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Evidence Based Practice Implementation


The healthcare system has undergone significant changes over the years, with the primary goal of the transitions to ensure better care to the population and improved clinical outcomes for various illnesses. The primary targets are the most frequently occurring chronic illnesses, that require comprehensive interventions to improve the prognostic outcome and reduce the extent of the complications among the affected populations. Evidence Based Practice EBP, entails the implementations of the best approach in handling a patient concern, based on the affirmation that the approach will influence better recovery. Prior research of the implications of the available interventions guides the choice that is considered an EBP recommendation for handling diverse clinical cases. The agency for quality healthcare services and research on diverse medical initiatives of disease management guides the approach of ensuring that the intervention that will lead to increased quality of life and patient satisfaction is put out there as part of the primary options of managing a specific illness. An in-depth analysis of the research findings concerning EBP implementations and their implications is vital towards addressing the factors that could affect extensive application of EBP.

Desired Outcomes of Putting the Research into Practice

Various goals direct the need to comprehensively explore on the possible EBP interventions and apply the findings as part of the solutions to diverse clinical cases. To start, the most desirable outcome of application of EBP in clinical practice is to improve the prognostic outcome of diseases that previously had a poor outcome, or whose clinical presentation is substantially determined by the quality of care provided (Sindi et al., 2017). AHRQ follows up on various private sectors and organizations in the United States, and looks into the direct implications of their interventions concerning better healthcare delivery in various states in US. In addition to improving the outcome of the interventions, research also reflects on the degree of the effectiveness of the current clinical practices in addressing the goals of therapy for treating diverse illnesses (Sindi et al., 2017). For instance, the goal of therapy for diabetes mellitus is to ensure that the blood sugar levels are well-controlled, which prevents the development of the microvascular, macrovascular, and ophthalmological complications of DM. Therefore, the primary goals of research are to reflect on the accuracy of the available guidelines and the further improvements that can be done to make the management of some illnesses even better.

Extent of Implementation

The advantages associated with a particular care model are the most substantial determinant of the extent of the application of the approach in addressing various clinical concerns. EBP is viewed as statistical findings that grade the effectiveness of diverse models of care delivery, based on resource availability, and the extent of awareness about the implications of an intervention in alleviation of a specific concern associated with a disease. The resource-rich settings such as the Level six hospitals significantly implement the EBP approach on attending to various illnesses due to the availability of equipment and trained personnel to carry out the diverse processes (Hisham et al., 2016). For instance, the need to ensure radiation treatment for all sites where keloids have been resected is only practical if a facility has radiotherapy services, and there is a highly trained health worker to administer the services to the patients. The exploration of the take and experiences about EBP among doctors in the rural areas revealed that the lack of resources to implement the EBP initiatives and the availability of scanty knowledge on the latest approach of attending to an illness is the reason why the EBP interventions are not practical in rural Malaysia compared to the urban centers (Hisham et al., 2016). An analysis on the extent of the implementation should look into the determinants that would make it possible or deter the practical application of a solution in a given set-up.

Possible Barriers to Implementation

EBP interventions are a substantial deal towards improving on the quality of healthcare services and reduction of the overall expenditure set aside for healthcare due to better health of the population. Even so, various factors impede the extensive implementation of EBP in various facilities, and as the primary guide in conducting research in medicine. Scarce resources and lack of incentives to support the implementation of EBP guidelines in a facility are typical barriers to the practical application of the latest interventions to facilitate better patient care and clinical outcomes (Mathieson et al., 2018). Organizational information has to be researched, and the potential implications of the same, to guide the discovery of the loopholes that affect the quality of care in the facility. However, lack of an enabling environment that makes organizational analysis possible impedes the implementation of EBP. Moreover, the lengthy process of transitioning from one guideline to another also affects the preferred approach used in a facility due to prioritization of convenience (Mathieson et al., 2018). The stakeholders find it more convenience to keep handling cases with the approach that has been used over the years, than to go through the process of introducing a new model that will take time before it is substantially rooted into the facility’s practice.

Ways to Overcome the Barriers

The implications of the barriers that affect the implementation of EBP on better healthcare delivery call for the need to come up with strategies that lift the restrictions. To start, policy making is a fundamental tool towards creating change in the approach used in handling specific concerns. The policies can be made at national, state, or regional levels, and ensure a mandatory change from the previously used models by insisting on the implementation of new guidelines of care that have been researched and proved to be the most effective based on the evidence findings (EPC, Evidence Based Reports, n.d). Limited knowledge on EBP can be addressed by increasing awareness and ensure the availability of sufficient resource supplies for the researchers. AHRQ controlled organizations have ensured the availability of enough funds to support various studies on EBP medicine since research is the backbone to positive change (EPC, Evidence Based Reports, n.d). In addition, equal distribution of resources addresses the barrier of inability to implement EBP in rural Malawi due to limited coverage. The physicians working in both the rural and urban areas will have equal opportunities concerning working towards positive change if the work environment is the same, even in different geographical settings.


Medicine is a constantly changing field, with the changes triggered by the research findings on the best approach to attend to various clinical concerns. EBP guidelines are considered the most effective models of care, based on the research findings on the clinical outcomes after the application of a specific intervention. Even so, the extent of application is limited by resource availability, lack of knowledge, and the hectic process of changing the current guidelines on addressing diverse illnesses. The supply of sufficient resources such a funds by AHRQ sees to it that more studies are done on EBP care, and guides the approach towards lifting the restrictions.


AHRQ. EPC, Evidence Based Reports. (n.d). Retrieved from

Hisham, R., Liew, S. M., Ng, C. J., Mohd Nor, K., Osman, I. F., Ho, G. J., … Glasziou, P. (2016). Rural doctors’ views on and experiences with evidence-based medicine: The freedom qualitative study. PLOS ONE11(3), e0152649. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0152649

Mathieson, A., Grande, G., & Luker, K. (2018). Strategies, facilitators and barriers to implementation of evidence-based practice in community nursing: A systematic mixed-studies review and qualitative synthesis. Primary Health Care Research & Development20. doi:10.1017/s1463423618000488

Sindi, N. A., Hamouda, G. M., & Bankhar, M. (2017). Factors affecting implementation of evidence based practice as perceived by nurses’. IOSR Journal of Nursing and Health Science06(04), 53-57. doi:10.9790/1959-0604025357


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