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Exploring Leadership Styles in Healthcare

Demographic information of the nurse-leader

Martin Njuguna works as a Nurse Manager at Kenyatta National Hospital. He has been in leadership for more than three years and has a vast knowledge of the management of projects and how to go about his day-to-day leadership activities. His email address is, and his phone number is +254758297624.

Description of the nurse leaders’ position

The nurse holds the position of Nurse Manager at the Kijabe Hospital. In this role, they are responsible for overseeing the nursing staff, managing patient care units, ensuring quality care delivery, and collaborating with other healthcare professionals to optimize patient outcomes. They are also responsible for leadership and management, leadership and support of nurses, and effective management and leadership can enhance the engagement of nurses and increase the quality of services and care (Cummings et al., 2021).

Description of the Nurse Leader’s Style and Its Alignment with Leadership Theories

The nurse leader primarily employs a transformational leadership style. Transformational leadership is characterized by stimulating, inspiring, and motivating followers; transformational leaders focus on building relationships with people and emphasizing change (Albert et al., 2022). Transformational leaders reflect what is needed to match people and circumstances to achieve the set goals. They are also mindful leaders who use communication, relationship-building, and situational awareness to manage context. Transformational leaders pay attention, increase awareness, and are sensitive to others to build a positive work environment (Penconek et al., 2021). This aligns with theories of transformational leadership, emphasizing charisma, intellectual stimulation, and inspirational motivation.

Description of the Nurse Leader’s Experience with a Change Management Project

The nurse leader led a change management project aimed at improving medication administration procedures. He initiated the project by conducting a thorough assessment of the current medication procedures, which involved identifying potential gaps and assessing compliance with regulatory authorities. The nurse leader also organized staff training where the staff members were taken through various topics such as proper medication administration and safety protocols. By implementing evidence-based practices, nurse leaders, engaging stakeholders, and fostering a culture of continuous improvement, they contributed to enhancing patient safety and quality of care within their healthcare organization.

Description of obstacles that a nurse leader may face in implementing change

Some of the challenges that were encountered during the implementation of the change included resistance from the staff members accustomed to previous exercises who needed more time to be ready for the change. Also, inadequate resources proved to be a significant setback in implementing the desired change as the facility needed more finances. However, the nurse leader managed to overcome these challenges by effectively communicating the rationale behind these changes and securing buy-in changes from stakeholders.

Description of Leadership Skills Used to Mentor a New Nurse Leader

Mentorship plays a significant role in developing future nurse leaders. The nurse leader emphasized the importance of mentorship in nurturing future potential leadership, sharing knowledge and expertise, and providing guidance and support. When looking for a mentor, one would look for someone with experience who can be easily approached and also someone whom you could easily communicate with.


Based on the interview insights, the nurse leader demonstrates an effective leadership style, demonstrated by transformational leadership principles. Their experience in leading change in management projects, overcoming obstacles, and commitment to mentorship underscores their effectiveness as a nurse leader in healthcare.


Cummings, G. G., Lee, S., Tate, K., Penconek, T., Micaroni, S. P., Paananen, T., & Chatterjee, G. E. (2021). The essentials of nursing leadership: A systematic review of factors and educational interventions influencing nursing leadership. International journal of nursing studies, 115, 103842.

Penconek, T., Tate, K., Bernardes, A., Lee, S., Micaroni, S. P., Balsanelli, A. P., … & Cummings, G. G. (2021). Determinants of nurse manager job satisfaction: A systematic review. International Journal of Nursing Studies, 118, 103906.


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