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Essay on Higher Education

Reflection on Learning

Reflective learning and its importance

An in-depth examination and appraisal of personal experiences are the essence of reflective learning. The objective is to understand superior future performance; skilled individuals can engage in critical thought processes that highlight their strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and potential risks. Requiring a continuous cycle involving planning and action-taking followed by reviewing outcomes while making modifications where applicable, this approach has proven efficient for professional improvement and lifelong development.

Boud, Keogh, and Walker (1985) assert that reflective learning comprises three main phases: going back to an occurrence, giving attention to one’s emotions, and reassessing the situation to attain fresh revelations. By reflecting on personal experiences, people can better comprehend themselves and their processes for acquiring knowledge.

Reflective learning relies on a crucial element known as formative feedback. An indispensable tool for learners seeking to improve their comprehension and skills over time is this kind of commentary given while they are learning. Formative feedback might originate from multiple sources- peers or tutors, or one’s capacity for introspection.

Upon final evaluation, thoughtful comprehension is pivotal in the evolution of expertise and constant education. It permits individuals to recognize domains requiring enrichment, acquires fresh perspectives, and better their educational adventures. Constructive criticism is paramount when facilitating introspective learning since it gives adepts direction on upgrading their interpretation and execution abilities.

Description of a reflective model

As for the task, I have employed Gibbs’ Reflective Cycle as a guide toward reflection. This cycle encompasses six distinct stages: description, feelings, evaluation, analysis, conclusion, and action plan; each stage is essential in providing structure when reflecting on past experiences. Its usefulness lies in highlighting areas of improvement while creating an actionable learning plan going forward.

Employing the Reflective Cycle devised by Gibbs, I can introspect and contemplate how I learned from Module 1. Doing so makes me capable of determining techniques that would allow enhancement in not just my current learning but also forthcoming modules.

  1. In the beginning phase, I plan to present a report on the events in Module 1. One instance would be outlining the subject matter that was explored, enumerating assigned tasks, and highlighting my encounters throughout the module.
  2. During this phase, I will analyze my sentiments and affections regarding the educational encounter gained from Unit 1. An instance would be to deliberate on how arduous the tasks were or any other predicaments that arose.
  3. Assessment will be conducted in the following stage, where I shall analyze my knowledge acquisition experience during Module 1. The areas under consideration include successful outcomes, shortcomings encountered, and opportunities to enhance this learning process.
  4. The learning experience in Module 1 will be carefully examined during the evaluation. Reflections on the effectiveness and inefficiency of each environment, along with potential influencers like temporal restrictions or personal affairs, will also be noted for further analysis.
  5. Having concluded this stage, it is now appropriate to conclude my examination. I must ponder what knowledge and insights were gained during Module 1 to weigh in on future academic endeavors.
  6. At this juncture, the final stage of my academic journey, I shall orchestrate a blueprint to fortify and optimize my learning in the current and forthcoming modules. By enumerating explicit measures that target any shortcomings or deficiencies in my grasp of subject matter coverage, an enriched experience will be achieved through prolonged discernment and assimilation.

When employing Gibbs’ Reflective Cycle to analyze my progress in Module 1, I can easily distinguish specific domains that require improvement and draft a roadmap on how to upskill myself. I had trouble managing time proficiently during this duration; therefore, constructing an action plan would assist me significantly in handling subsequent modules better. Furthermore, retrospection of my journey through the course material comprehensively from the start till the end point highlights topics where additional resources may have proved beneficial towards comprehension refinement. Crafting another strategy is imperative since all modules have unique challenges arise.

To wrap things up, the method known as Gibbs’ Reflective Cycle is a valuable resource for recollecting prior accomplishments and discerning opportunities for growth while charting goals for upcoming educational pursuits. Through this approach, my capacity to learn will enhance significantly, enabling me to have the expertise necessary for achievement within commerce & management.

Using a reflective approach to feedback and feed-forward in order to enhance and guide future formative and summative evaluations.

Formative evaluation is a process used in educational settings to evaluate a student’s performance during learning activities, providing feedback that benefits both the teacher and the student. Regular assessment leads learners towards identifying areas where they are strong or deficient so that strategies for enhancement may be developed (Black & Wiliam, 1998). One instance of formative assessment inside Module 1 could involve completing quizzes or participating in peer-reviewed activities to fine-tune our comprehension of subjects covered within the curriculum.

In contrast, summative evaluation scrutinizes learning after a certain course or activity. It is applied in determining the proficiency attained on an individual subject matter or skillset. Summative appraisal frequently decides if students can attain their desired learning objectives by assigning scores and grades (Gronlund & Waugh, 2009). For instance, one case for this type of assessment during Module 1 would be the culmination essay stipulated at its conclusion.”

