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Enhancing Property Sales and Establishing an It System for John Smith’s Real Estate Business

Executive Summary

This report provides strategic recommendations to Mr John Smith, a real estate business owner in Sydney. Mr Smith aims to increase property sales and implement a robust IT system. It provides strategic recommendations to Mr. John Smith, the owner of a real estate company, to improve sales, marketing, and customer relationships. The study employs the five forces of Michaels Porter’s framework to help the business navigate the complexities of the real estate market and tailor the company’s strategies for long-term success. The study offers a differentiation strategy for Mr Smith to stand out in the highly competitive real estate sector. The study also recommends the implementation of essential information systems, including a Decision Support System (DSS), particularly a Geographic Information System (GIS), to help with strategic decision-making based on market patterns and a Customer Relationship Management (CRM) System focused on personalized client interactions and targeted marketing. These recommendations aim to help Mr. Smith’s business achieve efficiency, expansion, and long-term success.


The real estate business is highly competitive, and understanding Michael Porter’s Five Forces Model can help businesses analyze and plan strategically to navigate the market’s challenges and tailor their sustainability goals. This report offers valuable insights for threat mitigation, opportunity identification, and effective positioning using this framework. Moreover, by choosing the best competitive strategy, businesses can gain a sustainable competitive advantage and ensure long-term success. Additionally, adopting the strategic use of information systems is a powerful tool for increasing overall business performance. Real estate companies aspiring to thrive in a competitive market must leverage information technologies to their advantage, as data-driven decisions and customer interactions are crucial today.

 Discussion: Michael Porters Framework

How Michael Porter’s Five Forces Framework can help Mr John Smith

Michael Porter’s Five Forces Framework is an effective tool for Mr John Smith to navigate the complexities of the real estate industry and develop competitive business strategies. The framework provides a comprehensive view of the industry environment by assessing the competitive rivalry among existing competitors, the threat of new entrants, the power of suppliers and buyers, and the threat of substitute goods and services (Xiao & Xu,2017).

Mr. Smith can tailor his services to meet the needs of his customers by understanding the factors that influence purchasing decisions. He can create products that appeal to his target market by understanding how price sensitivity and preferences influence purchasing decisions (Xiao & Xu,2017). Analyzing the power dynamics with property providers can allow Mr Smith to negotiate favourable terms. This includes assessing the market significance of property suppliers, determining their concentration, and exploring alternative sources. Negotiating favourable arrangements with suppliers can help him increase the profitability of his real estate operations.

Using the framework, Mr. Smith can determine the potential of new competitors joining the real estate market. Understanding barriers to entry, such as financial constraints or regulatory restrictions, will make it easier to determine the expected level of competition and take proactive measures to maintain a competitive advantage (Xiao & Xu,2017). Additionally, being aware of the threat of substitutes, Mr. Smith can remain proactive by recognizing alternatives to real estate investments, such as other financial instruments or industries. He can adapt his tactics to highlight the unique value proposition of real estate investments by identifying viable alternatives and their appeal to clients (Xiao & Xu,2017). Moreover, to help the business beat competition from rivalries, Mr. Smith can strategically position his company by assessing the competitive landscape. By analyzing the number of competitors, industry growth rates, and differentiation approaches, he may develop a unique selling proposition, establish brand recognition, and effectively manage competitive issues.

The appropriate competitive strategy for Mr. Smith’s business

Given the competitive nature of the real estate brokerage market, Mr. Smith’s Business would highly benefit from implementing a differentiation strategy. Liu and Atuahene-Gima (2018) state that making a lasting impression is essential in a market where more than two million active real estate brokers compete for a limited number of properties and clients. A differentiation strategy establishes and promotes a clear distinction between the firm and its competitors. This is critical in the real estate industry, where practical marketing skills influence success. By using differentiation, a firm can compete on more than just price, increasing the attractiveness of its services to the target audience (Liu & Atuahene-Gima, 2018).

Mr. Smith can segment the target market based on lifestyle and demographics, including young and first-time home buyers. For instance, He may specialize in specific property types or neighbourhoods or understand young individuals’ unique needs and preferences. This concentrated strategy boosts customer loyalty, reduces the appeal of alternatives, and improves the company’s image among existing and prospective customers (Liu & Atuahene-Gima, 2018). To successfully implement this plan, the businesses need to analyze their procedures, identify unmet industry expectations, and perform a SWOT analysis. This can assist in identifying actual areas of differentiation that appeal to the target market, thus increasing real estate sales and ensuring the company’s long-term success.

