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Cultural Studies Essays

Cultural Dimensions Comparison for the United States and Canada

Introduction Different countries have different cultures that make businesses operate differently to make a profit. The cultural differences call for business people to embrace and appreciate the differences and use them to their advantage. For instance, in some cultures, people are more punctual, while in others, people are less punctual. Thus, a business can be ... Read More
Pages: 4       Words: 999

Indigenous African Practices

Question 1: African religious ideas on death Traditional African religions typically carry the beliefs of life after death, a world of spirits where gods also live. They believe in reincarnation, where the dead may return to their family lineage if they want to do something. The actors in Ghana’s fantasy coffin and dancing pallbearers industries ... Read More
Pages: 6       Words: 1454
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Japanese Popular Culture: Pachinko

Introduction Pachinko is a practice that has long been ingrained in Japanese society. It’s an arcade game in the shape of a slot machine that can be found in many casinos across the nation, similar to pinball.[1]. It has grown in acceptance among newer generations and has become a crucial component of the nation’s national ... Read More
Pages: 17       Words: 4657

Gestures in Asian and Western Cultures

Introduction. Gestures are non-verbal body movements, either facial expressions or using hands, that convey meaning or message. Intentional or unintended gestures can highlight or clarify spoken language, show emotions, or communicate without words. Some common gestures utilized in society include waving hello or goodbye, pointing, nodding, shaking the head, indicating size or quantity, and smiling ... Read More
Pages: 8       Words: 1993

Cultural Heritage’s Impact on Modern Fashion

Fashion has always played an essential role in human culture to express individuality and establish a sense of community (McNeill & Venter, 2019, p. 370). Traditional dress patterns and tailoring methods from all over the world have found their way into contemporary fashion. This movement presents both prospects and challenges for both designers and consumers. ... Read More
Pages: 6       Words: 1534

Medical Anthropology and Globalization and How That Connection Affects the Lives of Mexican Migrant

Seth Holmes investigates the circumstances under which Mexican farmworkers arrive in the United States. Participant observation and in-depth interviews were two of the study methods that Holmes deployed to gather information about the social, economic, and political conditions that affect the lives of migrant workers. This article will examine how medical anthropology and globalization, two ... Read More
Pages: 4       Words: 1011

“Tearing the Goat’s Flesh”

Introduction In his article “Tearing the Goat’s Flesh: Homosexuality, Abjection, and the Production of a Late Twentieth-Century Black Masculinity,” Pharr criticizes how James Baldwin shows black masculinity and homosexuality. One theory about how African-American men become men says that to protect the heterosexual community, African-American men must spread a negative image of homosexuals to become ... Read More
Pages: 6       Words: 1550

Essay on Aztec Culture

The Aztecs serve as a link to Mesoamerican research since it denotes the connection in both the ancient times and the increasingly globalized present. This culture has been studied from various perspectives, including chronology, artwork, spirituality, sexuality, and literary works. A variety of research analyzes the Aztec civilization to understand it better. In this article, ... Read More
Pages: 5       Words: 1361

Essay on Ethnography

What is ethnography ­­Ethnography is a study section of anthropology that focuses on studying individual cultures by exploring cultural observations from an academic perspective. Additionally, ethnography examines community members’ behavior to understand their interpretation of their behavior from a cultural viewpoint. In brief, the researcher conducting ethnography shifts to live with the community he/she intends ... Read More
Pages: 5       Words: 1263

Essay on Cultural Awareness

Non-verbal communication is crucial in human communication, and understanding various nonverbal communication cues can enable people to communicate effectively with each other. People must try to understand what others mean when they use various communication expressions without using words. Nonverbal communication cues include gestures, body movement, facial expressions, body language and eye contact. These can ... Read More
Pages: 7       Words: 1787

Cultural Appropriation or Can Anybody Own a Culture?

The term “cultural appropriation” describes when people of one culture use aspects of another culture. Individuals from one group may be accused of cultural appropriation if they take parts of another group’s customs and practices and use them in their own. When someone from another culture attempts to adopt parts of another culture, they may ... Read More
Pages: 7       Words: 1746

How Culture Influences Human Behavior

Culture plays a significant role in influencing how humans behave in the world. It’s like the blueprint that shapes how we think, act and interact with others. Culture can be defined as the principles, ideologies and traditions carried over from one generation to another by a group of people. It is the way of life ... Read More
Pages: 4       Words: 979

Body Rituals and the Fall of Nacirema Culture

Body Rituals among the Nacirema The Nacirema was a tribe that lived in North America. They had their language and culture. It is stated that they have Canadian Cree ancestry in their family tree. The research reveals that this community participated in cultural activities that were strong and intense and that these activities reflected the ... Read More
Pages: 5       Words: 1275

Cultural Variations Related to Death and Dying Guidelines

Death and dying are universal events that are sighted in various ways across cultural boundaries. This paper will explore the cultural variations related to death and dying guidelines associated with African American culture. It will compare the beliefs and practices of the African American culture to those of the author and examine the behaviors and ... Read More
Pages: 3       Words: 618

The Role of Religion in Shaping Cultural Change in India

India is a country of vast cultural diversity, with a vibrant and varied history, culture, and society. It is home to numerous ancient civilizations, religions, and cultural practices that have evolved and changed over time. Through the centuries, India has seen the rise and fall of several dynasties and empires, each of which has left ... Read More
Pages: 8       Words: 2014
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