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Drug Abuse Essays

Scholarly Paper on Prescription Drug Abuse Among Adolescents and Young Adults

The topic being addressed in this paper is prescription drug abuse. It entails using prescription medication not authorized by the prescribing physician. Anything from using a friend’s prescription pain reliever for a backache to getting high by snorting or injecting crushed pills is considered prescription drug abuse. Opioid painkillers, anti-anxiety medications, sedatives, and stimulants are ... Read More
Pages: 6       Words: 1598

Should Colleges Allow Students and/or Staff To Carry Guns on Campus?

Introduction Do you know that having a gun next to you greatly raises your risk of self-harm and fatality and that of those around you? As a gun holder, you may unintentionally discharge or fire it, hurting yourself or the individuals around you. Colleges are places fundamentally meant for educational purposes, but several individuals strongly ... Read More
Pages: 11       Words: 2993
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Drug Abuse and Addiction, Its Effect on Women in Society, and How They Become Homeless Due to the Habit

Introduction In my pursuit to address the intricate communal issue of drug abuse and its distressing connection to homelessness among women, I bring to this project a profoundly enrooted personal interest and unyielding motivation. My fascination with this pressing matter arises not merely from my zeal for community service but also from the emotional tales ... Read More
Pages: 16       Words: 4289

Summative Assessment: Needs Assessment and Program Needs Report

The most appropriate needs assessment methodology for James is the use of the existing data about him. Different individuals and institutions already have information about James, and they may use it to undertake a needs assessment on him. The supervisor who was in charge of him during the previous supervision period has information about James ... Read More
Pages: 4       Words: 870

Trauma Treatment Plan for Cyntoia Brown

The goal of this treatment program is to improve Cyntoia Brown’s psychological and emotional health, as it is depicted in the documentary “Murder to Mercy: The Cyntoia Brown Story.” Cyntoia endured severe stress all of her life due to a history of abuse, involvement in sex trafficking, and an early murder conviction. The plan will ... Read More
Pages: 6       Words: 1623

Effects of Social Stigma on Drug Abuse

The impact of societal stigma on the experiences and results of people living with substance abuse is significant. Negative attitudes, stereotyping, and discrimination linked with substance abuse typically have a variety of harmful consequences for affected individuals and society as a whole (Goldman 1271). Due to the negative thoughts and feelings of shame, guilt, and ... Read More
Pages: 8       Words: 2160

Mental Health and Drug Abuse

The manifestation of mental health and drug abuse has surfaced as an emergent social apprehension in contemporary Australia. Research studies have inferred a significant relationship between psychological maladies and substance dependence, whereby those with mental conditions display higher susceptibility towards drug addiction and vice versa (Saha et al., 2007; Kessler et al., 2011). One theory ... Read More
Pages: 8       Words: 2060

Fentanyl Issue in American and Drug Policy Problems

The problem is being unable to stop the Mexican cartel’s production and the harm being caused to humanity. Additionally, the drug issue has caused further harm in other areas of society and how policy makers fulfill policies. With the drug market demand, the transition from heroin to fentanyl occurs quickly. The study conducted by Feliz ... Read More
Pages: 3       Words: 748

Detoxification From Alcohol and Opiates

Introduction: Alcohol and opiates are among the most common substances commonly abused by many people, especially youth across the globe. Abusing these two drugs can severely impact an individual’s physical and mental health. Therefore, there is a need to address their impact through detoxification. Detoxification, also regarded as withdrawal management, is a critical process for ... Read More
Pages: 9       Words: 2448

Contemporary Issues Faced by Teenagers

There are many issues which the modern teenager is facing ranging from mental health problems such as depression to other common issues, which include drug abuse, peer pressure, the pressures that come with social media, body shaming which tampers with their self-esteem, sexual unhealthy sexual acts and academic pressures. The most common and ever-growing in ... Read More
Pages: 5       Words: 1101

Adolescence to Adulthood Special Needs

Adolescence to adulthood is a critical period for many young people. During this time, they face numerous challenges that can have long-lasting effects on their physical, emotional, and mental health. Adults can play a crucial role in helping adolescents navigate these challenges and transition to adulthood successfully. In this essay, we will explore some practical ... Read More
Pages: 5       Words: 1117

Youth Substance Abuse

Introduction In many communities, youth substance abuse is becoming a more worrisome problem. According to surveys, 1 in 8 American teenagers has struggled with substance abuse at some point. This is tragic because adolescent substance abuse can result in a wide range of serious health problems and unfavorable life outcomes. The alarm is being raised ... Read More
Pages: 10       Words: 2620

Drug Abuse Among Australian Teenagers: A Human Rights Violation

Introduction Although it is prohibited to consume illegal drugs in Australia, drug abuse is a major social, health, and legal concern affecting Australians. Alcohol, tobacco, and cannabis are the three most commonly used drugs among youths in Australia. Given that Australia has the greatest percentage of cannabis users globally, cannabis usage is a significant factor ... Read More
Pages: 7       Words: 1877

Narcotic Abuse/Addiction

Abstract This research project will explore the effects of narcotic abuse and addiction on individuals. The scope of the research will include studies of the physical and psychological effects of narcotic abuse and addiction, as well as the social, economic, and legal implications of this problem. The research will also examine the various treatments available ... Read More
Pages: 7       Words: 1887

Fentanyl Is Causing Most of the Drug Overdoses Among Juveniles

The opioid epidemic is a major public health issue that has hit the US in recent decades. This is coupled with overdose deaths that are rapidly rising by the day. The opioid crisis started in the mid- 1990s due to the rising availability and use of drugs in the population. Opioids include narcotics and prescription ... Read More
Pages: 5       Words: 1211
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