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Globalization Essays

International Strategic Plan

Executive Summary Before deciding on internationalization and growth strategies, conducting a strategic analysis for small and medium enterprises is necessary. This report has explained the analysis of an SME called W. K. Thomas & Associates General Contractors, a family-owned corporation based in the United States of America. The report is partitioned into four main sections; ... Read More
Pages: 13       Words: 3570

Iberians Empires and Globalization in the European Union

Looking back, most of the empires went through renaissance or ‘revival’ as used in the European society to represent the utilization of acquired knowledge and ideas. Revival was triggered by the turnaround which was experienced in the economic growth in the European Union (Borges 2014, 2). Therefore, renaissance evidenced that there was an undeniable bond ... Read More
Pages: 13       Words: 3314
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Threats to the Global Environment

Introduction The environment is our surround, and its safety depends on how we treat it. There are several ways the environment has been damaged in the 21st century: climate change, biodiversity loss, water and air pollution, natural disasters including droughts and high temperatures, and the drain of natural resources. The world has noticed the changes and ... Read More
Pages: 10       Words: 2579

Major Global Issues of the Time

Introduction  As Thatcher et al. (2018) highlight, the world is growing at an extraordinary pace, especially in the twenty-first century. Transformations are being experienced in many areas of the globe. However, as the transformations are being experienced due to the dynamic advances, there are issues that companies in the contemporary setup are experiencing. Thatcher et ... Read More
Pages: 14       Words: 3734

Globalization’s Effects on Africa’s Culture and Politics

Abstract Globally, we are seeing a shift from orthodox conservative regimes to modern colonial ones and from the multilateral superiority of diverse imperial goals to the bipolar double domination of western capitalist and eastern central-controlled economies bolstered by advances in modern technology. Since the conclusion of the Cold War in the early 1990s, this pattern ... Read More
Pages: 7       Words: 1754

Cosmopolis Novel by Don DeLillo

Introduction Globalization refers to the continuous interdependence of world economies, cultures and populations, which has been made possible through carrying out trade across borders involving goods, services, technology, and the flow of investment and information. Through globalization, technology has intensified across borders which have helped in boosting innovation and productivity in emerging markets (SENTISHCHEVA et ... Read More
Pages: 5       Words: 1280

Global Management and Culture

Introduction Culture is a significant part of people’s existence. It can be shared, symbolic, learned, integrated, dynamic, and learned. Culture has a considerable influence in shaping the everyday experiences of human beings that eventually determine an individual’s traditions, personality, social dynamics, customs, norms, and values. The essentiality of culture is evident in all spheres of ... Read More
Pages: 14       Words: 3834

Geographical Analysis of Colonization Neo-Colonization and Globalization

The idea that the world is now a “global village” is regularly used in our day-to-day interactions. In any part of the world, this notion can be validated by the country’s residents aiming for exemplary leadership and free and fair elections, which may be subjected to the European Union, which monitors and observes elections to ... Read More
Pages: 9       Words: 2312

Cultural Erosion as a Problem of Globalization

Introduction Globalization is a term used to describe a series of interconnectedness of regions of the world in terms of transportation and communication. As Pooch (2016) points out, it is a term coined by an economist Levitt in 1983. It has been used in various capacities to describe levels at which political boundaries have become ... Read More
Pages: 6       Words: 1552

A Discussion on the Relationships Between Globalization and Human Development

Globalization refers to the process by which nations become increasingly economically and politically interdependent. Multiple indicators can be used to measure the degree of globalization, which is a process that is extremely difficult to comprehend through the lens of fluctuating variables. Globalization has been directly correlated with the rates at which infectious diseases spread, the ... Read More
Pages: 6       Words: 1472

Analysis on the Threats Defense Argument

Introduction Globalization and technology use obviously have impacts on the global environment, but the effects are not as far-reaching as those of other threats, such as climate change, energy sources, civil war, and poor health of entire populations. Part of the reason why globalization and inappropriate use of technology are less critical is due to ... Read More
Pages: 5       Words: 1249

Modernity at Large

Introduction The book Modernity at Large examines various elements that lead to cultural and societal developments worldwide. These factors are crucial in ensuring that the world develops in various ways to improve the quality of living among people. Anthropologist Arjun Appadurai explains five critical flows that lead to globalization and development across various cultures. Three ... Read More
Pages: 3       Words: 758

Globalisation and Urban Growth

Introduction Globalisation is one of the universal cycles of our day, defined as “an expansion in the degree to which people and establishments arrangement or trade with others situated in the country states other than their own, or impact others through their monetary and social way of behaving”. Then again, globalisation is a long way ... Read More
Pages: 8       Words: 2109

Prime Characteristics of Globalization

Globalization means “interdependence” Interdependence denotes to two or more nations influencing and relying on each other, whereas globalization refers to the economical, governmental, and social contact and incorporation of people from all over the world. Most nations are interrelated and integrated in today’s globalized globe. There are two primary variables that contribute to coherence in ... Read More
Pages: 3       Words: 796

Business and Supply Chain: Ford Motors Company

Introduction Ford Motor Firm is a well-known, global automobile design and manufacturing corporation altering its goal to focus on investor value and consumer response. Faced with increased worldwide competition, Ford has identified various aspects of operations that might be better implemented to meet the goals set out. There have been multiple options for different Ford ... Read More
Pages: 11       Words: 2751
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