inclusion.Example: Changes in employment regulations may prompt HR decisions to ensure compliance and fairness.

Critical Factors Affecting HRM Decision-Making in Organizational Development

For a company to gain a competitive advantage, effective HRM decision-making is important. Firstly, the alignment of HR decisions towards the overall business strategy ensures that the labor force is directed towards attaining the company’s broad goals. Organizations can optimize their human capital to drive innovation, enhance productivity, and maintain adaptability in the face of dynamic market conditions by strategically linking HR practices with broader business objectives. This helps foster a cohesive organizational culture and reinforces the connection between the workforce and the strategic direction of an enterprise.

Additionally, strategic workforce planning in response to market and technological changes is crucial for maintaining a competitive edge. HR professionals need to anticipate the shifts in the business landscape, acquire new knowledge related to them, and plan for attraction, development, and retention of appropriate talent. This allows organizations to remain competitive in relation to talent availability as they are able to attract individuals with high-quality skills and perspectives. Competitor Advantage Theory states that employee development is an ongoing source of competitive advantage as it not only contributes to current performance but also prepares for future success within a changing environment.

In the context of XYZ Bank, one of the critical external factors affecting HRM decision-making is technological advancements. The intensification of fintech and digital banking facilities required the bank to capitalize on digital competencies and adapt to fluctuating customer partialities. HR decisions related to recruitment focused on enticing tech-savvy professionals, and exercise programs were tailored to link digital skill breaches (Budhwar et al., 2022). While all the factors mentioned are vital, technological advancements are crucial for XYZ Bank’s organizational development. The ability to navigate the digital landscape ensures immediate adaptability and positions the bank strategically in a technology-driven industry.

Role of HR and Overcoming Challenges

HR’s role in overcoming these challenges involves staying abreast of industry trends, anticipating skill needs, and designing training programs to meet those needs. For example, HR at XYZ Bank could collaborate with external partners for cutting-edge digital training programs. Additionally, HR can facilitate a culture of continuous learning, encouraging employees to acquire and upgrade digital skills (Budhwar et al., 2022).

Valid Recommendations for HRM Decision-Making

In the context of training resource allocation, HRM should leverage advanced technology to streamline the hiring journey. This involves incorporating applicant tracking systems, AI-driven resume screening, and automated interview scheduling. These tools not only expedite the selection process but also facilitate a more objective evaluation of employees. In addition, it is fundamental to invest in data analytics to ensure targeted talent identification. Companies may utilize previous records of recruitment and ascertain trends in order to refine sources of human capital towards channels that yield best-suited candidates for open positions. This makes the process more resource-prudent by basing the decision-making on facts.

HR professionals need to work hand-in-hand with hiring managers. Establishing a close partnership ensures a thorough understanding of job requirements and expectations, leading to more accurate candidate evaluations. Additionally, it is crucial to focus on an employer’s image when dealing with job applicants. The employer’s image is always positive, which attracts talented employees, thus giving the company a competitive advantage over others. Lastly, comprehensive onboarding processes play an imperative role in integrating new employees into the organization seamlessly. An effective onboarding program enhances the quick adaptation of employees into their roles while simultaneously improving employee turnover rates, therefore increasing organizational performance at large.

For improved employee engagement, organizations should frequently conduct surveys to measure satisfaction levels and respond to issues through initiatives that raise their spirits. This would mean openness in communication at workplaces and having well-set programs for recognizing and appreciating the work of staff, which leads to motivated workers. Moreover, it also provides an opportunity for employees to develop and progress in their careers while remaining employed in the same organization, demonstrating a commitment toward their professional growth and welfare.

Finally, developing strong training plans for the improvement of skills entails including a variety of internal and external partnerships for diverse exposure. This can be done through creating comprehensive programs that encourage continuous learning and adaptability. Initiatives aimed at training the next generation of organizational leaders should be put in place. Encouraging employees to explore diverse roles within the organization through the promotion of internal mobility is a step in this direction. Together, these strategies create a holistic approach to talent development that ensures employees have the capabilities, attitudes, and openings needed for personal growth and professional development.


In conclusion, Talent development, employee engagement, and strategic alignment are some of HRM’s strengths. They build a competent workforce and ensure a harmonized organizational vision. However, HRM faces weaknesses such as the threat of skill gaps, opposition to change, and bureaucracies. To take advantage of strengths for betterment and address weaknesses appropriately, HRM should embrace continuous evaluation and adaptation in order to foster consistent improvement. Preventive measures like training programs targeted at specific skills can resolve skill gaps and streamline steps while encouraging a culture that embraces change can counter resistance, ensuring HRM continues to play a vital role in the success of an organization.

To effectively handle external factors, HRM needs to be aware of market dynamics and regulatory changes through close collaboration with legal and compliance teams in order to make necessary proactive adjustments. Continuously doing workforce planning ensures that staff levels match economic conditions and that recruitment of tech-savvy personnel embraces technology advancements that increase organizational agility. This calls for a continuous assessment and adaptation approach, which will help to promptly respond to the changing external factors and create resilience in a changing business environment.


Becker, B.E., Huselid, M.A. and Beatty, R.W., 2009. The differentiated workforce: Translating talent into strategic impact. Harvard Business Press.

Budhwar, P., Malik, A., De Silva, M.T. and Thevisuthan, P., 2022. Artificial intelligence–challenges and opportunities for international HRM: a review and research agenda. The International Journal of Human Resource Management33(6), pp.1065-1097.

Cheng, M.M. and Hackett, R.D., 2021. A critical review of algorithms in HRM: Definition, theory, and practice. Human Resource Management Review31(1), p.100698.

Malik, A., Budhwar, P. and Kazmi, B.A., 2023. Artificial intelligence (AI)-assisted HRM: Towards an extended strategic framework. Human Resource Management Review33(1), p.100940.


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