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Environmental Policies Essays

A Comparative Analysis of Environmental Conditions and Policies in DRC and Australia: Mineral Resources and Sustainability

Introduction The extraction and exploitation of various mineral resources is vital in the global economy, providing the raw materials necessary for various industries. The Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC) and Australia are two countries that significantly influence the global mineral supply chain. The DRC, situated in the heart of Africa, is regarded as a ... Read More
Pages: 12       Words: 3160

Policies to Adress the Greenhouse Gas Emissions Externality

Greenhouse gases are gases in the atmosphere which trap and emit radiation into the atmosphere. They mainly include carbon dioxide, nitrous oxide, and methane. Greenhouse gas emissions have increasingly become a major concern as they have increased atmospheric pollution, which has caused some severe climate change on Earth. Increased emission of these greenhouse gases to ... Read More
Pages: 8       Words: 2060
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Critical Literature Review: Ecologies of the Colonial Present: Pathological Forestry From the Taux De Boisement to Civilized Plantations

Introduction While the role of environmental governance and responsible policies is generally recognised, some current initiatives still reflect the negative influence of postcolonial environmental practices. Moreover, such issues are not adequately addressed by the majority of modern policy experts, contributing to the further accumulation of such risks. The present paper provides the critical review of ... Read More
Pages: 7       Words: 1805
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