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Data Protection and Confidentiality in International Business


The study will focus on the findings of risk in data protection and confidentiality in International Business (IB). The focus of the results will be applicable in determining the essential recommendations that will be applied and also foster the relevant priorities that will elucidate how the organizations can potentially decree those risks.

  • International Business (IB) has raised certain risks in its operations based on data protection and confidentiality. They include;
  • data protection and confidentiality
  • information belonging to one client had been incorrectly stored in the online records of several others
  • a data input error
  • breach incident logs undertook over the past two days
  • employees appear unclear on data protection and confidentiality requirements
  • installation of a new record-keeping system in certain parts of the business
  • shift to a paperless management approach
  • The number of employees working from home.

Organizations are faced with issues of protecting their data and the confidence of their customers with a rising impediment to the application of the necessary safety controls. The organization is faced with increased loss of data relating to commercial records, such as regularity or third parties customer lists and details. There are utmost issues that go to unpublished works and securing cords or algorithms that define the scope of the business. Most of the risks associated with confidentiality and protection revolve around hardware and software configurations that define how the organization can handle its business. Due to the increased risk of a portion of data and confidentiality, the organizations are faced with losing information relating to the company and a lack of development of services and products to each the demand in the market. Management data confidentiality and protection in organizations have induced the misappropriation of resources and better affect the organization’s efficiency. There are definite potential and exposure risks associated with the data portion in the organizations, such as a lack of information on the necessary software and best practices.

Furthermore, organizations are faced with information belonging to one client that had been incorrectly stored in the online records of several others. This issue has incorrectly fostered most of the recording and combination of customers’ or clients’ information. Due to the extensive nature of information organized and scripted, there has been an increasing lack of the organization of proper structure and manipulation of its data protection policies. Misconduct recording of information leads to a detailed plan and effective control of the organization’s work and future customer meetings. There is increased exposure to the customers’ confidential information and further misappropriation of the customer segmentation for beneficial gains. The nature of the misappropriation recording of data is wasteful and has nearly detained the accumulation of revenant appropriation of resources for managing the customers.

Issues with a data input error define the human erring issues and inconvenience affecting the organization’s promotion of its goals and objectives. Lack of proper and systematic proofing tonsure no error environments embroils the organizations in a misleading and misappropriate path of defining’s its policies and correcting its behaviours. Due to the data input errors, the organization has lacked the necessary definition for its accumulation of the required and appropriate systematic mechanisms of coordinating their work, and the recording system is error-proof.

The breach incident in logs undertaken over the past two days defines how the organization is faced with cyber security issues and has lacked in enabling privacy and security settings. The development of the organizations is based on the application of digital technology that relies on networking online and specific applications that have incurred malware in the organizations’ systems. Due to the breach in its logs, there is a substantial potential theta of some of its sanative information being stolen or applied by hackers or those with malicious intentions for fraudulent purposes. The nature of the information under breach can define the organization’s future. It will undoubtedly have costly repercussions in managing and mitigating the consequences of merging.

The employees appear unclear on data protection, and confidentiality requirements which have a significant expense and adverse are on the organization. There exists a substantial and negative impact of the employee’s ignorance of data protection and confidentiality. The essence of security and privacy lacking in the employees will potentially increase the organization’s chances of losing customers and incurring more cybersecurity issues. The employees’ ignorance is potentially a risk that will expose the organization to fraud and misrepresentations by potential hackers or those with malevolent activities and most inane. The organization lacks policies for training its employees on data protection and confidentiality. Farther, the employees depict their unwillingness and lack to define their objectives in understating the issues involved.

There is a lack of installation of a new record-keeping system in certain parts of the business, which has negative impacts. Lack of some systems lacking record-keeping states designates how the business will most likely lose its effectiveness and optimizations. The company has different aspects, and they are all seeking optimizations. The lack of some systems having a record-keeping system can misplace the business priorities and their effectiveness. There is also a definitive lack of proper planning with a lack of designated record-keeping systems in some aspects of the business. The lack of an accurate and systematic streamlined recording system in the organization is an issue that is exposing the organization to the potential loss of necessary data for its development. The development of such possible data loss and exposure to frequent mishaps derail the streamlining of the organization’s objectives and expectations.