How would knowledge of his competitive strategy help his sales and marketing efforts?

Understanding and implementing a Differentiation Strategy can significantly impact Mr. Smith’s real estate company’s sales and marketing operations. Mr. Smith can use distinctiveness in his marketing initiatives to target young and first-time homebuyers, allowing him to stay on course with his target demographic. A tailored strategy allows businesses to showcase noteworthy traits that appeal to a specific market segment, such as personalized services, exclusive real estate offerings, or specialized knowledge of the concerns of this market segment (West et al., 2015).

West et al. (2015), differentiation allows businesses to create materials and messaging that successfully emphasize the company’s unique strengths. Marketing campaigns, for example, may promote Mr. Smith’s experience assisting young buyers in purchasing their first house, thereby establishing credibility and trust. Understanding the differentiation strategy in sales would allow Mr Smith and his team to adequately explain their unique value proposition to clients (West et al., 2015). The sales staff may increase client loyalty by emphasizing the distinctive aspects of his services, such as innovative property options, exclusive insights into emerging real estate trends, or excellent customer service. This, in turn, enhances the likelihood of repeat business and referrals, contributing to the long-term success of Mr. Smith’s real estate venture.

Discussion: Information Systems

Identify and discuss two types of information systems for sales and marketing and a Decision support system for making business decisions.

Two types of information ideal for Mr. Smith Include a Customer relationship management (CRM) system and a decision support system (DSS). A CRM system is a revolutionary approach to maintaining and developing client relationships that foster effective communication, personalized services, and business success (Naim & Alqahtani, 2021). Adopting a CRM will help Mr. Smith keep track of all client discussions and transactions, giving him a comprehensive understanding of his clients’ needs. The business will also be able to customize interactions by tailoring marketing campaigns and messages to each client’s specific preferences using well-organized client data. Naim and Alqahtani (2021) highlight that CRM allows businesses to launch marketing campaigns by segmenting the customer base and ensuring that promotions are specifically targeted to certain categories, such as young and first-time homeowners, in the case of Mr. Smith’s business.

On the other hand, a Decision Support System (DSS) improves company effectiveness by assisting with well-informed decision-making by examining data, trends, and scenarios. A DSS would assist Mr Smith in identifying profitable real estate investments and new initiatives across multiple states by analyzing market patterns as well as assisting in determining the financial feasibility of new assets by considering characteristics such as market demand, price patterns, and potential returns on investment(Sundaram, et al., 2018). Moreover, DSS would ensure profitable and sustainable growth by providing scenario analysis and predictive analytics. A Geographic Information System (GIS) is the appropriate DSS to help make sound business decisions. GIS aids in identifying places experiencing real estate booms, allowing for more informed selections for targeted marketing and investment plans. Therefore, Mr Smith can investigate and present patterns in properties across multiple states since GIS incorporates spatial data(Sundaram et al., 2018).

Conclusion and Recommendations

In conclusion, the competitive nature of the real estate market requires strategic planning and execution. Michael Porter’s Five Forces Model provides a comprehensive framework for overcoming obstacles and utilizing opportunities that promote long-term success. Competitive strategies are vital for adjusting to market developments. Critical for decision support, operational performance, and customer interaction, information systems improve the sector’s efficiency. A strategic combination of Porter’s framework, competitive strategies, and cutting-edge information technology can assist Mr John Smith in his efforts to strengthen his real estate business and achieve long-term growth and prominence in the competitive real estate market.


Liu, W., & Atuahene-Gima, K. (2018). Enhancing product innovation performance in a dysfunctional competitive environment: The roles of competitive strategies and market-based assets. Industrial Marketing Management73, 7-20.

Naim, A., & Alqahtani, K. (2021). Role of Information Systems in Customer Relationship Management. Pulse2(2), 18.

Sundaram, B. B., Sowjanya, S., Andavar, V., & Reddy, N. R. (2018). Effectiveness of Geographic Information System and Remote Sensing Technology as a Decision Support Tool in Land Administration the Case of Yeka Sub City. Addis Ababa International Journal of Innovative Research in Science, Engineering and Technology7(3), 2319–8753.

West, D. C., Ford, J. B., & Ibrahim, E. (2015). Strategic marketing: creating competitive advantage. Oxford University Press, USA.

Xiao, Y., & Xu, L. (2017). Business Expanding and Strategic Decision-Making Innovation for Real Estate Valuation Companies Based on Big Data. In Proceedings of the 20th International Symposium on Advancement of Construction Management and Real Estate (pp. 1057-1068). Springer Singapore.


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