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Human Cognition Essays

The Greatest Enemy of the Knowledge Is Not Ignorance, It Is the Illusion of the Knowledge.

Human cognition is paradoxical: knowledge is an illusion. Ignorance is the adversary of knowledge, but a deeper look indicates that our ultimate opponent may be the illusion of understanding. This paradox makes us examine our assumptions and face the delicate intricacy of knowledge. Knowledge talks often stress Skepticism and self-reflection; however, the illusion of knowledge ... Read More
Pages: 3       Words: 630

Technological Tethering: The Deterministic Impact of Smartphones on Human Cognition

Concerns concerning cell phones’ impact on human cognition—specifically, memory, attention span, and creativity—have been raised by the devices’ ubiquitous use. This essay examines Rebecca Seal’s (2022) piece, “Is your smartphone ruining your memory?” via a deterministic perspective. An exclusive analysis of the emergence of “digital amnesia.” We investigate how smartphones, as technical objects, influence social ... Read More
Pages: 5       Words: 1299
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Role Testosterone Plays in Human Behaviour and Cognition

Introduction What comes to your mind when asked about testosterone? Probably lust, violence, and machismo. Testosterone is simply a steroid hormone found in males and is responsible for their aggressiveness, and at times can be associated with antisocial and negative male behaviour. Therefore, this paper aims to evaluate the role of testosterone in human behaviour ... Read More
Pages: 10       Words: 2668
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