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Exposure Therapy Essays

Theo Case Study Analysis

Counseling is essential for handling issues related to Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD). The condition has been ranked as one of the most expensive mental health disorders due to its complexity. Most of the time, people experience this disorder as a result of past experiences that were not pleasant, and the condition may drastically affect ... Read More
Pages: 8       Words: 2041

Social Anxiety Disorder

SAD refers to a persistent concern about exposing personal weaknesses, thereby being judged negatively by others. Persons diagnosed with SAD frequently suffer panic attacks when they interact with people daily; thus, choosing to stay away from others and establishing mutual understanding with other people is difficult for them. In social situations, these individuals may exhibit ... Read More
Pages: 4       Words: 939
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For One Year, I Desperately Chased Sleep. Once I Stopped Trying, It Found Me.

Introduction The complex world of insomnia reveals itself with unusual complexity in the never-ending search for a good night’s relaxation. Warwaruk’s compelling story, detailed in Warwaruk’s write-up, draws readers into the personal pain of chronic insomnia in this elusive pursuit. It provokingly suggests that insomnia is not just a disorder but also a phobia, the ... Read More
Pages: 5       Words: 1256
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