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Cyber Security Essays

Cyber Security Portfolio

What is the Problem being addressed? The issue at hand is the cyber threats that can compromise the backbone of critical infrastructure. It would be appropriate to mention that the cybersecurity vulnerabilities in critical infrastructure are well-known and evidenced by multiple incidences worldwide. One of the most prominent was the cyber attack against the Ukrainian ... Read More
Pages: 5       Words: 1351

Cyber Security and Its Implications for Criminology.

Introduction. There is a growing need for an increased integration between cybersecurity and criminology. This requirement can be primarily linked to the artificial intelligence industry’s explosive growth, which appears to have outpaced the drafting of extensive regulations governing technology use. Numerous scholars and experts have studied the interconnections between cybersecurity and criminology to understand the ... Read More
Pages: 22       Words: 5922
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Fighting Forced Labor Recruitment Online Through Cyber Trafficking

Cyber trading, as one aspect of contemporary exploitation, has its modern dark side emanating from technological advancement. This topic mainly revolves around forced labor at its core in today’s age of communications. Increased digitization will result in increased cases of internet fraud, which is how criminals can trick individuals with poverty problems into believing they ... Read More
Pages: 12       Words: 3082

The Role of Censorship in Cyber Security and Freedom

The discourse surrounding the function of censorship in the digital era is complex, encompassing matters related to information control, personal liberties, and national security. One way to look at censorship is as a weapon that governments employ to keep their citizens safe online and as a way to limit people’s ability to express themselves freely. ... Read More
Pages: 12       Words: 3028

Impacts of Cyber Security on Online Business and Customer Confidence

Introduction Background to the topic With people relying on technology more and more and the number of online businesses growing, hacking has become a very important issue for both companies and their customers. The fast growth of digital platforms and the interconnectedness of online businesses have made them more vulnerable to cyber dangers, which could ... Read More
Pages: 8       Words: 1933

Business Issues and Practices

Executive Summary This particular report dealt with the ongoing business issues and practices in a company. These risks have been identified through the report presented by the world economic forum. Implementation of the strategies in climate change adoption and cyber security are the top concerns of every organisation. The company has to go through various ... Read More
Pages: 20       Words: 5267

Mobile Device Attacks

Introduction Approximately 7 billion people worldwide use some form of mobile device, including a smartphone or a tablet, to do anything from checking their bank accounts and making purchases to updating their profiles on social media and keeping tabs on their wellness (Zhou et al., 2018). Despite the widespread use of mobile devices and the ... Read More
Pages: 7       Words: 1696

Technology and Innovation in Banking/Finance

Introduction The rise of Technology and innovation in the banking and finance sector has been a source of both promise and concern. On the one hand, technological advances have enabled banks and financial institutions to provide customers with a faster, safer, and more efficient service. On the other hand, Technology and innovation have also posed ... Read More
Pages: 9       Words: 2436

Cyber Related Issue

Introduction The selected cyber-related issue to be investigated is functional safety in physical cyberspace. Gu et al. describe functional safety as a part of the general safety associated with the equipment under control (EUC) and its control system, whose proper functionality depends on safety-related systems (Gu et al. 2020, 1). Functional safety is an aspect ... Read More
Pages: 7       Words: 1857

Patient Safety Presentation

Introduction Technology in the healthcare sector is constantly developing and improving. To enhance patient outcomes and ensure patient safety, computer-based solutions are being used by many healthcare facilities to guarantee security, effective care, and improved quality (Meeks et al., 2014). Every day, we get a tremendous amount of data from our patients, including their assessments, ... Read More
Pages: 6       Words: 1507

Microsoft Corporation Analysis

Introduction Microsoft continues to make substantial progress in computer software production while investing in the stock exchange to position the organization for continued expansion. Microsoft Corporation identifies the most important problems based on its macro- or remote environment (Kang, 2013). By taking into account the situation of the computer hardware and software market, Microsoft can ... Read More
Pages: 12       Words: 3177

Do You Agree That Terrorism Research Has Stagnated?

Introduction Terrorism has been a significant global issue for several decades, but despite its ongoing impact, there is a common misconception that research on the subject has stagnated. The truth is the field of terrorism research is constantly evolving as experts work to understand and stay ahead of the complex and ever-changing nature of terrorism. ... Read More
Pages: 16       Words: 4154

Data Protection and Confidentiality in International Business

Introduction The study will focus on the findings of risk in data protection and confidentiality in International Business (IB). The focus of the results will be applicable in determining the essential recommendations that will be applied and also foster the relevant priorities that will elucidate how the organizations can potentially decree those risks. International Business ... Read More
Pages: 13       Words: 3564

Cyber Security Implications on Smart Farming

Food security is a social problem gaining growing significance and requires careful study of how we produce, prepare, and distribute food [2, 6]. The rising use of digital technology to improve the procedures that support these activities has significant consequences for food security as a direct result of these developments. The effective production of sufficient ... Read More
Pages: 20       Words: 5263
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