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Finance Essays

Federal Contracting Activities and Contract Types

Introduction To guarantee that Federal government initiatives are executed to the highest quality standards without budget overruns, Federal contracting is a lengthy task that needs to consider a range of significant elements. Consequently, the government has had to deal with escalating financial issues, mainly growing external debt and the need for accountability and impartiality in public finance management ... Read More
Pages: 9       Words: 2302

Ethics of Accounting

Accounting ethics is crucial for businesses because they facilitate accurate financial reporting and planning, ensuring realistic, sustainable, and legal plans. Companies or businesses thrive under ethical accounting, which provides a good reputation to both clients and businesses. In cases where the accounting team fails to uphold ethical standards, a business can incur substantial financial losses, ... Read More
Pages: 4       Words: 826
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Emerging Issues in Accounting and Finance

Introduction I am in agreement with Jason Marx’s view that accountants should be worried about adaptation rather than being replaced. The perpetual advancement in technology is not meant to take accountants and finance personnel their jobs but to enhance their efficiency. Technology only replaces the routine roles that nobody enjoys performing them. Accountants still offer ... Read More
Pages: 7       Words: 1894

Control and Budgeting: Personal Budgeting

People, groups, and companies operate under limited resources which require them to allocate the resources to the operational needs. To ensure that the scarce and limited resources meet the organizational or individual needs, heavy planning is involved. The planning is informed by the needs, which leads to the expenses and the income, referred to as ... Read More
Pages: 4       Words: 852

Essay on Congestion Pricing

Traffic congestion remains a significant challenge facing major cities across the United States. Traffic congestion often occurs when many vehicle users seek to use the roads within a similar period. However, this often results in movement taking longer, increased pollution, and increased transport cost. Subsequently, one of the solutions made to address traffic congestion has ... Read More
Pages: 3       Words: 661

An Analysis of the United States FDI Aspects for the International Expansion of Mindful Chef

Introduction Foreign direct investment (FDI) is essential for the growth of industries and nations. According to Rahmonov et al. (2020, p. 2), it presents innovation to the firm, assists in boosting the economy, and improves local employment. Firms considering FDI usually look at firms in open economies that provide above-average growth and skilled labour force ... Read More
Pages: 9       Words: 2371

Advanced Financial Decisions Final Report

Introduction Equity and debts form a company’s capital structure, and hence they are used to run the organisation’s operation and growth. This research examines the capital structure theories of 2 FTSE companies in the United Kingdom. In this study, we will examine the impact of ROA (return of assets), NDTS (net debt to total assets), ... Read More
Pages: 12       Words: 3048

Essay on Blockchain Technology

Introduction A blockchain is a series of time-stamped immutable data usually managed by a group of computers in most cases not owned by single entities. The individual blocks of data are bound and secured using cryptographic principles. Thus, a blockchain has no central authority and operates more like a democratized system. The blockchain system is ... Read More
Pages: 10       Words: 2499

Essay on Financial Management

The growth of any business is a long-term practice that requires a lot of resources and expertise. I’ll try to persuade them by laying out my 5-year strategic growth plan, which will prioritize long-term rather than short-term results while reaffirming the company’s original ethical and environmental values. Plan of Action (Five Years) the mission, objectives, ... Read More
Pages: 3       Words: 712

Financial Management: Amazon Inc.

Introduction Amazon Inc. is an American international technology company mainly based on e-commerce, digital streaming, and cloud computing. It is an online retailer, manufactures e-book readers, and provides web services. Over the years it has been in operation, the company has become an iconic example of electronic commerce. Among the commodities offered by the company ... Read More
Pages: 9       Words: 2410

Dixons Carphone Plc’s Financial Report

Introduction This report seeks to analyze the financial performance of Dixons Carphone plc using its financial ratios and compare the company with Best Buy as one of its main competitors. The report will detail Dixons Carphone plc’s key features, its current financial position, key resources and some of the challenges it faces in the market. ... Read More
Pages: 16       Words: 4279

Essay on Cryptocurrency

Cryptocurrency is a different mode of payment of digital currency, which is created in the form of coding systems to secure all transactions. It mainly functions as a virtual system of accounts and a coin. The primary role of the cryptocurrency is to ensure all problems of currencies by the currency holder’s hands have full ... Read More
Pages: 3       Words: 753

Cost-Benefit Analysis

Summary The analysis in the cost-benefit context will always weigh the sum of all costs and the sum of all the benefits to see which is higher and whether the project is worth pursuing (Plowman, 2014), (Gollier and C., 2020). We look at the benefits and the costs in terms of monetary value. In this ... Read More
Pages: 10       Words: 2742

Cost Cutting at VentaCare

The director of human resources at Ventacare, Allison, is looking for various ways to cut down costs related to employee benefits programs. The move comes from reduced federal funding, which has made the firm experience financial difficulties. Ventacare enjoys a good reputation in its three locations and is constantly increasing the number of people seeking ... Read More
Pages: 3       Words: 565

Coca-Cola Financial Analysis

Introduction: In the United States, the Coca-Cola Company manufactures and sells the sweetened carbonated beverage known as Coca-Cola, which has become a cultural touchstone and global symbol of American taste. The company was founded in 1892. Other soft drinks and citrus beverages are also produced and sold by the corporation. Over 200 countries around the ... Read More
Pages: 10       Words: 2520
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