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English Teaching and Writing in Junior High School Based on Meme Theory


This research aims to find out who is teaching writing in English In junior high school based on meme theory in China—it is carried out Research employing questionnaires from both the students and teachers, interviews, and a lot of observations from this field. From the findings, memes have played a massive role in the English teaching writing method since students understand it more when it’s visually presented. However, I should do more research on the topic. According to Romera and Bobkina (2017), memes were only used as a motivation tool to learn English and not as an acquisition of this language.


Writing teaching plays a vital role in junior high school English teaching, which can be called half the sky in English teaching. Students’ writing directly demonstrates their English learning and ability to express the language. Writing can reflect an individual’s language level as one of the four language learning skills and an essential result of language output. In practical work, it is found that many students are tired or even afraid of writing; due to this, it is recommended that writing is introduced in junior schools to enable them to get used to writing and hence be part and parcel of their work. English language sentences are all produced in social life, and there are always similarities between sentences. Therefore, the idea of applying Memetics characterized by imitation to junior high school writing teaching came into being.

The purpose of the study

Language skills are essential to language ability when implementing the goals and requirements of English teaching in the compulsory education stage. Language skills mainly include listening, speaking, reading, writing, and other skills and the comprehensive application ability of these skills. Listening and reading are skills of comprehension, and speaking and writing are skills of expression. They complement and promote each other in language learning and communication. Students should form a comprehensive language application ability through many unique and comprehensive language practice activities and lay the foundation for honest language communication. Therefore, listening, speaking, reading, and writing are both the content of learning and the means of learning. Listening helps the learner understand what he is being taught, while speaking lets the learner practice what he has written and noted down. The main content of the language skills goal is what students can do at a certain level, which is conducive to mobilizing students’ enthusiasm for learning and promoting the improvement of students’ language ability, but also scientifically and reasonably evaluating students’ learning results.

It can be seen that “writing” as one of the language skills is very important in the stage of compulsory education. In the context of globalization, English, one of the most widely used languages, has become an essential tool for promoting technical or cultural exchanges between countries. Therefore, it is significant to learn English well. According to various surveys, the writing level of most junior high school students is somewhat low. And they have a lot of difficulties in English writing. First, many have no interest or confidence in writing, so they tend not to take it seriously. Secondly, their composition has many problems, such as grammatical errors, excessive use of single words, simple sentences or conjunctions, no transitions, etc. In response to these problems, researchers try to explore a new model of English writing teaching based on Memetics to solve these problems. The four stages of the meme life cycle (assimilation, retention, expression, and delivery) reflect the nature of language input and output and meet the input and output requirements of writing. Memetics promises to be a new perspective on some writing problems.

Improve Teaching Ability

Improve the practical ability to write teaching Through teaching practice and conversations with other teachers. Regarding content deviating from the title, the review is wrong; the content is empty and lacks a specific description. In terms of organizational structure: there is no complete structure; the article adopts one paragraph without paragraphs; some paragraphs are unreasonable; the beginning of the composition lacks the main idea, there is no cohesion between paragraphs, and the end of the article is rushed or has no end. In terms of language usage: subject-verb inconsistency; tense errors; Chinglish expressions; sentence errors; meaningless words; incomplete or redundant sentences; ambiguous use of pronouns. Vocabulary: lack of diversity in Chinglish expressions; spelling errors; misuse or inappropriate placement of modifiers; inappropriate collocation of adjectives, nouns, and verbs; in other areas: misuse of symbols; not capitalized first letters. At the same time, students are afraid of writing and are not interested in writing. Students are advised to practice their listening and writing skills which are usually the main important points in learning English.

Many scholars have researched meme theory and its application in language teaching. They believe that the reproduction and dissemination of language memes are helpful for language teaching. Inspired by memetic theory, this study combined Piaget’s theory of cognitive development, analyzed the teaching process of English writing in junior high school, and constructed a teaching model of meme writing. The model is applied to junior high school to explore whether it can reduce students’ English writing anxiety, enhance their writing confidence and change their writing attitude; solve writing problems and improve their writing ability. What is more important is to enhance and enrich the theoretical level of teachers’ teaching research.