A feedback and feed-forward analysis that is introspective may provide benefits in the form of a tool to enhance future summative and formative assessments. By examining provided feedback, scholars can discover development sections and develop plans to tackle them within their impending lessons. For instance, during my Module 1 essay’s final assessment report, I was advised to better my referencing abilities by following CCCU Harvard style guidelines. Employing self-reflection helps me focus on specific areas where there were errors. It leads positively into another assignment termed E-Portfolio set for improvement in Module 2 through applying such knowledge garnered beforehand from this reflective process, thereby enhancing reference proficiency overall.”

Furthermore, adopting a contemplative perspective may aid students in recognizing their proficiencies and limitations while cultivating tactics to enhance future evaluations. To illustrate this point, when undertaking a developmental evaluation, utilizing reflection can enable learners to pinpoint the areas they excel and those that require further attention. This analysis allows them to contrive plans for augmenting their weaknesses while improving upon already established strengths for upcoming assessments.”

To summarize, taking a contemplative stance towards feedback and feed-forward is an invaluable method for enhancing the acquired knowledge in business or management. Through introspection of comments derived from formative and summative assessments, aspirants can ascertain their proficiencies and areas they are inadequate, which assists them in building up tactics leading to better results during subsequent evaluations.”


This paper has examined the significance of introspective education and the worth of developmental reaction to advise and ameliorate ultimately evaluated labor. We investigated various phases in Kolb’s or Gibbs’ contemplative method and their applicability toward advancing business and managerial educational outcomes. Additionally, we characterized formative alongside summative assessments via real-life scenarios from our Module 1 learning sessions. Ultimately, deliberation on how a reflective methodology can be implemented for feedback concerning both past results along with future ones.

For students aiming to enhance their academic, personal, or career goals, adopting a reflective approach to learning and assessments in business and management is imperative. By reflecting on individual experiences with learning materials, they can identify weaknesses that require immediate attention and strategies that facilitate enhanced vision toward success in future projects. Improving the ability by which learners discriminate between productive from non-productive solutions requires concentration on one’s prior work behaviors; this tool refines cognitive processes while reinforcing memory retention of concepts relevant to respective disciplines’ frameworks.

The cultural and behavioral expectations of studying for a degree in business and management.

Reflection of Learning

During the current segment, my comprehension has vastly expanded on behavioral and cultural customs corresponding to pursuing a business or management degree. The initial aspect is how culture plays an important role in shaping students’ attitudes toward their academic endeavors. Hofstede’s theory (1991) highlights this point by discussing diverse measures of culture such as power distance, individualism-collectivism, and uncertainty avoidance- all with potential influence over personal and educational achievements and learning experiences. For instance: pupils from autonomous cultures tend to prefer solitary study while those from collectivistic environments prioritize team projects coupled with cooperative efforts instead.”

Success in higher education, especially in business and management courses, involves punctuality for all class sessions. As Kim and Kim (2017) point out, timely attendance plays a vital role in academic progression. It enables students to participate actively by contributing ideas while keeping up with course material. Furthermore, arriving on time shows your appreciation towards instructors’ schedules while highlighting a thoughtful comprehension of how one’s actions may impact others in an educational environment.

Succeeding in business and management courses demands more than just showing up on time; students must also possess exceptional skills in managing their schedules. To flourish, one must master the art of prioritizing tasks effectively by utilizing timetables that prioritize urgent responsibilities before those less pressing ones and avoid procrastinating or postponing work until another day. These abilities are critical when handling a demanding course load while maintaining equilibrium between personal pursuits outside academia and professional obligations within it.”

To conduct oneself adequately, one must possess an unwavering commitment that includes the ability to endure despite setbacks and obstacles. In business and management research domains, toughness is integral in overcoming challenging tasks, group endeavors, or assessments. This mandates fostering a forward-looking outlook towards learning while remaining open-minded enough to ask for assistance when required.”

In order to succeed in corporate and managerial courses, it is essential to have a mastery of academic writing skills. This entails utilizing appropriate citation styles, composing concise sentences, and presenting arguments coherently and logically. Effective scholarly writing helps students highlight their knowledge of the subject matter and demonstrates deftness adroitly conveyed through language proficiency.

To thrive in business and management studies, possessing the adeptness necessary for teaming up with other students is crucial. The research conducted by Gómez et al. (2018) highlights how working collectively can enhance one’s abilities concerning communication, interpersonal relationships, and teamwork – all traits vital to career advancement. By collaborating within a group setting, there arises an opportunity for shared learning experiences and constructive feedback which further augments their understanding of course content while simultaneously elevating their academic standing via personal support provided amongst peers.”

As a concluding remark, the expectations regarding behavior and customs when pursuing academic pursuits in business management vary considerably, involving numerous complexities. A thorough understanding of these prospects can enable students to develop crucial skills and attitudes while preparing for their professional journey.”

