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Cultural Studies Essays

A Nation-State’s Strategic Culture: Case Study of Germany and Russia

What does it mean to talk about a nation-state’s “strategic culture”? Explain the concept and its impacts, using either one country as a case study, or with a comparative study of two. Introduction In the domain of International Relations, Strategic Culture is an alternate perspective on. Since Strategic Culture is a moderately new idea, it ... Read More
Pages: 11       Words: 2781

Intercultural Frameworks and Theories

1.0 Introduction Autobiography is the resource made to inspire and motivate people to learn and reason from intercultural experiences. People can attain intercultural experiences through various things, such as visual media or in-person (Pascal, 2015 p.3). In comparison, Biography is an in-depth account of a person, including personal life events, experiences, family structure, relationship, life ... Read More
Pages: 10       Words: 2540
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El Colacho Baby Jumping Festival in Spain

El Colacho Baby Jumping Festival is an annual festive event practiced in the heart-stopping display; during this festive event, newborn babies are usually laid down on the mattresses along the street while males in certain jump over them. According to Spanish culture and practices, they typically believe that, during this ceremony, the devil usually absorbs ... Read More
Pages: 4       Words: 952

Literature Review on Sex Roles Development Across Cultures, Gender Inequality Within Those Cultures, and the Impact of Feminism on Those Cultures

Introduction Culture refers to a people’s beliefs, traditions, values, and norms. These are passed down from one generation to another (Inglehart, 2018). Within these traditions, both men and women are assigned similar or different duties depending on the community. Thus, communities end up with particular order or hierarchy. Some cultures and cultural practices are detrimental ... Read More
Pages: 15       Words: 3997

Cultural Proximity: The Case of Two Different Chinese Diasporas Combined by Taiwan’s Famous Cultural Worker

Most of scholars have found that media market regionalization acts as a crucial mediation phase between the Global/Local “Global/Local” bipolar nexus in the study of media globalization. This is what is defined as cultural globalization for network model. It breaks the America Myth as the center of cultural production (Kim, 2004). In terms of the ... Read More
Pages: 10       Words: 2671

Cross-Cultural Communications

Culture is a way an individual lives, thinks, and picks a set of beliefs, values, attitudes, and standards taught and reinforced by other members of the same group. People’s communication styles are affected by an individual’s cultural understanding of the world. From this, people words and their behavior are influence by their culture. As such, ... Read More
Pages: 3       Words: 690

British Mass Media Representations and Why They Are Problematic

In British mass media, styles that identify people as working-class are often perceived as dirty, unhygienic, and classist (Bostic, 2019). In some cases, this trend involves dividing different types of working-class clothing, which give off a dirty and unhygienic appearance. The clothes worn by hip hop subculture group members provide an example of style presenting ... Read More
Pages: 9       Words: 2221
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