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Globalized World Essays

Exploring Cultural Narratives of Food Practices in a Globalized World

Food is a critical component that serves as a mere substance for consumption and a powerful symbol of different cultural identities, historical continuity and social belonging. In anthropology, the discipline of food anthropology explores the intricate relationship between human societies and food practices, examining how foods of different cultures reflect their identity, power dynamics and ... Read More
Pages: 10       Words: 2661

Reflection on Ted Talks: Shaping Religious Ideas in a Globalized World

Introduction Three viewpoints on religion in our linked, worldwide society are provided via the TED Talks of Rick Warren, Dan Dennett, and Sam Harris. The philanthropist and preacher Rick Warren addresses the idea of living a purpose-driven life, stressing the need to appreciate one’s unique skills to benefit society. The philosopher and cognitive scientist Dan ... Read More
Pages: 4       Words: 826
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Interfaith Relations in Islamic History

Introduction The interfaith relations in Islam are deeply embedded within the foundation upon which they were based, as outlined in many Quran and Hadith verses that underscore the principles of tolerance, coexistence, and respect towards one another. The Qur’an recognizes that other faith communities are called “people of the book” because they have a common ... Read More
Pages: 8       Words: 1975
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