Future Implications

I will use what I have learned from topic A to further enhance my reflective abilities and learning philosophy in my future studies and job. I will reflect on my learning experiences regularly and utilize this information to shape my future education and career. In addition, I will use the information and skills acquired via reflection on feedback and feed-forward to enhance my formative and summative graded works. Regarding the cultural and behavioral expectations of pursuing a degree in business and management, I will utilize the Module-1 knowledge and abilities to guarantee that I satisfy the requirements of timeliness, time management, perseverance, and academic writing in my future studies and job.


In order to implement what I have acquired from the behavioral and cultural prerequisites of a managerial program, an assortment of resources is required. The first step would require frequent one-to-one sessions with my tutor to monitor my advancement and deliberate any foreseeable difficulties. Besides that, I will need backing from academic support personnel to extend proficiency in scholarly writing skills such as quotation or rephrasing techniques. To achieve these aims effectively henceforth, participation in university-sponsored conferences earmarked at enriching educational scripting strategies during each term’s initial week seems inevitable.

On April 16th, in the year of our Lord two thousand and twenty-three, I shall devise a plan to facilitate my academic comprehension alongside managing homework obligations. Furthermore, an allocated moment each week will be prioritized towards self-examination; This is done to analyze progress so that paths toward fortification can be discovered. Ultimately though, working with classmates provides various stimuli that contribute substantially toward achieving scholastic goals – these opportunities should not go unheeded!

The significance of peer-to-peer assistance and teamwork in enhancing the learning experience

Reflection of Learning

After attending a workshop emphasizing the importance of peer-to-peer support and teamwork in improving one’s learning experience, I now understand the powerful impact of group cooperation in accomplishing personal objectives. Collaborating with peers allows students to explore new ideas and share knowledge and skills while enriching their overall educational experiences; it also helps build the capacity required for professional scenarios. Peer learning is an instructional technique where individuals exchange abilities and knowledge (Boud, Cohen & Sampson 2001) according to the literature available on the subject matter.

Pupils are urged to converse, discuss, inquire about matters, and add value to collective duties while functioning with colleagues and collectives. This incites a more profound understanding of the subject matter and the capability of observing it through multiple viewpoints. Furthermore, pupils acquire important communication and management skills and troubleshooting abilities for their occupation (Barkley et al., 2014).

The camaraderie of peers and collaborative efforts foster a nurturing space for scholars to voice their triumphs and tribulations. This could ease anxieties, stimulate eagerness, and strengthen fortitude (Topping, 1996). Furthermore, it nurtures inclusivity and communal integration- fundamental constituents in an exemplary instructional habitat for minors.

Throughout Module 1, I encountered the advantages of receiving help from my peers and working together as a team through communal assignments and dialogues. In one particular joint project, I cooperated alongside fellow students to examine an illustrative case study that enabled us to foster varied proposals on how best to solve its problems. Additionally, we collaborated in finishing our task, resulting in improved communication skills and stronger collaboration capabilities.

During the discourse among my peers, many views were shared concerning the current focus. The dialogue proved tremendously enlightening and gave me an increased comprehension of this subject matter. With colleague assistance came the realization; knowledge and abilities could also be obtained through joint efforts leading to success in both academic and occupational endeavors.

Effective learning necessitates the presence of peer support and collaborative teamwork. In group projects, through dialogues, and with mentoring from fellow students, people can educate each other on the subject matter while facilitating active engagement in education by building their abilities to collaborate and communicate effectively within a community-minded classroom environment. Working together as teams or alongside peers toward shared academic objectives while concurrently cultivating workplace-related competencies indispensable for career success is achievable only via this methodological approach to teaching-learning input-output modules that adopt a cooperative stance rather than an individualistic one.”

Future Implications

By actively participating in group projects and discussions and offering support when needed, I plan to apply the principles of peer-to-peer teamwork that I have acquired to future studies and careers. I aim also for seamless communication with my teammates- by being open-mindedly receptive during brainstorming exercises while working collaboratively towards our objectives. Creating a suitable learning environment where people from diverse cultures are valued via promoting inclusivity will be an additional priority. Regarding my profession, respecting other colleagues’ opinions while accommodating them in decision-making will also feature heavily. To prop up junior staff members so they can excel professionally would be another key undertaking. This method shall not only aid me but simultaneously bolster both companies’ overall success by increasing output quality on all fronts thanks to positive contributions from within these teams respectively.


