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Technological Tethering: The Deterministic Impact of Smartphones on Human Cognition

Concerns concerning cell phones’ impact on human cognition—specifically, memory, attention span, and creativity—have been raised by the devices’ ubiquitous use. This essay examines Rebecca Seal’s (2022) piece, “Is your smartphone ruining your memory?” via a deterministic perspective. An exclusive analysis of the emergence of “digital amnesia.” We investigate how smartphones, as technical objects, influence social behavior and cognitive processes by looking at the deterministic viewpoint. The post acknowledges differing opinions from subject-matter specialists while attempting to provide a thorough grasp of the complex effects of cell phones on memory, concentration, and creativity.

Technological Tethering and the Deterministic Lens

According to the theory of technological determinism, advances in technology have an intrinsic effect on how humans grow, influencing social structures, conventions, and behavior (Kline, 2015). Three significant elements that guide this paradigm are influence on society, autonomy, and inevitability (Kline, 2015). Society is expected to adapt as it embraces new technologies, leading to transformative changes. Technological determinism is set apart from other viewpoints by technology’s autonomy and autonomous growth, which portrays it as a force that influences society rather than existing at society’s command (Kline, 2023).

The Effects of Smartphones on Attention and Memory

People’s information management and memory have changed dramatically due to smartphones, now commonplace tools for calendars, reminders, and data storage (Seal, 2022). According to the deterministic perspective, dumping memory into cell phones is a concrete example of the routine changes technology brings. According to the notion, when technology, in this case, cell phones, becomes increasingly ingrained in daily life, it causes long-lasting cognitive alterations in people (Kline, 2015).

Notably, disruptions that impair focus and memory transfer processes are caused by smartphone notifications, including messages, social media updates, and app alerts (Seal, 2022). Studies have shown that these disruptions negatively impact a person’s capacity to encode information into long-term memory. Furthermore, the widespread use of smartphones for multitasking causes attention to be further divided, lowering concentration on essential tasks.

Contrasting Views on the Impact of Smartphones

While some neuroscientists contend that smartphones improve intelligence by enabling more effective mental processes, others are cautious about the effects of cell phones on cognitive functions. A cognitive neuroscientist, Professor Chris Bird, argues that smartphones help people recall particular events they might otherwise forget. He gives examples of taking reminders or photos of essential documents (Seal, 2022). On the other hand, Professor Oliver Hardt, an expert in the neurobiology of memory and forgetting, worries about the detrimental impacts of overindulgence in smartphones on hippocampal formation. This critical brain region controls memory and spatial orientation (Seal, 2022). According to him, using cell phones for “simple instruction sets” rather than participating in sophisticated cognitive processes could have detrimental effects, including a decrease in grey matter density and a higher chance of developing diseases like dementia and depression.

Behavioral and Emotional Repercussions

Smartphones have affected psychological and social behavior in addition to cognitive functions. Technology expert Linda Stone highlights how constant notifications and social media distractions aggravate problems with focus and information encoding (Seal, 2022). This continuous stream of information affects one’s ability to concentrate on mentally demanding tasks, influencing societal changes. These disturbances affect memory encoding and concentration, which involves a person’s capacity to concentrate on intellectually taxing tasks (Seal). This societal change is consistent with technological determinism, which holds that technological advancements, like cell phones, influence politics, the economy, culture, and cognitive behavior (Kline, 2015).

Using Smartphones for Memorization: A Deterministic Shift

The deterministic perspective holds that as technology is introduced, society’s behavior changes and people are forced to adapt to its impacts on a personal and societal scale (Kline, 2015). Due to their role as memory aids, smartphones have permanently changed how people recall and process information, resulting in changes to mental burdens (Seal, 2022). The deterministic effect is demonstrated by how society has adapted to cell phones as a daily need, highlighting the significant social ramifications of their ubiquitous use. A viewpoint on technological determinism

According to Kline (2015), the theoretical framework of technological determinism asserts that technology significantly influences society’s norms, behaviors, and structures. This viewpoint holds that technological advancement is autonomous, inevitable, and capable of profound social transformations (Kline, 2015). Regarding cell phones, people have been delegating more and more memory tasks to these gadgets, consistent with the deterministic theory that holds that technology molds human behavior and experiences (Kline, 2015). Technology has brought about dramatic changes, as evidenced by the reliance on cell phones for memory-related tasks, thus furthering the autonomy and certainty inherent in technological determinism.

Smartphone-Induced Diversions from Original Thought

According to the report Seal(2022), continuous smartphone distractions, especially from notifications, may impair memory development and transfer. Concerns exist regarding the effects on intellectual creativity in addition to memory. Being constantly sidetracked may hinder critical thinking and wise connections between concepts, lowering the caliber of creative production. One important aspect that shapes people’s interactions is how smartphone apps are designed to leverage attention, significantly impacting their interactions with their devices and cognitive processes. Smartphone app designs have a significant impact on people’s cognitive functions. Apps are frequently designed with addictive features and notifications to attract users’ attention. This intentional design can affect cognitive engagement and the quality of information retained in memory. To fully grasp the broader effects of cell phones on human cognition, one must understand the relationship between cognitive processes and app design.

Children and Smartphone Usage

Possible structural alterations in children’s brains brought on by technological use are also discussed in the subject matter (Seal, 2022). Concerns have been raised regarding the long-term effects of cell phones on cognitive development as they become an indispensable part of daily life, particularly for younger generations. A child’s brain is unusually pliable, making it vulnerable to the effects of outside stimuli, such as prolonged usage of smartphones (Seal,2022). This calls into question the obligation of society to control and direct the use of technology by children and adolescents.

Achieving a Balance between the Benefits of Technology and Mental Health

Achieving a balance between the advantages of technology and the maintenance of cognitive talents is crucial, as society struggles with the complex effects of cell phones on memory, concentration, and creativity (Seal, 2022). Despite their ease of use, accessibility, and connectivity, smartphones have an unavoidable impact on cognitive ability. Given our growing dependence on cell phones, it is important to carefully explore how they affect our ability to remember things, pay attention, and think creatively.


The deterministic lens offers a valuable framework for comprehending how cell phones affect people’s cognitive abilities. Technological determinism holds that technological advancements are inevitable and autonomous, as demonstrated by the increasing use of smartphones and their profound impact on cognitive functions such as memory, attention, and creativity. Experts’ differing opinions highlight how complicated this matter is; some support smartphones’ positive effects on cognition, while others warn against potential drawbacks. It is critical to recognize and address the issues raised by smartphone use while balancing the advantages of these devices as society continues to negotiate the technological landscape. In this way, we can ensure that the benefits of cell phones do not come at the expense of critical cognitive processes, and we may promote a symbiotic relationship between technology and mental health.


Kline, Ronald R. “Technological Determinism.” International encyclopedia of the social and behavioral sciences, 24, 2015: Pg. 109–112.

Seal, R. (2022, July 3). Is your smartphone ruining your memory? A special report on the rise of ‘digital amnesia.’


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