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Delinquency Essays

Effects of Peer Pressure on Delinquency

Introduction In recent years, cases of juvenile crimes have risen with various factors leading to the issue. One of the major factors that have been identified is peer pressure. Peer pressure is the influence induced by a minor on another, leading to behavioral change. Peer pressure does not entirely lead to negative behavior, such as ... Read More
Pages: 6       Words: 1648

Environmental Influences on Delinquency

Family factors that impact delinquency Parental divorce can have significant effects on a child. Parental divorce predicts juvenile delinquency consistently and is a significant parent-related risk factor for developing criminal behavior in childhood and adolescence, which increases the likelihood of criminal convictions and antisocial behavior. The result of parental divorce is frequent emotional suffering. Compared ... Read More
Pages: 3       Words: 742
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Criminology Assignment: Intervention Techniques, Disproportionate Minority Contact, Race-Based Policies, Delinquency

1. Effective Intervention Techniques On Youth Affected By Family Violence As an international social challenge, family violence builds up to dangerous consequences engulfing parents, victims of violence as well as children. Due to family violence, a significant number of children undergo negative consequences distinguished by the social issue. These consequences include but are not limited ... Read More
Pages: 13       Words: 3533
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