Purpose of the Research

This study uses the theory of Memetics to guide students’ writing and, through experiments, to verify whether Memetics can help to promote the writing ability of junior high school students and whether it will help students improve their interest and confidence in English writing. At the same time, it concludes on how to teach students better writing based on Memetics.

The Significance Of The Research

CNKI found that many researchers have conducted relevant Research on the application and impact of meme-based theories on writing teaching. However, there is relatively little research on the specific application of Memetics in writing. Therefore, this study attempts to conduct an experimental study on English writing teaching from the perspective of meme theory. According to the principle that the four stages of meme dissemination are consistent with the second language acquisition process, a new model suitable for junior high school English writing teaching is constructed. This study has important research significance.

Significance of Theory

Memetics has entered the Chinese education field for more than ten years. Although many scholars have conducted extensive research on English writing teaching based on Memetics, most of their research has been conducted in college or high school classrooms, and little has been done in junior high school classrooms. In addition, fewer studies have employed the action research paradigm. In addition, in the previous writing teaching of students, teachers often only focus on the output of writing and ignore the input of writing, which is unscientific. However, Memetics avoids this shortcoming. Therefore, the effective use of linguistic memes in teaching writing, combining imitation with the process of meme reproduction, is a development in pragmatics. It also presents a valuable perspective for second language writing research.

Practical significance

Practical significance aims at the problems in students’ writing and teachers’ writing teaching, and this Research provides practical and valuable learning and teaching methods. The study and application of the writing teaching mode under the guidance of Memetics will help teachers to update their ideas and carry out writing teaching better. There are currently many English writing teaching methods, but they overemphasize the writing output and ignore the language input. Because students do not have enough knowledge accumulation, it is challenging to complete a good composition, and they are unwilling to spend time and energy to complete the writing. And language memetics can consciously encourage students to input language through assimilation and memory, and there is enough input to help students output correctly. Therefore, students and teachers can attach importance to language memes in English classrooms based on language meme theory. For English learners, students can accumulate many high-quality language memes under this learning mode, learn practical and valuable writing methods, flexibly use the learned language memes in different situations, and combine new language memes. Context reorganizes and innovates language memes to enhance the writing ability. 2. The research status and trend of this paper

The concept of Memetics

The concept of “Meme” was first proposed in 1976 by Richard Dawkins, a professor at Cambridge University, in his monograph “The Selfish Gene .”He believes that in human society, in addition to genes, there are “memes” that can be replicated and spread. The memes created by Dawkins have two meanings; one is a “cultural communication unit,” and the other is an “imitation unit .”At the same time, memes are not only a unit of human cultural evolution but also a genetic unit of human culture. Dawkins proposed the concept of “meme” not to break new ground but to show that when we have a brain, a new replicator, a meme, is created.”Memetics is a new theory to explain the law of cultural evolution based on Darwin’s theory of evolution. It attempts to interpret the evolutionary law of the universal connection between things and the essential feature of cultural heritage from a diachronic and synchronic perspective.” (He Ziran, Xie Chaoqun, etc. 2007). The most central term in Memetics is “meme.” “Meme” was coined by Dawkins. There is no uniform standard for the definition of memes, and different scholars have given different definitions of “meme” from different perspectives (1996), defining a meme as a unit of information that one person’s memory can copy into another person’s memory. Blackmore (1998) defines a meme as any piece of information that can be called a meme as long as it can be “replicated” through a process broadly called “imitation.”

Heylighen (1998) argues that memes exist as patterns of information in an individual’s memory that can be replicated across individuals, including anything that can be learned or remembered: thoughts and knowledge.


Research on Memetics In English Writing Teaching

Research abroad Dawkins’s student Blackmore (Susan Blackmore) contributed significantly to the development of the meme. In her monograph “The Meme Machine,” she described Memetics in detail and tried to use Memetics to explore and explain various phenomena in human society. She also pointed out that human cognitive processes, such as language learning, are based on imitation. The meme is at the heart of Memetics, and imitation is at the heart of the meme. March(1994) expounded on the influence of language memes on human behavior, pointing out that people’s essential cognitive and emotional characteristics can promote the replication and dissemination of language memes. In 1997, the Journal of Memetics, a magazine dedicated to publishing the latest research results on Memetics in various fields, was launched, which had a significant impact on the Research and development of Memetics. In 1998, Wilkins proposed that the essence of language learning based on Memetics is verification through continuous imitation. Marsden (2001) made an empirical study of related language memes. Distin (2005) argues that Memetics is an essential factor in human culture, injecting new interpretations into the use and origin of language. In 2008, the TED seminar (Technology, Entertainment, Design) was held, and the development of foreign memes ushered in the fourth climax. At the meeting, they pointed out that words are memes that can be pronounced, and some memes cannot be pronounced. There are many types of memes. Since then, foreign Research on memes has become more in-depth, language memes have become a hotspot, and Research combining theory with practice has continued to increase.

