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Dealing With Amiable People


The goal of the meeting is to talk about customer service and how we can enhance the level of service offered by the Customer Service department. Retail outlets that sell our GPS Now! gadgets have complained to our sales personnel. Customers complain that they need to get adequate replies when contacting the Customer Care phone line. Their phone calls are frequently not returned, leaving them upset and disappointed with our firm. Customer service is critical for every organization since it plays a vital part in establishing and keeping client loyalty (Kandampully, 1998). Our Customer Service department’s treatment of our clients directly influences their overall opinion of our organization. Bad customer service may result in lost revenue, unfavorable reviews, and a tarnished reputation. We must address these issues and enhance the quality of service our Customer Care staff offers.

Understanding the Steadiness (Amiable) Style

Those who are amiable are usually sympathetic, kind, and patient. They are terrific listeners who like collaborating with others (Yates & Beech, 2006). They are also well-known for their devotion to their team, organization, or family. Amiable people are non-threatening, making them approachable and pleasant to deal with. They work well in groups but also have a strong desire for security and stability, so they favor regular and known jobs.

Amiable employees’ qualities in the workplace include their ability to collaborate effectively, patience, and loyalty. They are also excellent at offering assistance and keeping peaceful relationships. Nevertheless, according to Juanamasta et al. (2019), their avoidance of confrontation and aversion to taking risks might be a drawback. Since they favor regularity and the status quo, they may be averse to change or cautious about attempting new things. They may also struggle with decision-making, particularly when making difficult decisions that may upset others.

To effectively connect with amicable people, begin the conversation with personal remarks to break the ice and demonstrate a genuine interest in them as a person (Training, 2012). Being polite and looking for areas of commonality are also beneficial. Being truthful, open, and honest is essential because Amiable people cherish trust and sincerity. In order to elicit their comments and demonstrate your interest in their thoughts and ideas, ask how questions to allay their doubts and concerns and offer comfort and promises. Next, pay close attention to their comments and avoid interrupting them.

Approaching Dale McClintock

To begin with, personal remarks must break the ice and establish rapport with Dale McClintock. This may involve inquiring about her weekend, pastimes, interests, or other non-work-related topics. According to Gordon et al. (2021), this demonstrates that one is interested in her as a person and is not simply there to conduct business.

After establishing a pleasant and relaxed environment, it is time to frame the issue. I will begin by accentuating the significance of customer service and how crucial it is to the success of a business. I will describe the specific retail store complaints regarding the customer service phone line and the absence of returned calls. It is essential to provide specific examples and convey the situation’s gravity (Di Girolamo et al., 2019).

It is essential to emphasize the significance of promptly returning phone calls when proposing solutions (Juanamasta et al., 2019). This is a straightforward but effective method for enhancing customer service. I will provide examples of excellent customer service practices, such as leaving a clear and concise phone message, promptly following up with customers, and going the extra mile to assist them. I will also solicit Dale’s advice on improving the situation, as she may have valuable insights and ideas based on her customer service background.

Addressing Amiable Concerns

To effectively address the concerns of Dale McClintock, a person with the Amiable personality type, it is necessary to be familiar with some of the most common issues faced by people with this personality type. Fear of change and a desire for stability and routine are among the foremost concerns of Amiable individuals (Appleton & Song, 2008).

Most affable people prefer predictability, stability, and a familiar environment. Transitions can make individuals feel uneasy, apprehensive, or even resistant. They may require additional time to process and acclimate to the workplace or routine changes. They are likely to be sensitive to the emotions of others and to place a greater emphasis on maintaining positive relationships than on attaining personal goals or objectives. To address Dale McClintock’s concerns, it is necessary to emphasize the significance of maintaining positive customer relationships and the advantages of enhancing customer service. It is essential to approach the conversation with empathy and understanding, recognizing the difficulties of change and offering assistance (Zeithaml et al., 2006).

I will commence by emphasizing the significance of maintaining positive relationships with customers. Individuals who value positive relationships with others may be more motivated by the prospect of assisting others than by pursuing specific goals or objectives. According to Ray et al. (2005), Dale may be more inclined to address retail store complaints by emphasizing the significance of excellent customer service and its impact on customer satisfaction.

I will then discuss the advantages of enhancing customer service. Understanding how enhancing customer service can benefit customers and the company may make affable individuals more receptive. Dale may be more motivated to take action if future benefits, such as increased customer loyalty and positive word-of-mouth advertising, are emphasized (Akbar & Parvez, 2009).

Finally, I will acknowledge the difficulties associated with change and offer support. There is a tendency for affable people to favor stability and routine, and they may be resistant to changes that disrupt their accustomed surroundings. Acknowledging this concern and offering assistance, such as resources or training, is essential to help the customer service staff adjust to any upcoming adjustments (Zeithaml et al., 2006). Dale may be more receptive to change and taking action to resolve the complaints if shown support and empathy.


During this conversation, we reviewed the significance of satisfying customers and the feedback obtained from retailers about the customer service department’s failure to respond to their inquiries or return their calls. We also spoke about communicating effectively with Amiable people by recognizing their strengths and avoiding their faults. We contextualized the issue and provided potential remedies, including stressing the significance of swiftly answering phone calls and sharing examples of solid customer service techniques.


Akbar, M. M., & Parvez, N. (2009). Impact of service quality, trust, and customer satisfaction on customer loyalty. ABAC journal29(1).

Appleton, S., & Song, L. (2008). Life satisfaction in urban China: Components and determinants. World development36(11), 2325-2340.

Di Girolamo, M., Giromini, L., Winters, C. L., Serie, C. M., & De Ruiter, C. (2019). The questionnaire of cognitive and affective empathy: A comparison between paper-and-pencil versus online formats in Italian samples. Journal of personality assessment101(2), 159-170.

Gordon, S., Kartik, N., Lo, M. P. Y., Olszewski, W., & Sobel, J. (2021). Effective communication in cheap talk games. Working Paper, University of California-San Diego.

Juanamasta, I. G., Wati, N. M. N., Hendrawati, E., Wahyuni, W., Pramudianti, M., Wisnujati, N. S., … & Umanailo, M. C. B. (2019). The role of customer service through customer relationship management (Crm) to increase customer loyalty and good image. International Journal of Scientific and Technology Research, 8(10), 2004-2007.

Kandampully, J. (1998). Service quality to service loyalty: A relationship which goes beyond customer services. Total quality management9(6), 431-443.

Ray, G., Muhanna, W. A., & Barney, J. B. (2005). Information technology and the performance of the customer service process: A resource-based analysis. MIS quarterly, 625-652.

Training, M. T. D. (2012). Effective communication skills. Bookboon.

Yates, K., & Beech, R. (2006). Six crucial steps to effective global communication. Strategic Communication Management10(5), 26.

Zeithaml, V. A., Bitner, M. J., & Gremler, D. D. (2006). Services marketing: Integrating customer focus across the firm. McGraw-Hill/Irwin.


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