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Evidence-Based Practice Change Project


There are several important factors to consider when it comes to post-operative recovery from complete hip replacements. A key question to ask is: how long does it take for patients to recover from the procedure compared to those who didn’t have a post-operative infection within the first six weeks of recovery? This is a difficult question to answer without the use of a theoretical framework. The framework chosen for this project proposal will be the Social Cognitive Theory. This theory, developed by psychologist Albert Bandura, emphasizes the interaction between people’s individual learning, behavior, and environment (Abdullah et al., 2020). The theory proposes that individuals learn through observation and direct experience and that the social environment influences their behavior. Thus, this theoretical framework is beneficial in understanding how long it takes patients with complete hip replacements to recover compared to those who did not experience post-operative infections. By utilizing Social Cognitive Theory, this project proposal can examine the relationship between the patient’s environment, behavior, and recovery time, allowing us to better understand recovery rates among those who experienced a post-operative infection within the first six weeks of recovery. Through this project, we can gain insight into which environmental factors influence recovery times and how these factors can be adjusted to reduce infection rates and speed up recovery time.

Project Description

This project proposal focuses on a Picot question related to the recovery time of patients who underwent a procedure and had a post-operative infection within the first six weeks of recovery compared to those who did not. The primary goal of this research is to understand the differences in recovery time between these two groups and to identify any possible factors that may contribute to longer recovery times in patients with post-operative infections. I have chosen to use the Social Cognitive Theory to provide a theoretical framework for this project. This theory focuses on understanding how people learn from their environment, their behavior, and the interpersonal relationships they form (Schunk & DiBenedetto, 2020). Through this, the project seeks to explore how the environment, individual behavior, and existing relationships may contribute to longer recovery times for patients with post-operative infections.

In order to achieve this, the project will include interviews with patients and medical personnel involved in the care of post-operative patients. This will allow us to gain insight into both the individual patient’s experience and any potential relationships between medical personnel and patients that may affect recovery times. The project will also analyze any existing data related to the topic to better understand any environmental factors or behaviors that could be influencing recovery times. Overall, this project seeks to understand how post-operative infections can influence recovery times and how the environment, behavior, and interpersonal relationships of patients can affect this process. By using the Social Cognitive Theory as a basis for the research, the project aims to gain a greater understanding of post-operative infections’ impact on recovery times and how these can be minimized. When selecting a theoretical framework to guide a project proposal on a picot question, such as how long does it take for patients to recover from the procedure compared to those who did not have a post-operative infection within the first six weeks of recovery, there are a few key aspects to consider.

The first aspect to consider is the theoretical perspective that best fits the question and research goals. In this case, a social cognitive theory approach would be most appropriate since this theory focuses on the interplay between individual behavior, personal factors, and the environment in which the behavior occurs. This theory could help explain why some patients might take longer to recover from their procedures compared to those who do not have post-operative infections.

The second aspect to consider is how this theoretical framework can inform the design of the project proposal. For example, when designing the study, researchers must consider the behaviors, personal factors, and environmental contexts that may influence patients’ recovery time. This could include factors such as pain management practices, access to support systems, and patient coping strategies. Furthermore, the study must consider potential confounding variables that could affect the results.

Finally, the theoretical framework must be used to develop meaningful conclusions and recommendations from the study results. By analyzing the data collected from the project proposal, researchers must determine how the social cognitive theory approach can be used to understand the results and suggest possible interventions for improving patient recovery times. By considering these three aspects, researchers can develop a project proposal grounded in a theoretical framework that can provide valuable insights into patient recovery times.

Analysis of Fit

The Social Cognitive Theory is a practical, theoretical framework to guide this project proposal on the picot question: how long does it take for patients to recover from the procedure compared to those who didn’t have a post-operative infection within the first six weeks of recovery? The Social Cognitive Theory focuses on how their environment influences a person’s behavior and how they, in turn, affect their environment (Schunk & DiBenedetto, 2020). This theory states that behavior is determined by an individual’s personal factors, such as their thoughts, feelings, and beliefs, and external factors, such as their environment.

When applied to the picot question, this theory states that the individual’s recovery time may be affected by their thoughts, feelings, and beliefs about their procedure and its results. For example, if an individual believes that their recovery time will be shorter if they do not have a post-operative infection, this belief may influence their behavior and increase the speed of their recovery. On the other hand, if an individual believes their recovery time will be longer if they have a post-operative infection, this belief may influence their behavior and delay their recovery. The Social Cognitive Theory can also identify potential environmental factors that may influence an individual’s recovery time. These environmental factors could include access to health care, social support from friends and family, and access to educational materials and physical therapy. By identifying and addressing these environmental factors, healthcare providers can help improve patient outcomes and reduce recovery times. Overall, the Social Cognitive Theory is a useful theoretical framework to guide this project proposal on the picot question. By considering the personal and environmental factors that may influence an individual’s recovery time, healthcare providers can develop interventions that can reduce the recovery time for those who have experienced a post-operative infection.


This project proposal concludes that the Social Cognitive Theory theoretical framework could be an excellent guide for this research. This theory offers valuable insight into how a patient’s belief in their own ability to recover influences the amount of time it takes to do so. By understanding the potential impact of self-efficacy, researchers can better understand how to create strategies that optimize patient outcomes and support their recovery journey. Through this research, we can also gain a better understanding of the differences between patients with post-operative infections and those without, and what factors influence recovery times. This information can be invaluable in creating more efficient, effective, and tailored post-operative care plans.


Abdullah, N., Hassan, S. S. S., Abdelmagid, M., & Ali, S. N. M. (2020). Learning from the Perspectives of Albert Bandura and Abdullah Nashih Ulwan: Implications towards the 21st Century Education. Dinamika Ilmu20(2), 199-218.

Schunk, D. H., & DiBenedetto, M. K. (2020). Motivation and social cognitive theory. Contemporary Educational Psychology60, 101832.


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