Domestic research Yu Tingting (2019) analyzed the meme phenomenon in language and proposed four types of language imitation; this opened up Research into the integration of memetics and language teaching. Language is a meme and one of the carriers of meme dissemination. Language and memes can promote each other’s development. As a branch of language teaching, English teaching has also appeared in many articles combining Memetics and English teaching. To a certain extent, it has promoted the development of memes in the language field. For example, Tingting Zhan (2019) analyzed language and its linguistic phenomena from the perspective of Memetics and proved the application of Memetics in foreign language practice. Hu Lian (2019) analyzed the theoretical basis for the spread of linguistic memes, classified the types and expressions of lexical memes, and pointed out that language is spread through the replication, communication, variation, and selection of memes. Su Miaomiao (2020)Point out that memes are mutating for survival while maintaining the fidelity of their reproductions. Zhang Fenglian (2019) mainly studies the dissemination process of Memetics and the combination of the types of memes and the teaching process and also discusses the optimized classroom teaching mode under Memetics. Some studies use Memetics in English translation to solve some problems. For example, Zhang Can (2020) pointed out that translation research is a part of cultural meme research and that teachers should pay attention to the application of meme theory in translation teaching. Li Tianying (2020) elaborated on domestication and foreignization in translation based on Memetics.

Many scholars hold a positive attitude towards memes and believe that applying meme theory to English writing teaching is beneficial.

Research On English writing Teaching Abroad

Scovel (1983) pointed out that language learners need to be trained. She believes memes should be considered in reforming English writing teaching. Ellis (1994) proposed a method that combines Memetics and English writing. He observed that students could subtly master words and expressions in reciting an article. Parry (1998) believes that the application of meme theory in English writing teaching can help students understand the main idea of the article. In the process of writing, students can use the memes in memory to express themselves. Bialystok (1978) argues that input should be based on understanding. The learner should memorize the model based on comprehension. Therefore, they can quickly analyze the article and express themselves fluently. Chesterman (2000) pointed out a significant relationship between language writing teaching and cultural writing teaching from the perspective of cultural transmission. Colin (2014) argues that memes can spread culture, opinion, or behavior through writing and other imitative behaviors and concluded that memes could positively impact the development of distance education.

Extensive Research

There is also extensive research in writing. Jiang Shuyu et al. (2020) constructed the “integration of listening, speaking and writing” writing mode and used it in college students’ English teaching, thinking that this mode is beneficial to the improvement of learning motivation and listening and speaking levels. Ruan Huihui (2020) applied meme theory to college English writing teaching for Research and re-understood the relationship between imitation and innovation. Innovation and imitation are a harmonious unity. Ye Tingting (2020) constructed a language teaching model of “recitation-imitation-innovation” from the perspective of memes and proved the positive significance of this model for second language writing teaching from empirical Research. Tian Yijing (2020) proposed that recitation and imitation should be paid attention to and give full play to their positive effects according to the principle of meme replication. Students learn excellent articles, vocabulary, example sentences, etc., in this way, which can increase their grammar knowledge and vocabulary and improve their writing skills—expression ability. I can see that more and more researchers pay attention to Memetics and continue to combine it with English writing teaching.


The above review of domestic and foreign literature shows that the research field focusing on Memetics is constantly expanding. Memetics is applied to explain some problems and phenomena in culture, cognition, literature, translation, language, and language teaching based on the life cycle of memes, reproduction, and dissemination. The Research on the combination of Memetics and foreign language writing is biased toward theoretical and relatively little empirical research. The research objects are more concerned with college and junior college students but focus less on primary and secondary school students. English writing teaching is efficient teaching. It needs theoretical guidance on the one hand and empirical Research to test it on the other hand. Based on the existing Research, this Research will conduct Research on the teaching of English writing in junior high school from the perspective of Memetics to enrich the Research on linguistic Memetics and provide corresponding measures for improving the English writing level of junior high school students.

