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Exploring Job Design, Staffing, and Christian Worldview

Hardy’s (1990) conceptual frameworks of the profession and the “divine economy” particularly integrate with Valentine’s two key job layouts and worker recruitment and performance structures (2020). Selecting a career path that enables us to use our God-given skills and abilities to start serving our neighborhood as God directs is critical to residing a completely Christian life (Hardy 1990). As Religious people proceed to choose the tasks that function others and accolades God, they are becoming components of the divine economic growth Hardy conveys, which is a sophisticated system that allows us all to help one another. This divine financial system is linked directly to prominent job design. When designing jobs, keep the essential qualities in mind. Skill variety, task significance, job involvement, independence, and feedback are among the attributes (Valentine, 2020). All of these attributes necessitate psychological processes including meaningfulness of work and obligation to attain the desired objectives. These psychological conditions, and the professional skills obligated to accomplish these jobs, are gifts given to individuals by God for them to be a component of a divine economic system that exists to serve God. Recruitment and retention abstractions underlined by Valentine (2020) including such executive mentorship, frequent performance appraisal, challenging work schedules, and advancement of managerial skills are also linked to Hardy’s divine economy.

These engagement constructs to aid in the creation and maintenance of prestigious jobs, allowing people to experience becoming a component of the divine economy. Acknowledging strategic plans so that eligible employees are hired and acknowledging resource usage linked to trying to recruit operations are two interrelated HR practice ramifications for advantageously hiring employees (Valentine, 2020). Comprehension and adherence to corporate strategy are critical for HR departments in selecting and recruiting the best candidates. Worren and Koestner (1996) discovered that aligning corporate strategy all over HR and recruitment agencies assisted enterprises in recruiting high-value staff members who could accept change and come up with new ideas. HR and recruitment agencies can work together to make sure that recruitment and selection operations are aligned with the business strategic plan and also that the qualified people are appointed through correct alignment. Acknowledging resource constraints about recruitment and selection activities is another related HR practice insinuation. Often these enterprises do not even have the unrestricted monetary capacity and should assign them advantageously to recruitment. With recent technological advances, many companies have changed to web-based recruiting. Intindola et al. (2017) explain a few of the restrictions of web-based hiring, discovering that besides definite saturation points, digital awareness to businesses can reduce candidate acquaintance with hiring institutions, potentially causing a reduction line with business objectives and qualified interviewees.


According to Cris Mar, one of the most significant aspects of job design is an assessment of the assignment that also correctly defines the task’s duties and expectations and creates performance targets with clearly delineated measuring performance. Furthermore, inspiring a work environment where all employees are encouraged to be proactive and take possession of their tasks will end up serving as a powerful motivational measure to reduce turnover of employees while luring the best talents to form a team. Possessing the skills for the job, as well as an environment in which employees perform at the highest level and empower them to be inventive, can result in a win-win situation both for the individual and the employer. As a result, an effective job design can be a powerful tool for encouraging a balance between work and life in the workplace (Valentine et al., 2019). I agree wholeheartedly, and I would add that obligation and independence are critical when designing a job. People must feel accountable for the work they do, whether alone or as part of a group. Their work must be specifically established so that they understand that they are individually accountable for the work that results from their deeds. If the commitments are clear, the position bearer and their superintendent will be effectively able to determine whether the position’s responsibilities are being met. This is inextricably linked to accountability. Autonomy entails allowing a person more freedom to control and regulate their possess work inside the variables established for the job. Inside the overarching approach of their job, the role bearer will have some regions of decision-making how they can consider their own.


Hardy, L. (1990). The fabric of this world: Inquiries into calling, career choice, and the design of human work. Wm. B. Eerdmans Publishing.

Intindola, M. L., Lewis, G., Flinchbaugh, C., & Rogers, S. E. (2019). Web-based recruiting’s impact on organizational image and familiarity: Too much of a good thing?. The International Journal of Human Resource Management, 30(19), 2732-2753.

Mathis, R. L., Jackson, J. H., Valentine, S. R., & Meglich, P. (2007). Human Resource Management: Cengage Learning.


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