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Exploring Leadership Education: Insights From Channing’s Study


Leadership education is difficult, but Channing’s (2020) research illuminates its educational and experiential dimensions. Channing addresses the complicated dynamics of leadership development in leadership strategy conversations. This session will analyze two of Channing’s six research issues and their leadership implications. Leadership practitioners must comprehend educational and organizational leadership skills and knowledge. This investigation will uncover stakeholders’ expectations, allowing leaders to tailor growth. To bridge the gap between theoretical knowledge and actionable leadership skills, leaders must analyze how leadership education is used. A detailed investigation of Channing’s theoretical frameworks will help us grasp leadership development’s scholarly roots and provide a nuanced view of theory and practice in leadership education’s changing landscape.

Research Questions

What skills and expertise do K-12, college, and university faculty, staff, and administrators think educational/organizational leaders need? I value this research topic as a leader because it underlines the importance of many perspectives in education and organizations. The article underlines that leaders need several skills and competence. Complete leadership skills and expertise are revealed by stakeholder opinions (Channing, 2020). This knowledge can help me alter my leadership development to suit stakeholder expectations and demands. Dynamic leadership requires flexible and inclusive leadership.

How does leadership education affect leadership practices? This study question applies to me as a leader since leadership education is practical. Understanding how leadership education is practiced improves leadership effectiveness. The article illustrates the practical aspects of leadership education using examples and scenarios (Channing, 2020). Leaders require this perspective to balance theory and practice. Asking this question may help me understand leadership education and apply theory to daily leadership. This information can improve my leadership in shifting environments.

Theoretical Frameworks

Teachers and practitioners understand leadership development through theoretical frameworks. On page 137, Channing discusses these frameworks and other thinkers’ opinions and ideas. Kolb’s Experiential Learning Theory emphasizes hands-on learning. It supports the Research Question’s hands-on leadership training. According to Kolb, learning is best when people switch between tangible experiences, introspective observation, abstract conception, and active exploration (Nurunnabi et al., 2019). Leaders use this paradigm to create immersive learning environments that foster growth.

Lewin’s Force-Field Theory explains organizational change. This approach highlights the dynamic interaction of external and internal factors on leaders and organizations, improving leadership development (Leuwol et al., 2023). By recognizing and resolving change drivers, Lewin’s idea helps CEOs manage complex organizational situations. According to Bandura’s Social Learning Theory, leadership growth involves observation and modeling. This perspective emphasizes social relationships and how leaders can learn from others’ successes. Mentorship and peer learning in leadership education and the social context in which leadership skills emerge are emphasized.

Vygotsky’s Sociocultural Theory and Dewey’s experiential learning enhance Channing’s complete approach. Vygotsky’s philosophy stresses collaborative learning and social and cultural influences on cognition. Similar to Dewey’s emphasis on real-world learning, Kolb’s model stresses cognitive, social, and experiential components in leadership development (Hemalataha & Pradesh, 2019). Channing’s theoretical framework study illuminates leadership development’s multidimensionality, enriching leadership education. These theories help educators and leaders foster learning, adaptation, and effective leadership.


In conclusion, Channing’s study illuminates leadership education and lays the framework for effective leadership. The study answers research questions and uses multiple theoretical frameworks to examine leadership development’s complexity. Essential skills and leadership education in practice provide a holistic understanding of changing leadership responsibilities. With this knowledge, leaders may navigate their roles more effectively. Kolb’s experiential learning and Bandura’s social learning theories equip leaders to handle leadership challenges. This complete strategy fosters continuous learning and flexibility, producing a corporate-responsive leadership culture. Leaders with insights from Channing’s study may help their organizations succeed. The study helps leaders navigate leadership education, apply theory to practice, and lead with efficacy and resilience in a changing professional landscape.


Channing, J. (2020). How Can Leadership Be Taught? Implications for Leadership Educators. International Journal of Educational Leadership Preparation, 15(1), 134-148.

Nurunnabi, A. S. M., Rahim, R., Alo, D., Mamun, A. A., Kaiser, A. M., Mohammad, T., & Sultana, F. (2022). Experiential learning in Clinical Education guided by the Kolb’s Experiential Learning Theory. Int J Hum Health Sci (IJHHS), 6(2), 155.

Leuwol, F. S., Prayitno, M. A., Taryana, T., Suprihartini, Y., & Al Haddar, G. (2023). Inclusive Education Perspectives: Montessori and Vygotsky’s Approaches to Creating a Supportive Learning Environment for All Children. Indonesian Journal of Education (INJOE), 3(2), 247-256.

Hemalataha, S. S., & Pradesh, A. (2019). Vygotsky’s Sociocultural Theory: A Study.


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