The organization is faced with issues shifting to a paperless management approach. The problems in this approach include turning over to the use of digital solutions and information communication technology (ICT). Due to a lack of awareness and necessary promotion of the required definition for effective control and promotion of the organizations, there is increased delay in damaging the paperless approach. The approach is further marred by the management and lack of a proper system for defectively allowing a streamlined admission of a paperless system. Additionally, there is a lack of appropriate and designated infrastructure that can effectively define how the organization can track its flow of effective and efficient transitions to a paperless approach system.

The organizations are finally faced with risk in the number of employees working from home. Risk is a lack of cyber security awareness and training on data protection. Employees working remotely are not provided with the necessary support to ensure they have their devices protected and encrypted to decrease errors and hacking f the systems. Further, the organizations have not promoted education and relevant information on how the employees have to define their privacy and confidence while working remotely, which is a considerable concern with virtual teams. There are issues of data corruption and exposure so sensitive data to third pates while working remotely due to increased ignorance of the issues surrounding it.


Senior members of the firm, aware of their cause for concern, have the power to take the management at the task. The senior embers can assert their mince and decision-making priority, encouraging the adoption of the best method and discernment of the impending issues. The management has the power to focus and enforce the implementation of the raging policies and regulations about confidentiality and data protection. Further, the senior management has the necessary resources and effort to ensure the definitive promotion of the essential measurements and controls for managing the organization’s efforts.

Presenting these formally to the board will be through a report or presentation that will adduce the potential risk in data protection and privacy. Further to the information or pronation, we; highlight the identified issues about the organization’s use of digital solutions and empowering cyber security. Additionally, the report will focus on enabling the adoption of relevant digital solutions and disabling the traditions and unconventional mechanisms f promoting the organizations’ objectives.

Supporting the organizations is essential in enabling the enforcement and accumulation of necessary recommendations and plans for managing cyber security issues. Mitigating potential exposure risks and other impediments will require the organizations to formulate a plan that will enable them to identify its core effeteness and resolved mechanism. Due to the above risks, there is an immediate need for exploding potential cyber security measures that will encourage the organization to be more effective and better control and manage its organizations. There will be a need to take practical steps in desisting appropriate cyber security adherence guidelines and standards in contact with the existing regulations and laws within the country. Due to the extensive nature of the rules, the organizations must be keen on their implementation and ensure the effective utilization of their resources in deviling the necessary required resources and enhancing their development and research programs. Further, actualizing these cyber scrutiny goals will ensure the effective adoption of essential and customized methods of managing the organizations and effectively achieving the best results possible. Definitively the organization will be belt o actualize a plan of minimizing risk levels to refrain from initiating any adverse impact on its systems.


Data protection and confidentiality can be improved by adopting a process that ensures appropriate security and privacy. Organizations should work on improving the confidentiality of difficult data and compassionate data. There should be the adoption of systems software and hardware that can categorize the business’s effectiveness and ensure it can accommodate its efficacy. Also, the company should ensure lawfulness and data integrity are improved with accommodations of superior data management designs and systems for effectiveness. Accountability should reign supreme when designating the data management and compilation techniques that can empower the business and designative storage limitation techniques. A time limit should be established for data management, and there should be collective and effective record-keeping.

Issues relating to information belonging to one client had been incorrectly stored in the online records of several others can be rectified with integrity and accountability. The proper recording system should be approved for the differentiation, which varies from sketching. Labelling, note-taking, journaling and audio or visual sets. The purpose of recording is to keep historical or archival references of data and ensure there is evince and proof of the documented business undertakings. Recording ensures that the organization runs a business with backed formations that can be useful in times of disinter or necessity. Developing the necessary skills for recording data will be essential with the accommodation of the relevant regulatory framework.

