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Higher Education Essays

Designing an Online Learning Module for Higher Education

The IDD is the principle pillar used in developing an internet studying module that may be immersive and powerful. This record, continuously revised through iterative remarks, represents the vital meticulous plans and foresight important for a transformative instructional experience. In unit 2, the focal point narrows onto the educational layout document (IDD), scrutinizing three pivotal ... Read More
Pages: 8       Words: 1951

Racial Justice and Equality

The question of racial justice and equality in the US has been manifested by a distinct process that can be tracked in the history of legislative actions aimed at eradicating discriminatory tendencies and building up a non-discriminant society. This issue must be investigated seriously, and answers to why this problem has persisted for so long ... Read More
Pages: 13       Words: 3347
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Navigating the Cultural Shock

Once in a while, in an individual’s lifetime, it is OK to experience a shocking moment in life. Cultures are different worldwide, and coming to terms with a new culture will require a lot of things and compromises. The good thing is that once the person adapts to the new culture, it becomes something of ... Read More
Pages: 4       Words: 1044

Annotated Bibliographies: Sexual Misconducts in Higher Education

Hughes, R., Rose, A., Lozano, J. S., Garguilo, S., & Knight, D. (2022). A Model of Misconduct, Accusations, and Institution Response at US Colleges and Universities: Synthesis of the Literature and an Agenda for Future Research. Higher Education: Handbook of Theory and Research: Volume 37, 457-517. Hughes et al. (2022) review the available literature from various ... Read More
Pages: 4       Words: 1074

The Value of Higher Education and Its Challenges in the Modern World

Introduction A college degree is essential in today’s culture because of its opportunities for professional development and economic advancement (Kim & Tamborini, 2019). However, as the price of higher education continues to climb and the educational landscape changes, essential issues about college’s worthiness have emerged. This essay dives into the worth of higher education and ... Read More
Pages: 4       Words: 1037

Should Adolescents Be Engaged in More Structured Activities?

Introduction Adolescence is a pivotal juncture marked by swift cognitive, emotional, and social metamorphosis. Amidst the intricate tapestry of this developmental phase, the influence of structured activities emerges as a noteworthy force sculpting individual growth. Within this autobiographical paper, I embark on a retrospective journey, unraveling the threads of my encounters with structured activities during ... Read More
Pages: 12       Words: 3060

Analyzing Completion Agenda Using Challenge and Support Theory

The Completion Agenda policy in community colleges has been transmitted into these schools to influence students’ performances and ensure that most students complete their courses. This policy was instituted after college completion, especially in the United States community colleges, and has remained notoriously low for a long time. Community colleges in the United States are ... Read More
Pages: 4       Words: 880

Can Machines Think? Contribution of the Artificial Intelligence Approach

Introduction Artificial Intelligence (AI) has arisen as a disruptive phenomenon, engendering profound changes in several sectors and posing challenges to established frameworks (Crompton & Burke, 2023). Alan Turing’s imitation game is a seminal notion that has played a pivotal role in developing intelligent machines, positioning them at the forefront of the ongoing technological revolution. This ... Read More
Pages: 6       Words: 1446

Contribution of Technology in Higher Education.

In the corporate world, technology has become an integral part of human lives; hence, education is no exception. Integrating modern technology into education has greatly revolutionized the learning process. It has significantly improved the entire learning process and learning experience and improved the accessibility of learners to learning material, thus psychologically preparing students for the ... Read More
Pages: 6       Words: 1567

The Role of Critical Thinking in Developing Lifelong Learners: A Comparative Study Between Humanities and Social Sciences Students

Abstract This study investigates how students majoring in humanities and social sciences use critical thinking to promote lifelong learning. Comparing how these two disciplines see and foster critical thinking abilities and their effects on the growth of lifelong learners is the goal. Undergraduate students in social science and humanities disciplines were surveyed and interviewed for ... Read More
Pages: 14       Words: 3697

Critical Comparison of Two Articles

Introduction The critical comparative article will examine two case studies of digital learners in secondary education. The first article, “Digital Learners in Higher Education: Generation Is Not the Issue,” by Bullen, M., Morgan, T., & Kayyum, A., challenges the widely accepted view that the generation was born in post-1982 (referred to as the Net Generation) ... Read More
Pages: 5       Words: 1183

Journal Critique: “Content and Curriculum Across Disciplines”

Introduction In the insightful research article Shahjahan, Estera, Surla, & Edwards (2021) present a detailed examination of the concept of decolonization in the realm of better education. Drawing from a worldwide corpus of literature on the subject, their purpose is to deeply evaluate the idea of decolonization as it applies to numerous educational disciplines and ... Read More
Pages: 3       Words: 591

Should Higher Education Be Free in the US?

The education sector faces various challenges. The idea of free higher education in the United States has existed for many years (Samuel). Many activists, students, and advocates have tried pushing for this idea. One of the significant issues that pushed these people to advocate for free higher education is the issue of unending student loan ... Read More
Pages: 5       Words: 1277

How Drama Education in Higher Education Promotes Students’ Creativity

Literature Review The literature review examines the interpretation of concepts connected with creativity in drama education inside the setting of higher education. This segment digs into different perspectives and definitions of creativity, investigating how things are understood and conceptualized in higher education. It explicitly focuses on the interpretation of creativity in drama and theater education, ... Read More
Pages: 18       Words: 4755
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