The implications of Memetics for language (English) teaching are many. The Research on combining Memetics and English teaching has gradually become the focus of scholars’ Research. There have been studies on the combination of memes and English teaching, and corresponding opinions or suggestions have been given. As far as the application of meme theory in English writing is concerned, most Research has discussed the combination of language meme reproduction and dissemination with English writing from a theoretical level. At the same time, a few studies also emphasize the inheritance and development of existing teaching methods through empirical methods. This paper takes junior high school English writing as the research object, hoping to provide practical research support for the theory of combining meme theory and English writing through empirical Research.


Definition of Meme

Memes are different types of pictures or videos with an exciting message, spreading very fast on the internet. Most of the time, memes are significant among people of the same culture or exact geographical location. However, some memes are universal, meaning they can be understood by people worldwide as long as they share the same language. Memes with a mimicked theme can convey a message in many ways. The name meme originated from a book called” The Selfish Gene” by Richard Dawkins (1976).

Forms of Meme Propagation

propagation is the process by which something spreads or can promote an idea. In this case, the idea is to show how memes move from one person to another in this modern and technological society and how the intended message reaches specific audiences. Two popular forms of meme propagation have been discovered: Viral propagation and mass media-powered meme propagation. The viral propagation and the message affect its audience directly; this means the audience has a high chance of being poisoned by the conveyed message; it’s also called the fallout model.

Types of memes and characteristics of successful memes

There are so many different kinds of successive memes, but the most familiar ones are; traditional memes, screenshots, and text memes. For a meme to be successful, it must show originality and creativity. Memes should be easy to understand without losing their original meaning, and memes should last longer sometimes. Memes should not die immediately. Image memes are the most used memes on the internet, and often they are accompanied by text, and both the image and the text carry a specific message. The public must know the humor or the joke that is told about that particular image. Video memes are used in various ways; first, they can modify the video’s audio by joining two unrelated videos to create an incredible concept. Most of the time, these videos must have a text message.

The relationship between language memes and English writing language

Memes are essential because they are used to evaluate and interpret culture. Since memes are culturally inflicted with symbols and practices that spread in different forms, so it’s easy to teach and pass information using this meme theory. The use of means seems to be more efficient in learning than any other form of study. Students tend to easily remember an ideology that is conveyed in a funny way, other than by reading books. Te interviewed teachers during research on the effects of using memes in learning. Some of the concepts outlined are as follows; students were more attentive when teaching or learning through memes, and the class was happier and more fun; it enhanced the global interconnection of ideas.


Input Hypothesis Theory

So far, Krashen’s theory of second language acquisition is the most accomplished and influential theory of language acquisition. The main body of the theory includes five parts: input hypothesis, monitoring hypothesis, acquisition/learning hypothesis, natural order hypothesis, emotion filtering hypothesis, and natural order hypothesis. The core part is the input hypothesis theory. Krashen (1981) believed that input of intelligibility is the only way for human language acquisition. “Acquisition” is an activity different from “learning,” which pays more attention to the potential conscious activities of learners and emphasizes the active construction of knowledge, focusing on the understanding of the speaker; only when the language is understood can it be acquired naturally. Linguists have mixed opinions on Krashen’s input hypothesis. While it has been affirmed, there have been constant voices of doubt.

Students should form a comprehensive language application ability through many exceptional and comprehensive language practice activities and lay the foundation for honest language communication. Therefore, listening, speaking, reading, and writing are both the content of learning and the means of learning. The main content of the language skills goal is what students can do at a certain level, which is conducive to mobilizing students’ enthusiasm for learning and promoting the improvement of students’ language ability, but also scientifically and reasonably evaluating students’ learning results.

It can also see that writing is a fundamental writing skill, and the compulsory stage in the education of junior students has become an essential tool for promoting technical or cultural exchanges between countries. Therefore, it is significant to learn English well. According to various surveys, the writing level of most junior high school students is somewhat low.