A data input error can be rectified by adopting selected governmental and management tools that can decrease mistakes. Applications that can be used in enlightening and empowering human activities are naturally helpful and measurable. Using tools for ease of work nods decanting necessary tools such as Google tools can effectively redesign the method of working and porting. Organizations should invest in empowering the use of digital tools which are efficient and make fewer errors.

Rectifying the breach incident in logs undertaken over the past two days, organizations must look into cyber security solutions. Majorly the organization has to invest in cloud computing security solutions where biological data can be minims. Critical infrastructure security is necessary to ensure that application systems are resilient and effectively able to withstand hacking. Also, organizations have to invest in Application security and Network security which will reduce the frequency of exposure to malware that can be a risk to the applications and networking of systems. Computation internally and externally will require protection with the application of the relay solutions, with the application of cloud computing a critical concern. There should be aloe adoption of Internet of Things (IoT) security to cover the organizations’ devices.

The employees appear unclear on data protection and confidentiality requirements, which is a risk to how they handle the deals or objectives of the organizations. It is recommended that employees undergo training and relevant education on digital applications, data protection and confidentiality requirements. The employees who mainly depend on the information technology (IT) unit for the safety and awareness of any changes in the digital world should be taught to advance the necessary information and knowledge in the business. Employees must be empowered critically with incremental importation in the changes in the organizations and the digital world or technology.

Installing a new record-keeping system in certain parts of the business is explosively damaging to the reputation of the business. There is a considerable need for the industry to apply a general and systematic promotion of record-keeping in all areas. Electrical record keeping will provide the organization with streamlined activities and objectives. Moré, over the organization, will be able to actualize the necessary expectations in its field or market. Record keeping in all areas of the organization can propose accountability and integrity in the business. The originations can also effectively achieve its progressive growth by adopting record keeping and documentation of its processes. There is a big chance of neglect if the organization does not accord adequate and equal record keeping.

Shift to a paperless management approach is rectified and purposively adopted with the accumulation of A Culture & Execute Training That Encourages Scanning Everything where the purging of old documents and methods of computing should be done. Adopting a paperless approach will require documentation and record-keeping based on the promotion of computing with digital solutions. Further adoption of electronic Signatures and Implement Paperless Billing is effectively accrued to empower the transition. There is a colossal advantage ad demand for organizations to accommodate a paperless approach to accommodate satiable bunnies and align their competitive edge accordingly. The benefits of being paperless outweigh those of paper systems where there is a lot of waste and disapprobation of resources.

The recommendation for mitigating risk associated with the number of employees working from home is managed by empowering and supporting their work environments. Most remote working employees are applying virtual work-in environments that require adopting their devices, such as laptops and phones, which exposes the organization to significant security issues. The minimization of associated risks can be adduced by empowering awareness of the employment of personal devices and how the employees can minimize those risks by adopting relevant skills and effective protection regimens. Employees must be inducted and accommodated with applicable regulations and policies that will decrease virtual environments risks and exposure to hacking r relapsing of sanative information to the public without their knowledge. Employees must be provided with the appropriate tools and working environments and trained to manage the resources provided. There should also be an orientation to devices that have never been applied before and proper installation of all programs used while remotely working to promote safety ad privacy.

Plan of action

The appropriate measure should be instigated to ensure proper improvement and to plan out the management of data protection and confidentiality. The accommodation and adoption of Protective Marking will be prompted to confirm the classification of every document and inaction. Data protection and privacy will be empowered by providing the adoption of regulations and policies on data protection are regarded. The essential regulatory frame of regard will be the Saudi Data & AI Authority. The function and powers granted the authority has enabled the stipulation of the necessary and designative protocols for regulating data projections and promoting the adoption of AI in organizations and personal application. Concerning data protection, the regulatory body stipulates that usage, storage, and data sharing should be detailed as urgent and edified with strictness. The organization will then focus its stage ties on compiling a plan for managing how its data is stored, used and shared internally and externally. The method applicable for the target will be majorly cloud computing, where external and online servers will be applied. The use of third parties to provide the organizations with the required access to storage facilities and cyber security solutions will be implemented; there should be increased efforts to ensure the data of customers and employees is well protected from throw parties with malevolent ignitions. According to the authority, the organization will discern ways of managing and circling information relating to the defect stakeholders involved. There will also be a condemnation of the different methods applied to determine how employees can be protected.