Given the value of peer-to-peer support and teamwork, I aim to participate actively in group activities throughout my academic journey and profession. Whenever any individual seeks clarity on particular subjects or issues, I will extend a helping hand without hesitation. To achieve this goal, leveraging tools like participating in study groups or collaborative projects can be very handy. Moreover, seeking guidance from tutors and other academic staff will assist me with fostering better teamwork abilities while gaining confidence in working efficiently within teams. Attending training sessions that focus specifically on improving communication skills between team members is something aspired by many individuals today; therefore, it makes perfect sense if we join such classes too! As an additional step towards personal development regarding leadership qualities and effective work collaboration approaches – reading relevant books would prove incredibly useful too. To streamline all these efforts more effectively at the home front- setting up specific agendas comprising regular group-study sessions combined with individual learning plans should become routine practice until Saturday, April 15th, 2023, comes around! In conclusion: Incorporating tactics mentioned above into daily routines could help us foster stronger bonds among fellow teammates/colleagues, ultimately leading to becoming highly efficient contributors alike both academically & professionally speaking.”

SWOT analysis


My strengths as a student encompass exceptional critical thinking skills, effective time management abilities, and top-notch writing capabilities that enable me to excel. Moreover, I have honed my research skills and leveraged different information technologies for better educational supplementing. Furthermore, quick note-taking is another of my strong suits – allowing me expertly summarize vital information from both classroom discussions or readings in record speed with precision. As an excellent academic performer who takes charge where group projects are concerned – leadership roles come naturally due to these innate abilities of mine.


Time management is one of my flaws as a student. I often procrastinate or put things off till the last minute due to difficulty juggling my academic and personal responsibilities. This has occasionally caused me to submit work that is not up to my typical standard, and as a result, I have received poorer grades. In addition, I occasionally struggle with academic writing, specifically with referencing and paraphrasing. Although I know the significance of these skills, I have not yet mastered them and am occasionally uncertain about correctly referencing sources. Lastly, I struggle to ask for assistance when needed, and I tend to attempt to work things out independently, which can lead to unnecessary tension and anxiety.


Upon attaining proficiencies and qualifications, I shall have the freedom to explore diverse avenues of occupation. A spectrum of opportunities will become available for me, including but not limited to embarking on a profession in commerce or a supervisory role either within government institutions or private companies. In addition, it is feasible for my skills and knowledge base could be utilized as an entrepreneur establishing my corporation, alternatively working towards becoming an adviser instead. To continue enhancing personally & professionally, acquiring a master’s degree or professional certification may also prove beneficial by granting prospects into higher education studies, thus fortifying comprehension acquired from prior instruction with additional insights ensuring continuous development throughout one’s career path.”


Several possible obstacles could impede my ability to acquire information and skills through my education and earn a degree. Health difficulties that may emerge and affect my ability to attend classes or finish assignments on time are among these. Family responsibilities and obligations may hinder my ability to devote sufficient time to studying and finishing projects. Financial difficulties may emerge, preventing students from paying tuition or purchasing necessary learning materials. Job obligations may also interfere with my study routine, leaving me with little time for my education. Thirdly, the current COVID-19 pandemic may result in restrictions on in-person classrooms, making it harder for me to interact with peers and teachers and access essential learning resources.

List of References

Barkley, E. F., Cross, K. P., & Major, C. H. (2014). Collaborative learning techniques: A handbook for college faculty. John Wiley & Sons.

Black, P., & Wiliam, D. (1998). Assessment and classroom learning. Assessment in Education: Principles, Policy & Practice, 5(1), 7-74.

Boud, D., Cohen, R., & Sampson, J. (2001). Peer learning and assessment. Assessment & Evaluation in Higher Education, 26(3), 253-265.

Boud, D., Keogh, R., & Walker, D. (1985). Reflection: Turning experience into learning. London: Routledge.

Gibbs, G. (1988). Learning by Doing: A Guide to Teaching and Learning Methods. Further Education Unit. Oxford Polytechnic: Oxford.

Gómez, J., Mellado, V., Sanz, L., & Beranuy, M. (2018). Teamwork competence in university students: Relationship with emotional intelligence. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 15(6), 1116.

Gronlund, N. E., & Waugh, C. K. (2009). Assessment of student achievement. Pearson.

Hofstede, G. (1991). Cultures and organizations: Software of the mind. London: McGraw-Hill.

Johnson, D.W., Johnson, R.T., & Smith, K. (2014). Cooperative Learning: Improving university instruction by basing practice on validated theory. Journal on Excellence in College Teaching, 25(3&4), 85-118.

Kim, K. A., & Kim, K. J. (2017). The effect of class absenteeism on academic performance in undergraduate business education. Journal of Education for Business, 92(2), 65-72.

Slavin, R. E. (2014). Cooperative learning and academic achievement: Why do groupwork work? Anales de Psicología, 30(3), 785-791.

Topping, K. (1996). The effectiveness of peer tutoring in further and higher education: A typology and literature review. Higher education, 32(3), 321-345.


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