And they have a lot of difficulties in English writing. First, many have no interest or confidence in writing, so they tend not to take it seriously. Secondly, their composition has many problems, such as grammatical errors, excessive use of single words, simple sentences or conjunctions, no transitions, etc. In response to these problems, researchers try to explore a new model of English writing teaching based on Memetics to solve these problems. The four stages of the meme life cycle (assimilation, retention, expression, and delivery) reflect the nature of language input and output and meet the input and output requirements of writing. As such, Memetics promises to be a new perspective on some writing problems to improve the practical ability of writing teaching. Through teaching practice and conversations with other teachers, the author has learned that many students have the following problems in English writing learning. The author has classified them. In terms of content: deviating from the title, the review is wrong; the content is empty and lacks a specific description. In terms of organizational structure: there is no complete structure; the article adopts one paragraph without paragraphs; some paragraphs are unreasonable; the beginning of the composition lacks the main idea, there is no cohesion between paragraphs, and the end of the article is rushed or has no end. In terms of language usage: subject-verb inconsistency; tense errors; Chinglish expressions; sentence errors; meaningless words; incomplete or redundant sentences; ambiguous use of pronouns. Vocabulary: This study uses the theory of Memetics to guide students’ writing and, through experiments, verify whether Memetics can help to promote the writing ability of junior high school students and whether it will help students improve their interest and confidence in English writing. At the same time, it concludes on how to teach students better writing based on Memetics.

The Research of Memetics in English is also a vital tool this is because the study uses the theory of Memetics to guide students’ writing and, through experiments, to verify whether Memetics can help to promote the writing ability of junior high school students and whether it will help students improve their interest and confidence in English writing. At the same time, it concludes on how to teach students better writing based on Memetics.

The subject’s results also play a vital role; it is found that many scholars and researchers have conducted successful Research concerning the application and the impact of meme theory in English writing. However, there is relatively little research on the specific application of Memetics in writing. Therefore, this study attempts to conduct an experimental study on English writing teaching from the perspective of meme theory. According to the principle that the four stages of meme dissemination are consistent with the second language acquisition process, a new model suitable for junior high school English writing teaching is constructed.

Domestic Research in china analyzed the meme phenomenon in language proposed for types of language imitation that is the language meme, and one of the carriers of meme dissemination language and meme promotes each other’s development As a branch of language teaching, English teaching has also appeared many articles combining Memetics and English teaching. To a certain extent, it has promoted the development of memes in the language field. For example, Tingting Zhan (2019) analyzed language and its linguistic phenomena from the perspective of Memetics and proved the application of Memetics in foreign language practice. Hu Lian (2019) analyzed the theoretical basis for the spread of linguistic memes, classified the types and expressions of lexical memes, and pointed out that language is spread through the replication, communication, variation, and selection of memes. Su Miaomiao (2020)Point out that memes are mutating for survival while maintaining the fidelity of their reproductions. Zhang Fenglian (2019) mainly studies the dissemination process of Memetics and the combination of the types of memes and the teaching process and also discusses the optimized classroom teaching mode under Memetics. Some studies use Memetics in English translation to solve some problems. For example, Zhang Can (2020) pointed out that translation research is a part of cultural meme research and that teachers should pay attention to the application of meme theory in translation teaching. Li Tianying (2020) elaborated on domestication and foreignization in translation based on Memetics.

The main disadvantage of Memetics in English writing and its innovation is that the main content of this Research is based on meme theory, through the method of controlled experiments, combined with the input-output hypothesis and the psychological characteristics of junior high school students, to propose a junior high school English writing teaching model based on the life cycle of memes, aiming to explore whether this model can be Reduce students’ English writing anxiety, change their negative attitudes in writing and improve students’ English writing level.


Pre- questionnaire

The researchers used various methods in carrying out their research activities, and the questionnaire methods were more efficient. The students were given some questions in the form of questionnaires and noted their views down. The first time was before the start of the teaching experiment. The author distributed questionnaire I (Appendix A) to 45 students in the class, aiming to understand the students’ attitudes and feelings about English writing before the experiment. Students are asked to complete the survey independently and anonymously.

Post questionnaire

In the second stage, after the four-month teaching experiment, to compare the students’ attitudes and feelings towards English writing before and after the experiment, the author distributed questionnaire II (Appendix B) to the same students.