The organizations will seek to empower the employees with training, ordination, and educational reduces for managing data protection and confidentiality. It will be prudent for organizations to organize seminars and meetings where different outsourced experts can enlighten the employees on the importance of data protection and confidentiality requirements. The essence of the training will be to decrease the chances of losing the organization’s competitive edge. Also, adopting the necessary support and regulatory framework will enable the organization to frame a way of remodelling the aspect of privacy and safety. There will be a need to take practical steps in desisting appropriate cyber security adherence guidelines and standards in contact with the existing regulations and laws within the country. Due to the extensive nature of the rules, the organizations must be keen on their implementation and ensure the effective utilization of their resources in deviling the necessary required resources and enhancing their development and research programs.

There will be an accumulation of drifter tools that can reshape and define the approach to a peerless system where the employees can be taught how to apply the affront systems and designate the best approach to managing and discerning the different angles of approaching the transitions. Developing the necessary framework to advocate for effective and selective methods of the magician the system will require proper training and educating employees on the different measures to be taken. Further, there is necessary to keep records and tabulate every single deal and aspect of the organization. Record keeping and documentation are required to sort the organization’s reach and empower accountability. The adoption of necessary tools for record-keeping, such as Electronic Records, will enable the organization it’s a frequency of associatively focus on the right approach. Accompanying will be integrity in developing research of the trends and changes in cyber security to elucidate the necessary modifications in the organizations. Formulating a plan that will be appropriate in managing and focusing the business on practical and satiable paths will be crucial.

More developing the necessary skills for recording data will be essential with the accommodation of the relevant regulatory framework. The nature of the misappropriation recording of data is wasteful and has nearly detained the accumulation of revenant appropriation of resources for managing the customers. Hence, there will invest in empowering the use of efficient digital tools that make fewer errors. Record keeping in all areas of the organization can propose accountability and integrity in the business. The originations can also effectively achieve its progressive growth by adopting record keeping and documentation of its processes. There is a big chance of neglect if the organization does not accord adequate and equal record keeping. It will be apt to have Management data confidentiality and protection in organizations induced by the appropriation of resources and better affect the organization’s efficiency. There are definite potential and exposure risks associated with the data portion in the organizations, such as a lack of information on the necessary software and best practices. Further, implementing these cyber scrutiny goals will ensure the effective adoption of essential and customized methods of managing the organizations and effectively achieving the best results possible. Definitively the organization will be belt o actualize a plan of minimizing risk levels to refrain from initiating any adverse impact on its systems.

The action plan will seek to resolve the impending issues of protecting their data and the confidence of their customers with a rising impediment to the application of the necessary safety controls. The organization is faced with increased loss of data relating to commercial records, such as regularity or third parties customer lists and details. More so, Issues with data input errors define the human erring issues and inconvenience affecting the organization’s promotion of its goals and objectives. Lack of proper and systematic proofing tonsure no error environments embroils the organizations in a misleading and misappropriate path of defining’s its policies and correcting its behaviours. Due to the breach in its logs, there is a substantial potential theta of some of its sanative information being stolen or applied by hackers or those with malicious intentions for fraudulent purposes. The nature of the information under breach can define the organization’s future. It will undoubtedly have costly repercussions in managing and mitigating the consequences of merging.

The action plan seeks to reconcile the risks and enhance the organizations’ strengths by adopting the identified strengths and recommendations. The plan’s focus will be to mitigate the risk associated with the number of employees working from home is managed by empowering and supporting their work environments. Most remote working employees are applying virtual work-in environments that require adopting their devices, such as laptops and phones, which exposes the organization to significant security issues. . The development of such possible data loss and exposure to frequent mishaps derail the streamlining of the organization’s objectives and expectations. Organizations should invest in empowering the use of digital tools which are efficient and make fewer errors.


Saudi Data & AI Authority. (2020). National Data Governance Policies.


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