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English Teaching Essays

Gestures in CMC

Literature Review. Introduction. Gestures play a significant role in second language acquisition by providing visual cues and context to language learners. Computer-mediated communication is a significant aspect of today’s society because it enables people to communicate effectively worldwide. Therefore, integrating gestures in computer-mediated communication in the classroom when learning a second language is crucial in ... Read More
Pages: 12       Words: 3298

Creating a Positive Relationship With Graphic Novels

Creating a Positive Relationship in Reading with Graphic Novels Reading is a crucial part of the learning process. It helps students develop their critical thinking skills, allows them to develop their imagination, and helps them gain knowledge through reading. A great way to encourage reading in the classroom is using graphic novels as instruction. Graphic ... Read More
Pages: 5       Words: 1129
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English Teaching and Writing in Junior High School Based on Meme Theory

ABSTRACT This research aims to find out who is teaching writing in English In junior high school based on meme theory in China—it is carried out Research employing questionnaires from both the students and teachers, interviews, and a lot of observations from this field. From the findings, memes have played a massive role in the ... Read More
Pages: 20       Words: 5408
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