The contents of Questionnaire II and Questionnaire I are the same; the difference is that the order of the questions is disrupted to ensure the validity of the questionnaire results. Based on the Second Language Classroom Anxiety Scale and related scholars’ Research on writing attitudes, and combined with the specific situation of students’ writing, this study formulated the “Questionnaire for Junior High School Students’ English Writing Attitudes” (Appendix A). The questionnaire consists of 10 questions covering three dimensions: students’ writing attitude, writing anxiety, and writing status. The responses to the questionnaire were divided into A (strongly disagree), B (disagree), C (not sure), D (agree), and E (strongly agree) using the five-point Likert Scale method. Questionnaires are distributed and filled in during the English afternoon self-study, and students must choose carefully according to the actual situation. The questionnaires were collected on time and were all valid. The results of the questionnaire were used to explain the changes in students’ attitudes toward

Problems faced during Research

The main difficulty of Research was that the Research focused on this subject lies in the topic selection, testing, and evaluation of the pre-and post-writing test for the students in the second-year experimental class and the control class. The questionnaire and interview design of the experimental class is also required. First of all, it is necessary to design questionnaires and related exercises with reliability, validity, and difficulty that can meet the test of writing level to ensure the initial quality of the Research and to pave the way for subsequent re-learning controlled experiments. Secondly, how to reasonably control the relevant variables and reduce the influence of irrelevant variables on the writing learning effect is the key to ensuring the validity of the research results after students are enrolled. All in all, the research on this topic focuses on proving the impact of Memetics on junior high school students’ English writing through practical empirical Research.


To conclude, the Research carried out came out with positive and adverse findings. Still, Memetics is recommended to play an essential role in junior high school students’ research Difficulties: One of the difficulties lies in how to design the English writing teaching process based on Memetics according to the characteristics of junior high school students. On the one hand, junior high school students are more malleable and have psychological susceptibility and variability; on the other hand, junior high school students are not very rich in vocabulary, and it isn’t easy to use appropriate vocabulary to express some content appropriately, which affects the development of writing ability. The second difficulty is obtaining a comparison of writing scores when performing data analysis. On the one hand, because writing is a subjective question and there is no standard answer, it is difficult to compare; on the other hand, due to the interference of unrelated variables caused by the psychological changes of students or the teaching tasks of schools.


Study On English Teaching Writing Using Memes

The research is mainly to investigate how the use of memes in junior high school has impacted your learning of the English language. Your participation in this survey is voluntary and your data is anonymous and confidential. Participating in his practice will be highly appreciated. In the above questions, you are required to fill out the spaces with the best opinion that fits you. Some parts will require you to write and in other parts, to either tick or put a small cross

1 How old are you?

2 Which gender are you

☐  Female

☐ Male

3 Which grade are you in?

☐ Grade 7

☐ Grade 8

☐ Grade 9

4 How many hours do you study English per week?

5 How much do you love English?

☐ Extremely

☐ Good

☐ Average

☐ Not much

6 How could you describe your English teacher?

☐ Excellent

☐ Good

☐ Average Poor

7 Does your English teacher use memes while teaching?

☐ Yes

☐ No

8 How often does your teacher use memes?

☐ Excellent

☐ Good

☐ Average

☐ Poor

9 How do you like the idea of using memes in learning English?

☐ Excellent

☐ Good

☐ Average

☐ Poor

10 What kind of impact do memes have on your learning of English

☐ Excellent

☐ Good

☐ Average

☐ Poor

11 How could you rate memes as a mode of study

☐ Excellent

☐ Good

☐ Average

☐ Poor

12 Does the use of memes makes a class interactive

☐ Excellent

☐ Good

☐ Average

☐ Poor

13 How could you compare normal studying and the use of memes

☐ Excellent

☐ Good

☐ Average

☐ Poor

Thank you for participating in this survey


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Purnama, A. D. (2017). Incorporating memes and Instagram to enhance students’ participation. LLT Journal: A Journal on Language and Language Teaching20(1), 1-14.

Pishghadam, R., Ebrahimi, S., & Derakhshan, A. (2020). Culturing analysis: A new methodology for discovering cultural memes. International Journal of Society, Culture & Language8(2), 17-34.

Scardina, C. (2017). Through the lens of popular culture, memes and teaching are well-suited. Teacher Librarian45(2), 13-17.


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